Political Correctness: The Teddy Bear Massacre
Number of words: 1431 - Number of pages: 6.... harm is how PC proponents try to please everyone at the same time. The burning of the bruin was just one of many activities held during the week before the big UCLA game. The idea being that everyone could find something that they could identify with and rally around their school. If the burning was intentionally created to represent or oppress the offended students, the event would have been banned long ago. However, as Matt Hutaff stated in his editorial in the Daily Trojan:
"It’s about school pride. It’s love for the things that brought the university to where it is today. It is trad .....
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Great Gatsby 8
Number of words: 435 - Number of pages: 2.... his other dreams and goals. That is what ultimately ended their marriage.
Gatsby's goals are also based on this poem. After he had come back from the war, and found Daisy married to Tom, he dedicated his life towards his dream of having Daisy again. Everything he did from that point on was for her.
After making as much money as possible, Gatsby bought an elaborate house across the water from Daisy and Tom's dock, for the sole purpose of gazing upon the green light at the end of the dock. He through extravagant parties hoping she would someday show up. All of this is wearing the .....
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Jim As Hucks True Father
Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3.... voice, only anger. This anger is a result of Pap's alcoholism, which has a direct affect on Huck. When Pap drinks, he either physically or verbally abuses Huck. As a result of this household environment, Huck realizes he needs to escape, not just from his father, but from "sivilization".
Jim and Huck meet up and begin their adventure on Jackson's Island. Their encounter of one another is a coincidence, but Jim and Huck end up staying together for the remainder of the novel. In the beginning of their journey, the two appear to be very different. Jim, a runaway black slave, who accordi .....
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The Scarlet Letter -x
Number of words: 897 - Number of pages: 4.... "soapbox" for Hawthorne to convey to the world that the majority of Puritans were strict and unfeeling. For example, before Hester emerges from the prison she is being scorned by a group of women who feel that she deserves a larger punishment than she actually receives. Instead of only being made to stand on the scaffold and wear the scarlet letter on her chest, they suggest that she have it branded on her forehead or even be put to death. Perhaps the most important influence on the story is the author's interest in the dark side. Unlike the transcendentalists of the era, Hawthorne "conf .....
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Summary Of New-Making And Charles Shultz's Peanuts
Number of words: 369 - Number of pages: 2.... for many years. It gives inspiration to some people. Charles
Shultz uses unique analogies for everyday items that makes them easier to
associate with life. Many of his ideas, such as "The Great Pumpkin", have
become American past-times.
Charlie Brown represents the "little man" figure; a person struggling to
succeed in life. Many other comic strips have portrayed this also, but none
have lasted so long. This figure has been portrayed in musicals, movies, and
toys. Charles Shultz has put together a real artform according to his own
definition. His definition is that som .....
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A Farewell To Arms 4
Number of words: 298 - Number of pages: 2.... until he deserts the army.
Floating down the river with barely a hold on a piece of
wood his life, he abandons everything except Catherine and
lets the river take him to a new life that becomes
increasing difficult to understand.
The escape to Switzerland seemed too perfect for a book that
set a tone of ugliness in the world that was only dotted
with pure love like Henry's and Cat's and I knew the story
couldn't end with bliss in the slopes of Montreux. In a
world where the abstracts of glory, honor, and sacrifice
meant little to Frederick, his physical association .....
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Its Not Over Till Its Over
Number of words: 343 - Number of pages: 2.... few very important ones. The first is that the reader now knows that their suspicions of Molly’s close friends are correct, and that everything is not what it seems to be. Up until this point, the reader had no idea that of all people, Jenna was not only responsible for the murder of Molly’s husband, but quite possibly the murder of Molly as well. Jenna only cares enough to cover up the truth about her affair with Molly’s husband and the murder, doing whatever it takes no matter who is involved. This scene was not only dramatic, but incredibly surprising. The reader ca .....
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Frankenstein 2
Number of words: 996 - Number of pages: 4.... and hints, like, to not eat the apples from a certain tree because that would lead him to evil. Adam took this into consideration, but broke his promise and ate the apple. This is similar to Victor and the monster because, in the book, Victor represented God and the monster represented Adam. Victor like God, created human life "not following the law of nature", the difference was that the monster did not have his creator there to tell him what he should or should not do and that Adam was made with mud and the monster by chemicals and materials. Victor was a normal person and became ill aft .....
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Julius Caesar By William Shake
Number of words: 901 - Number of pages: 4.... could take place. Brutus can’t see motives that are less noble then is own, “Well, Brutus, though art noble; yet I see thy honorable mettle may be wrought from that it is disposed; therefore it is meet tat noble minds keep ever with their likes; for who so from that cannot be seduced?” Brutus makes two very grave mistakes because of his high principles, he lets Antony live and worse yet he lets him speak at the funeral of Caesar. He doesn’t stir up the emotion that the people were looking for when Antony did. But even though Brutus joined the conspirators he felt so much remorse .....
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Hedda Gabler
Number of words: 1494 - Number of pages: 6.... that is usually common to men: Tesman - "My old morning shoes. My slippers look!...I missed them dreadfully. Now you should see them, Hedda." Hedda - "No thanks, it really doesn't interest me'. In another gender role reversal, Hedda displays a financial awareness, which her husband, Jorgen does not posses. Although Brack corresponds with Tesman about his honeymoon travels, he corresponds with Hedda concerning the financial matters. This is a role that is usually reserved for men. Hedda does not only display traits, which are definitively masculine, or feminine, she also objects to and often d .....
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