John Donne
Number of words: 267 - Number of pages: 1.... such as death. He says, “To use myself in jest, Thus by feigned deaths to die.” This means that their parting will not last forever. He also compares their separation to the sun. This comparison is looked at in a sense that the sun goes down every day but comes back the next. So he saying, don’t worry I will be back soon. He later says their souls are as one, so physically their relationship could make it through the toughest of times. He also says, “But think that we are but turned aside to sleep. They who one another keep alive, ne’r parted be.” This quote means .....
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Leinigen Response
Number of words: 789 - Number of pages: 3.... the barn, house, stables, and other buildings. This ditch was made of concrete, and the inflow pipes of three great petrol tanks could easily be emptied here. If the ants had miraculously made it through the first ditch the second one could be filled with gas which was sure to stop them. This intricate defense system was thought of by Leiningen and built to stop one of the elements, ants.
This firm man stayed calm as the ants advanced toward him and his land. Leiningen used his cool brain to calm his many workers. He reassured them
that these ants could be easily defeated. The In .....
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Huckleberry Finn - Morality
Number of words: 689 - Number of pages: 3.... that Huck might tell on him for running away, but he then decides that it will be okay to tell him why he ran away from Miss Watson. Jim keeps asking Huck if he is going to tell anyone about his running away, and Huck replies "People would call me a low down abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum but that don’t make no difference I aint gonna tell"(43). Hucks response truly shows that his ignorance has no bearing over his moral kindness. When taken into consideration good morality is much more important in the long run than being the most intelligent person. After journeying .....
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Macbeth - Blood As An Image In Macbeth
Number of words: 542 - Number of pages: 2.... said THEIR daggers. She is setting up the innocent servants of the king, making it look like they committed treason. Also in this scene is the first reference of blood pertaining to guilt. MacBeth says this in Act 2, Scene 3, Line 60, "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?" This is an example of blood representing guilt, because MacBeth wishes he could just wash his guilt away.
Again, blood is referred to again when in Act 2, Scene 3, Lines 123-134 Malcolm and Donaldbain are discussing what to do and Malcolm says in Line 128, "There's daggers in men's sm .....
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Barn Burning By William Faulkn
Number of words: 2222 - Number of pages: 9.... suggests social implications. Several elements refer to this possibility. The father points out that de Spain's house is built with "nigger sweat" as well as the white sweat of the sharecropper. He seems to view himself as a victim of an unfair socio-economic system: he "burns with a ravening and jealous rage."(p.169), he is the "element of fire", the narrator speaks to "some deep mainspring" of Mr Snopes being "as the element of steel or powder spoke to other men, as one weapon for the preservation of integrity ...used with discretion."(p.166).
The father does not make any discrimination b .....
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The Fall Of The House Of Usher
Number of words: 284 - Number of pages: 2.... and the people of the house Usher are comparative to each other. As the physical house of Usher crumbles, so do the family members in turn. As each brick in the house erodes, so do the minds of the Usher family. As Roderick Usher crumbles there is a sense of approaching doom is descending upon the entire household. Both the house and the Ushers are awaiting collapse. When Roderick collapsed to the floor dead, the narrator ran from the house, as he "saw the mighty walls rushing asunder" (1405). When the Ushers deteriorated, the house did too, until they eventually fell together. The po .....
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Godlike Odysseus
Number of words: 517 - Number of pages: 2.... he, if then he takes a fish,/ Flings it aloft out of the sea/ All quivering, even so she swung them/ All quivering up to her high crag./ There she devoured them, one and all,/ Before her doorway, while they shrieked/ And still stretched out their hands to me/ In dying agony. that sight/ Was the saddest sight my eyes/ have ever seen, while through sore trials/ I wandered the sea's ways." I interpreted this like it was one of those things a person would tell and cry about, and yet another characteristic of a human.
The last of the few examples I saw Odysseus give in the Odyssey, showing ch .....
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Why Are American Afraid Of Dragons?
Number of words: 337 - Number of pages: 2.... writing is and has been proven to be the
oldest and the slowest. It is even considered sometimes the most boring form
of home entertainment. In only five hours, a telespectator can go through about
four stories while reading them would take on average four to six days. Because
it only takes a mere couple of hours to view a film on television, one is left
with more time to take care of greater responsibilities. Now, you decide
which media is more appropriate for your tight schedule.
It is true that the American population doesn't read enough, but they do use
their imaginatio .....
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Number of words: 941 - Number of pages: 4.... people turned to the church for help. Goeffery , being "the great poetical observer of men, who in every age is born to record and eternize" (Blake 51), wrote The Canterbury Tales in the late fourteenth century in England. Religion dominated this time period in history; and therefore, it played a huge role in literary work. The Tale's plot is based on a very religious practice, a pilgrimage. The narrator of the Tales starts out by saying that he is "ready to go on my pilgrimage to Canterbury with a most devout heart" ( 3). A pilgrimage is a very sacred aspect of religion. It is an act of .....
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Politics Of Western Europe: Bl
Number of words: 1788 - Number of pages: 7.... identity has caused ethnic hatred. A terror so strong and historically persistent, it has driven people to a desperate state to do anything. This is a large contributor to the reasons for the extreme violence present there today. The author states, "A Croat, thus, is someone who is not a Serb. A Serb is someone who is not a Croat." This quotation profoundly expresses the short-sighted mentality present in their conflict.
In his travels in Germany, the author points out an important question. Does the nation make the state, or the state the nation? This question by far does not stop here, e .....
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