Number of words: 2619 - Number of pages: 10.... each year suffer from depression. About one in twenty-five of these sufferers is under the age of 18, and one in seven women will experience depression in her lifetime. The illness strikes regardless of age, gender, class, culture, or ethnic background (Kim 9). The occurrence and distribution of depression in a population may be related to a variety of factors. Such factors include a wide range of possibilities such as sex, age, living in the town, living in the country, nutrition, marital status, socioeconomic background, and genetic factors (Winokur 18). “Many people who are d .....
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The Yellow Wallpaper, A Descen
Number of words: 1807 - Number of pages: 7.... refiguration of domestic spaces, and hence, domestic identity according to the narrative of repetitive work and compulsion that had once served to distinguish public life from a sentimentary understood home" [Fleissner 59].
"The Yellow Wallpaper" is a fictionalized account of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s own postpartum depression. Gilman was a social critic and feminist who wrote prolifically about the necessity of social and sexual equality, particularly about women’s need for economic independence. According to critic Valarie Gill,
"Gilman attached the nineteenth century’ .....
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Margaret Atwoods Surfacing - A
Number of words: 1827 - Number of pages: 7.... being confined in a jar.
In the novel, there are several references to jars, bottles and tin cans. These items represent methods of containing or imprisoning life : "I put the worms in a can and some dirt for them." They also represent the narrator's own emotional life which has been put into jars preventing her from being able to feel. The narrator knows that she has feelings, but the trauma of having an abortion has caused her to become extremely desensitized.
It can be deduced that the narrator has always felt trapped in places she did not want to be. On page 58, she says that Anna cou .....
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Francis Macomber In The Short
Number of words: 1237 - Number of pages: 5.... of the safari, Francis Macomber must endure the embarrassment of his own cowardliness during the hunt. He is first presented in a "mock triumph", since he had only "half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge of the camp in triumph on the arms and shoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the skinner and the porters. The gun-bearers had taken no part in the demonstration" (Stallman 89) (Hemingway 1395). This is evident that Macomber has withdrawn from his prior hunt for a lion and has already been recognized as a coward in the eyes of the gun-bearers. They do not wish .....
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Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 2312 - Number of pages: 9.... behaviour. But his experiences on the island gave him a
more realistic understanding of the cruelty possessed by some people.
The ordeals of the three boys on the island made them more aware of
the evil inside themselves and in some cases, made the false
politeness that had clothed them dissipate. However, the changes
experienced by one boy differed from those endured by another. This
is attributable to the physical and mental dissimilarities between
Jack was first described with an ugly sense of cruelty that
made him naturally unlikeable. As .....
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Brennaghs Hamlet
Number of words: 2071 - Number of pages: 8.... tremble and look pale” (1.1.53). The first viewing of the ghost causes the guards great fear. They are unsure if what they have seen is “something more than just fantasy” (1.1.54). It appears to be the body of the late King Hamlet but perhaps it could be their boggled minds. When the ghost enter a second time, they confirm that it was in fact the ghost of Hamlet. This terrifies and mystifies Bernard, Heratio, and Marcellus. The reader feels all of the emotions along with these characters, as it is expressed through the dialogue.
In Act 1 Scene 4 and 5, w .....
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A Commentary On Mans Faith And
Number of words: 1080 - Number of pages: 4.... faith in God is ill founded. J.B.’s faith in God is based on the fact that he believes God to be just, but is God really just? If he is then why does J.B. suffer so? Maybe it is just J.B.’s notion of justice that is incorrect. Bildad comments on the notion of justice, “History is justice! – Time inexorably turned to truth!… One man’s suffering won’t count, no matter what his suffering; but all will. At the end there will be justice! – Justice for All! Justice for everyone!” (MacLeish, p121). This can be taken to mean that there is no .....
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Hansel And Gretel Man Vs Women
Number of words: 1185 - Number of pages: 5.... the Sexton's fairytale children are treated much differently than the typical child is treated. All of the adults in the story treat children as though they are property. They use them for what they are good for. "Little child, Little nubkin, Sweet as fudge,You are my blitz.
I will spit on you for luck, For you are better than money" (Sexton, 101)
In this quote Sexton is saying how parents have children in order to take advantage of the benefits of having children. If you have children society treats you much differently. You are more like the typical American family. Children can be .....
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Hamlet (william Shakespeare).
Number of words: 1742 - Number of pages: 7.... the Ghost's first appearance to Hamlet, Hamlet decides that when he finds it suitable or advantageous to him, he will put on a mask of madness. He confides to Horatio that when he finds the occasion appropriate, he will "put an antic disposition on" (I.v.173). This strategy gives Hamlet a chance to find proof of Claudius's guilt and to contemplate his revenge tactic. Although he has sworn to avenge his father's murder, he is not sure of the Ghost's origins: "The spirit that I have seen / May be the devil" (II.ii.596-7). He uses his apparent madness as a delaying tactic to buy time in whic .....
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The Secret Sharer By Conrad
Number of words: 933 - Number of pages: 4.... meet "gropingly" and linger "united in a steady and motionless clasp" except the glances and hands of lovers? (Casarino 235)
Casarino seems to use the language of the story to make his point. He makes assumptions that since Conrad uses certain words than he must have meant to give an underlying meaning, a "secret" meaning that I do not see. I am not familiar with Conrad's other works, but could this just be the writing style that Conrad uses? Could the writing style and words be common for the time when the "Secret Sharer" was written? These two ideas need to be considered before we st .....
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