Waiting For Godot
Number of words: 911 - Number of pages: 4.... denial of Jesus.
Another interpretation is that Pozzo is God, and Lucky is mankind. Perhaps Pozzo is really Godot, as he was mistaken for Godot, or maybe Pozzo is just there as a deception. Lucky wants to satisfy Pozzo with menial acts of obedience (according to Pozzo's own explanation of Lucky's actions), while Pozzo seems quite apathetic to Lucky's deeds and plights. However, in the second act, Pozzo needs Lucky to exist, because Pozzo is blind. Perhaps this is similar to the theory that God would not exist if man did not believe in Him.
Pozzo and Lucky are easily compared as the opp .....
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Herman Hesses Demian
Number of words: 3530 - Number of pages: 13.... makes up a story in which he and another unnamed accomplice stole a bag of apples from a fellow neighbor. Although the story is untrue, Kromer threatens Sinclair with exposure if Sinclair does not pay him off. Unable to pay the full amount, Sinclair is forced to become Kromer’s slave, ultimately sending Sinclair into depression and paranoia. Sinclair feels trapped by Kromer, forced to live within the “forbidden realm”, which in turn exiles him from the “world of light” because he has defiled himself by lying and committing sinful acts for Kromer. This experience .....
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Dead Boy, By John Ransom
Number of words: 560 - Number of pages: 3.... for the simple fact that this shows how much of the town, city, world is affected by one child's death.
This next paragraph is by far the harshest. The voices are that of the town's people who say this child was helpless. His death was felt as the only alternative to some. He was called "a black cloud full of storms too hot for keeping". Just as in Mother Nature the people felt that this child could not be controlled. The following line however is one of the most emotional. It talks of how his mother still weeps for her dead child. This is a reaction of any mother who cared fo .....
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A Critical Analysis Of Oz
Number of words: 1678 - Number of pages: 7.... within the prison according to McManus' idea. The population is supposed to reflect real prisons with 70% of inmates who are colored. There is one character that represents the predominantly white-collar viewer, Tobias Beecher, an attorney who is serving a sentence for vehicular manslaughter. He involuntarily hit and killed a young girl on a bicycle. He is in the "others" grouping. Our reactions to what is going on inside of Oz mirrors his. As the setting and the characters should imply, "Oz" is, on the surface, about the struggles amongst men inside a prison that has representatio .....
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Two Characters Add Mystery In
Number of words: 1048 - Number of pages: 4.... ii, l 1-2). Although unsure of whether the tempest is actually an act of Prospero, Miranda knowing only what her father is capable of naturally assumes that the storm is his doing. By being on the island for most of her life Prospero is all that is known to her, because, of this she is curious of why he wishes to bring harm to others. The mysteriousness of what is this island stand for becomes alive for Miranda as her love for Ferdinand grows. All of her life the island has brought her nothing but loneness, however, now as she has learned all that there is to know the island has brought h .....
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A Separate Peace - Phineas And Gene
Number of words: 2005 - Number of pages: 8.... His first impression of him was as a bully, therefore, we think that Gene is afraid of him, which would make him insecure. Another example of Gene's insecurity occurs just after Gene and Phineas meet. "That first day, standing in our comfortless room amid his clothes, he began to talk and I began to listen."(100) This quotation shows that Gene was too afraid to say what he wanted. He did not have enough courage even to interject when Phineas was talking. This shows that Gene was insecure about his ideas and point of view.
Throughout the story we also see Gene to be very envious of Phine .....
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Social Control
Number of words: 715 - Number of pages: 3.... prison system (versus the stocks, and scaffolds) are technologies that
are typical of the modern, painless, friendly, and impersonal coercive
tools of the modern world. In fact the success of these technologies
stems from their ability to appear unobtrusive and humane. These
prisons Foucault goes on to explain like many institutions in post
1700th century society isolate those that society deems abnormal.
This isolation seeks to attack the souls of people in order to
dominate them similar to how the torture and brutality of pre-1700th
century society sought to dominat .....
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Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3.... sympathy for an impoverished Eliza, but also presents her insecurity to us. In the scene with the taxi-man, she appears significantly defensive in her response concerning the cost of the cab ride. Eliza feels humiliated by the taxi-man’s sarcastic response to her. From the start of Higgins and Eliza’s relationship, Eliza is treated like a child. Higgins says to her, "If your naughty and idle you will sleep in the back kitchen among the black beetles, and be walloped by Mrs. Pearce with a broomstick." (p. 36) Higgins treats her like this for months until the audience me .....
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Charles Dickens Hard Times And
Number of words: 2252 - Number of pages: 9.... this period. Although, you can not discuss labor relations without bringing focus upon the class society of Victorian England during this period. I will use the Norton Critical Edition of Hard Times, the Sources of the Western Tradition, and the Communist Manifesto to support my analytical interpretation of Charles Dickens Hard Times.
During this period Dickens wrote for a weekly publication called Household Words, each issue dealt with a different social problem of the period. Hard Times began as a serialization in this weekly publication. In Hard Times Dickens writes about the horrors o .....
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Essay Analyzing The Biographic
Number of words: 1630 - Number of pages: 6.... He is the narrator, “an undisguised invention of the play. He takes whatever license with dramatic convention as is convenient to his purposes” (1147).
“I am the narrator of the play, and also a character in it. The other characters are my mother, Amanda, my sister, Laura” (1147). Because Tom is the narrator, and the narrator is the one who tells the story, we can decide already that he stands for Tennessee Williams, who wrote the play and tells the story through Tom. Also for the same reason, Amanda is Williams’ mother Edwina Williams and Laura is his siste .....
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