Red Badge Of Courage: Summary And Character Analysis
Number of words: 1081 - Number of pages: 4.... be like to fight in those glorious battles. He didn't want to stay on the farm with nothing to do, so he made his final decision to enlist.
After enlisting he finds himself in a similar situation, with nothing to do. While there he becomes friends with two other soldiers, John Wilson, "the loud soldier / "the friend" and Jim Conklin, "the tall soldier". Wilson was a loud spoken and obnoxious soldier who becomes one of Henry's best friends. Jim was a tall soldier and was a childhood friend of Henry's. He was always calm and matter-of-fact like. He also loves pork sandwiches as that is all .....
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Moby Dick
Number of words: 1521 - Number of pages: 6.... ethnicity, as well as on personal values.
It is obvious that whatever "" is, it is not a mere adventure story. It is a representation, but even more importantly, - a challenge to American virtues and ideas. In chapter 35 we encounter a scene where Starbuck, the first mate, learns of Ahab's intent to pursue the White Whale to satisfy his lust for vengeance. Starbuck's reaction to this turn of events is to question his captain's motives and protest. For his purpose of the journey is to make money. To Starbuck whaling is a mean of income and anything else is madness. A born and bred Nantuckete .....
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How Do The Attitudes To Love E
Number of words: 1328 - Number of pages: 5.... the speaker, created by Marvell, is trying to get his girlfriend into bed by saying that if they had all the time in the world they could spend a lot of time together and he would really take his time over her, worshipping her as if she were sacred:
“An hundred years should go to praise
thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze.
Two hundred to adore each Breast:
but thirty thousand to the rest.”
Marvell clearly exaggerates the time into years, which adds .....
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Macbeth-tragic Hero
Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3.... by his wife and that she toyed him around using his only weakness- his vaulting ambition. As Schucking talks about Shakespeare's tragic heroes:
He creates a hero such as Macbeth, who is a moral coward
and for a while a henpecked husband, who in critical moments
is rebuked like a schoolboy by his wife and who, on the other
hand, proves himself a lion on the battle field.
(p.95, The character of the Elizabethan Tragic Hero)
Macbeth's vulnerability to the witches is caused by his corrupt desire, which moves him to take a false step. Macbeth is aware that the deed he contempl .....
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Contrast In Do Not Weep, Maide
Number of words: 410 - Number of pages: 2.... "war is kind" is mentioned several times throught out the poem, which is not what most people would use to describe the war. That is probably the reason that the certain phrase was used. By saying that war is kind, it made the reader think, really think, about why would Crane use that phrase about the war. The reader then would figure out that the war wasn't kind, and think of reasons why it wasn't kind. That wouldn't have happened if Crane had stated that the war is not kind in the first place. By using a phrase that isn't usually one that describes the war, it involves a deeper level o .....
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Do What You Want, Just As Long As They Say So
Number of words: 787 - Number of pages: 3.... our entire lives.
Americans are stubborn people. We have been given a world to live in, where by law, no one is oppressed or forced to do anything. But given even this amount of liberty, too many of us feel it isn’t enough. They constantly search for the loopholes, the ways to make there lives customized because what America sees as unfit for our culture, others may want to try to change. Let us take a simple example to examine. We are free to drive wherever we choose, but under certain speed restrictions, and traffic laws. Yet people day in and day out break these rules. Obviousl .....
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Old Man And The Sea Summary
Number of words: 1853 - Number of pages: 7.... fishing some time.
After visiting one particular afternoon, the boy left Santiago, who fell asleep.
Lions immediately filled his dreams. As a boy he had sailed to Africa and had
seen lions on the beaches. Now, as an old man, he constantly dreamed of the
great and noble beasts.
He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of Great occurrences, nor
of great fish, nor fights nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. He only
dreamed of places now and of the lion .....
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I Know WhyThe Caged Bird Sings
Number of words: 1369 - Number of pages: 5.... § I predict that Maya will finally fully overcome her rape and live a better life. § I liked the way the writer put a lot of emotions into her writing because it tells a lot about the character and how the character feels. § I didn't like that Marguerite and Bailey were sent to Momma's because their parents couldn't take care of them because children should feel loved and wanted by their parents and a real family should stick together through thick and thin no matter what. § If I wrote this book I would change the way that Bailey became distant from Maya because they had such a special b .....
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Ethan Frome 3
Number of words: 803 - Number of pages: 3.... town saying, ‘The winter morning was clear as a crystal. The sunrise burned red in a pure sky, the shadows on the rim of the wood-lot were darkly blue, and beyond the white scintillating fields of far-off forest hung like smoke.’(pg.41) It also seems that whenever Mattie is around, Ethan’s view of the world improves. This is shown on his walk home from the church social with Mattie when the narration states, ‘The night was so still that they heard the frozen snow crackle beneath their feet. The crash of a loaded branch falling far off in the woods reverberat .....
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Hills Like White Elephants
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... she is an immature character. Her point of view is that she will do what it takes to please the man. She is nervous but is in denial; she tries to reassure herself. She feels the man’s distance from her and tries to draw him back in to her world.
The setting was very important in "" and contained a lot of symbolism. One of the first comments the girl made was that the hills were "lovely", and "looked like white elephants". The hills symbolized the big obstacle the couple had to overcome in their relationship. Hemingway often mentioned the bead curtain between the couple and the work .....
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