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Term Papers on English

Color Purple 2
Number of words: 1154 - Number of pages: 5

.... because her father raped her and got her pregnant. This brought a lot of pain and emotional downfall but in spite of this with a great help of her younger sister Nettie, Celie tried her best to learn what she missed in school. It was very important for her, because she realized that knowledge is one of the ways to become strong and to improve in life. “ Us both be hitting Nettie’s schoolbooks pretty hard, cause us know we got to be smart to git away. I know I’m not as smart or as pretty as Nettie but she say I ain’t dumb.” (Page 10). In spite of the physica .....

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Beowulf As A Hero
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3

.... depths of the ocean. Beowulf is even strong enough to kill the monster Grendel, who has been terrorizing the Danes for twelve years, with his bare hands by ripping off his arm Another heroic trait of Beowulf is his ability to put his peoples welfare before his own. This is because of his strong belief in fate. If he dies in battle it’s because it is his destiny to do so. "Fate will unwind as it must! (189)" He realizes the dangers but fears nothing for his own life. This is what I believe makes Beowulf a true hero. This is where all the super-men, batmen and other such characters come fr .....

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The Death Ivan Ilyich
Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3

.... at home. They never got divorced but he did have affairs. When death is upon Ivan his wife pays very little attention to him when he needs it the most. She remembers all the things he did to her when she was pregnant. Not only did his wife turned her back on him, his whole family did except his son. His family felt that he was not there when they needed him, so they are going to do the dame thing to him. It is sad that he could not be there for his wife so she could have been there for him. She really doesn’t care about him that much because if she really loved him she would h .....

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Number of words: 1272 - Number of pages: 5

.... to look at oneself in the mirror, and that it's forbidden for a woman to look at her own image. "Life had taught her to think of herself as a very homely person, yet something in her refused to believe that entirely, would not be convinced by any amount of logical evidence. So each night she would wonder what she looked like"(Pg.36). She knew what she really looked like, but her conscious was telling her different. It was like she had something in her that was really setting her apart from her family and friends. Even in her mid-twenties she was still treated unfairly. Her mother looked .....

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Beowulf - Christianity Vs. Pag
Number of words: 1166 - Number of pages: 5

.... Grendel's mother. When Beowulf enters the water, he swims, without the use of oxygen, downward for an entire day before he sees the bottom. During the battle with Grendel's mother, Beowulf realizes that Unferth's sword is useless against the monster’s thick skin. He grabs an enormous sword made by giants, almost too heavy to hold, and slashes through the monster's body. This superhero strength continues into the battle with the dragon. By this time Beowulf is an old man. He decides that he must avenge his people and fight the dragon. Although Beowulf is fatally wounded himself, he still .....

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The Use Of Symbolism In The On
Number of words: 887 - Number of pages: 4

.... mass of festered sores, as it sits in its own excrement continually." (Le Guin, p. 258) Furthermore, the reader also becomes aware of the filthy, unsanitary surroundings that the child is subjected to. (Le Guin, p. 259) After being given such a detailed description of the child, as well as his/her environment, feelings of pity, and disgust enter the readers mind. Moreover, when the reader realizes that it is because of this appalling child that the citizens of Omelas receive their happiness, and that the sole reason for this child's existence is only because he/she is used .....

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Richard III
Number of words: 1037 - Number of pages: 4

.... be intelligent and organized; a villain must know exactly what he has to do, when he has to do it and how he is going to do it. A villain must also be manipulative and persuasive so that if he is accused of a crime or if he finds himself between a rock and a hard place he is able to talk his way out or convince people that he did not commit the crimes in question. A villain must also have scapegoats to use if he is discovered or if he is in a dangerous situation. Richard devised a brutal stratagem to ascend the English throne. Brilliantly, he executed his plan. Heartlessly, he executed family .....

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The Awakening 6
Number of words: 791 - Number of pages: 3

.... Edna had been with Robert, she felt like she had found true and passionate love, but she had not. Robert was like Leonce. Robert speaks of her being "set free and given to her" and she realizes that Robert also viewed women as possessions. This was a trouble that she could not get away from. Robert loved her, but the way that he thought was still being controlled by the society and time that they lived in. Edna realizes that her loving and lusty relationship with Robert would still be repressed by the society that they were in. That is not what Edna wanted. She could not hold back her .....

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A Good Man Is Hard To Find And Gorilla, My Love: Family And Traditions
Number of words: 522 - Number of pages: 2

.... fire caused the theatre to be closed for a week. Hazel figures she was even with the manger now. Hazel’s father found out that it she who set the fire. She had to explain. Her explanation was as simple as the beliefs of a child. Hazel states that “if you say Gorilla, My Love, you suppose to mean it.” She expected to see a gorilla in the movie. She relays her reasoning to her father with examples of sticking to your word. If father says he is going to do something, the kids expect that he would do it. This to say that in this story Hazel expresses how children interprets thing .....

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Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 1466 - Number of pages: 6

.... Allan moved his family to England. While there, Poe was sent to private schools (Asselineau 410). In the spring of 1826, Poe entered the University of Virginia. There he studied Spanish, French, Italian, and Latin. He had an excellent scholastic record. He got into difficulties almost at once. Mr. Allan did not provide him with the money to pay for his fees and other necessities. Poe was confused and homesick. He learned to play cards and started drinking. Soon he was in debt in excess of two thousand dollars. Poe discovered that he could not depend upon Allan for financial support. His foste .....

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