To Kill A Mockingbird 2
Number of words: 2347 - Number of pages: 9.... is just a "sorry nigger," who committed an unthinkable crime. Tom represents the black race in American society. He is a victim of racism, which was the major controversy in the culture at the time. Like Boo Radley, Tom Robinson is characterized by what the people of Maycomb County say about him and the way they see him. . The victors (the Ewells), begin the game with the false accusation of rape against Tom, only to stop the reputation Mayella would gain if people know that she has flirted with a black man After being accused of rape, most of the people see him as an evil beast. For Example .....
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The Allegory Of The Cave
Number of words: 687 - Number of pages: 3.... dialectic reasoning and open-mindedness. Humans had to travel from where there are images and objects of sense to the lucid or invisible realm of reasoning and understanding. "" symbolizes this journey and how it would look to those still in a lower place. Plato is saying that humans are all prisoners and that the world is our cave. The things which we perceive as real are actually just shadows on a wall. Just as the escaped prisoner ascends into the light of the sun, we accumulate knowledge and ascend into the light of true reality, which symbolizes ideas in the mind. Yet, if someone goes in .....
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The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 481 - Number of pages: 2.... be the "good guy," or girl, as the case may be. Also the
townspeople, the magistrates, and Chillingworth, Hester's
true husband, can be seen in both lights. Either they can
be perceived as just upholding the law -she committed a
crime, they enforce the law. On the other hand are they
going to extreme measures such as wanting to take Pearl,
Hester's daughter, away just because Hester has deviated
from the norm, all to enforce an unjust law that does not
even apply to this situation?
Although the subjects of the novel do apply to
important issues i .....
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The Yellow Wallpaper 3
Number of words: 352 - Number of pages: 2.... pattern.” Jane knows that she is the only
one who can see the woman and, therefore, the woman’s only chance of freedom.
Slowly detaching from reality, Jane becomes the woman within the paper not only because of her obsession with it, but because of its parallel to her own life. In her final step toward insanity, she tears the paper off the walls to release the woman and herself. When her husband finds her, with the wallpaper and her sanity about her feet, she forcefully exclaims, “I’ve got out at spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled .....
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East Of Eden
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3.... small
chin to make her face look heart shaped. According to the town Cathy
lived, Cathy had a scent of sweetness, but that is just what Cathy
the town to see and think when Cathy planned her kill. On page
114-115, "The fire broke out... the Ames house went up like a
rocket... Enough remained of Mr. and Mrs. Ames to make sure there were
two bodies." Cathy had set the house on fire and broke into the safe
to steal the family's money. As the investigators scoped the place,
they noticed that the bolts stuck out and there were no keys left in
the locks. They knew .....
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Our Town
Number of words: 712 - Number of pages: 3.... years ago. As we are about to take a long leap into the future we are forced, not only to look ahead to what we might become, but also to turn and look back at what allowed us to arrive at this threshold of the new millennium. The characters in tell us what they knew of life; its pain and hope, its simplicity and truth. What they say is what they believe and are. I feel that Thornton Wilder believed that life was meaningful only when lived with full awareness of the value of the present moment.
Thornton Wilder said that was not supposed to be a speculation about the conditions of .....
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Hamlet - Act 1 Summary
Number of words: 326 - Number of pages: 2.... point, I must avenge my father.
I am starting to plot how I will kill Claudius in my mind. I am not sure whether to make him suffer or just kind of blast him. My fathers' spirit has told me to leave my mother, Gertrude, to suffer until she dies. I sure hope that is a LONG time. She has helped to ruin the time that should be fun by allowing for my fathers death and remarriing so soon. I SHOULD be inhereting the throne. But no, my uncle is the new king and I must wait until he dies. Well, that won't be to long .
I shall slay Claudius soon, avenging my father and me! .....
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Our Town Analysis
Number of words: 700 - Number of pages: 3.... late.
Near the end of the story, the deceased townspeople are stationed on chairs downstage, to imitate graves. They are still able to talk, yet only in a lackadaisical tone. They provide the audience, at the end, with a sense of guilt or loss. The fact that the people of Grover’s Corners did not realize the importance of life until it was gone, makes the audience feel as if they should be getting more out of their lives. Wilder so precisely portrays the idea, that the audience is left wondering if they too, like the people of Grover’s Corners, are not living life to the ful .....
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The Odyssey Report
Number of words: 1354 - Number of pages: 5.... must be a good guest especially to
give them shelter during a wedding. Menelaos also does not pressure Telemachos
into answering any questions before he eats and enjoys the festivities; nor does
he give any indication that he wants Telemachos to leave. He says "stay here in
my mansion for ten or twelve days and then I will give you a good send off and a
handsome gift, three horses and a chariot: I will give you a fine chalice too,
that when you pour your drop to the immortal gods you may think of me all your
days". This statement shows that not only does he wish Telemachos to stay bu .....
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Frankenstein - Morality
Number of words: 773 - Number of pages: 3.... possibly twice the evil, which could hurt or kill his family. When and if Frankenstein commits the moral sin of creating another monster he may be rid of both monsters forever. "With the companion you bestow I will quit the neighbourhood of man,"(pg 142) promises the morally corrupt monster to the doctor upon the completion of his partner. When the doctor, if and when he, finished his first creation's mate there is a chance that the monsters will not keep their promise and stay in Europe envoking fear into townfolk.
The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of .....
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