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Term Papers on English

In Cold Blood
Number of words: 1672 - Number of pages: 7

.... writers concern themselves. The setting of "" matters very much to the symbolism of the plot. The novel begins on the day that the murders take place. The Clutter family is going about their daily chores. Nancy, the town sweetheart, is contemplating about how she is to get all of her chores finished. Her father, brother, and mother are carrying on as they usually would on a Saturday morning. They are an extremely happy family that holds grudges with no one. Capote introduces the audience to the family on a personal level. Just outside of the small town of Holcomb, Ka .....

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Street Car Named Desire - Brut
Number of words: 689 - Number of pages: 3

.... to turn it off. Blanche refuses and so Stanley gets up himself and turns it off himself. When Stanley’s friend, Mitch, drops out of the game to talk to Blanche, Stanley gets upset and heeven gets more upset when Blanche flicks on the radio. Due to the music being on, Stanley, in a rage, stalks in the room and grabs the radio and throws it out the window. His friends immediately jump up, and then they drag him to the shower to try to sober him up. This is the first example of Stanley’s rage and brutality. Not only does throwing the radio out the window represent an impure demeanor, but .....

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Lord Of The Flies 2 -
Number of words: 1045 - Number of pages: 4

.... despite the strong sense of British character and civility that has been instilled in the youth throughout their lives, the boys have backpedaled and shown the underlying savage side existent in all humans. "Golding senses that institutions and order imposed from without are temporary, but man's irrationality and urge for destruction are enduring" (Riley 1: 119). The novel shows the reader how easy it is to revert back to the evil nature inherent in man. If a group of well-conditioned school boys can ultimately wind up committing various extreme travesties, one ca .....

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Mastery Of Epigram And The Aud
Number of words: 2064 - Number of pages: 8

.... include slapstick. An epigram is "a brief witty saying". ... Could also group by subject : wordplay, truth, love/marriage, diary, death, education, illness, Society, ... (Maybe too many groups this way, could perhaps cut them down). Examples: too many: to be winnowed: Play on words: Title: The Importance of Being Earnest I.5:5 Algernon: "As far as the piano is concerned, sentiment is my forte." (Play on the word pianoforte.) I.12:161 Algernon:"You look as if your name was Ernest. You are the most earnest looking person I ever saw in my life." (Play on Ernest and earnest) .....

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A World Without Freedom
Number of words: 451 - Number of pages: 2

.... control and punished if I tried to speak. Finally, my blindfolded eyes signify that in I would be forced to look through the eyes of others rather than my own. This means that I must accept other’s opinions even if I do not agree with them because not having freedom means that I am not entitled to my own opinions. As a result, without freedom I would not be in the position where I am now. Instead I would be nonexistent with no identity because there would be no freedom to help me become the person I choose to be. With no freedom and no identity, there would be no reason for me to si .....

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William Shakespeare’s Sonnet,
Number of words: 1097 - Number of pages: 4

.... as he use to be and ageing has left him feeling like he has lost the power to write. By focusing on the fact that ageing is a slow and discouraging process he is building on the hopes that someone will feel sorry for him and acknowledge the fact that he may die soon. In me thou see’st the twilight of such day As after sunset fadeth in the west, Which by and by black night doth take away, Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest. The second quatrain is focusing on twilight and the metaphors adjoining death. This is the time between night and day symbolizing life and death, he is .....

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The Little Prince
Number of words: 784 - Number of pages: 3

.... the story about drawings of closed and open boa constrictors. Later, he relates a story about the Turkish astronomer who discovers 's home, Asteroid B-612. When he presents his findings to the International Congress of Astronomy, dressed in his comical Turkish outfit, he is not believed . Because adults never look inside, they will never know themselves or others. All his life, has thought that grown-ups care only about insignificant matters, such as golf and neckties, and are very dull when talking about important matters. He has never met anyone whom he could talk to about what is really .....

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Lady Macbeth 2
Number of words: 674 - Number of pages: 3

.... because first she is asking to be filled with the darkness of hell and then says later in the play that hell is murky. These two quotes show that she had asked to be filled with hell and then later after committing these sinful actions she describes hell as being dark and unclear. (2.2.82-83) Here in this scene Lady Macbeth is talking to Macbeth about the murdering of Duncan. Macbeth’s hands were red with blood from killing Duncan and Lady Macbeth says “My hands are of your color, but I shame To wear a heart so white.” This quote means that she is in the middle of t .....

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The Odyssey
Number of words: 859 - Number of pages: 4

.... he has safely left the shores by saying, “Puny, am I, in a Caveman’s hands? How so you like the beating that we gave you, you damn cannibal?” (Ody IX 520) Since the Cyclopes is Poseidon’s son and Odysseus shows hubris about hurting him, Poseidon hate for Odysseus grows. This provokes Poseidon to not let Odysseus and his crew from returning home at all. Odysseus then, begins to learn that hubris only gets him disliked by the gods even more when his companions dies from Poseidon’s curse. Odysseus begins to mature to be more humble and thankful for the leadership and luck that the .....

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The Yellow Wall-paper
Number of words: 989 - Number of pages: 4

.... her husband and brother. "You see, he does not believe I am sick! And what can one do? If a physician of high standing, and one's own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression -- a slight hysterical tendency -- what is one to do?" (160) These two men -- both doctors -- seem completely unable to admit that there might be more to her condition than just stress and a slight nervous condition. Even when a summer in the country and weeks of bed-rest don't help, her husband refuses to accept that she may have a real .....

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