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Term Papers on English

Samson Agonistes Dealing With
Number of words: 2100 - Number of pages: 8

.... a life of such heroic activity Samson begins to question why him. His thoughts swarm upon him like a deadly swarm of hornets armed, no sooner found alone, but rush upon him thronging, and present times past, what he once was, and what he is now. He is really struggling with his current life wanting to know why his breeding was ordered as a person separate to God. Samson lays all the blame on himself saying how impotent his mind was in a body so strong. God gave him the strength to show everyone but the gift was so slight he hung it in his hair. After debating with himself about his lif .....

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Sons And Lovers Eaxamine The R
Number of words: 1795 - Number of pages: 7

.... attentive to her’ is the way their attachment is described; their bond is very strong and very deep. As Paul grew older she never suffered alone for her husband’s faults and what she lacked in life because ‘her children suffered with her’. ‘It hurt the boy keenly, this feeling about her, that she had never had her life’s fulfilment’ so much so that it became his ‘childish aim’ to provide it. When he began to work ‘it was almost as if it were her own life’. ‘Paul almost hated his mother’ for this suffering wh .....

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Freedom Bound
Number of words: 315 - Number of pages: 2

.... He incorporates all the pivotal and influencial civil rights organizations of the time, inlcuding the NAACP, CORE, SNCC and SCLC, and details their actions in moving toward racial equality. He also enlists personal accounts from those involved with the movement, incluing highly-regarded leaders and student protesters, to add a more intimate perspective to the movement. Through this, he successfully demonstrates that the civil rights movement was not simply an event in our nation's history, but rather, a movement comprised of many different people with many different backgrounds, all work .....

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A Man For All Seasons (A Man C
Number of words: 215 - Number of pages: 1

.... his last chance to choose between God and King, and More does choose God above all, "To what purpose? I am a dead man. (To Cromwell.) You have your desire of me. What you have hunted me for is not my actions, but the thoughts of my heart. It is a long road you have opened. For first men will disclaim there hearts and presently they will have no hearts. God help the people whose Statesmen walk your road."(Bolt, 95). It is evident that in the play A Man For All Seasons by Robert Bolt the characters in focus, The Common Man serve's but one master himself. And Sir Thomas More who at .....

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Jack London 3
Number of words: 1002 - Number of pages: 4

.... gold rush or 1898, returning to San Francisco penniless, but with a wealth of memories which provided the raw material for his first stories. Jack London fought his way up out of the factories and waterfront dives of West Oakland to become the highest paid, most popular novelist and short story writer of his day. He wrote passionately and prolifically about the great questions of life and death, the struggle to survive with dignity and integrity, and he wove the elemental ideas into stories of high adventure based on his own writing appealed not to the few, but to millions of people all .....

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The House On Bluestone Road
Number of words: 552 - Number of pages: 3

.... girl sleeping on the stump looked very tired and in need of help. When Sethe asks the girl what her name is, she replies by saying it is Beloved. This comes as great shock, because that is what Sethe had wrote on her dead child’s tombstone. Beloved soon ends up staying with the family for months. Mysteriously Paul D leaves the house. Beloved becomes strongly attached to Sethe. Soon peculiar things start to occur. Things such as Beloved humming the exact tune that Sethe made up and had sung to her children and only they knew it. Things such as Beloved asking Sethe about her earings .....

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On Revenge And Medea
Number of words: 1063 - Number of pages: 4

.... the beliefs of Bacon expressed in "On Revenge" fulfill the traits of characters such as Medea, they neglect the human thrive for meaningless vengeance in characters such as Shakespeare’s Iago. Euripides’s Medea uses the theme of the search for revenge in order to instigate the downfalls and deaths of many characters. This theme is expressed through the character of Medea, who fits directly into the mold laid out in the guidelines of "Of Revenge". Medea’s search for revenge commences after her husband, the famous Greek hero Jason, leaves her for the power and prestige of the daughter .....

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My Last Duchess 2
Number of words: 485 - Number of pages: 2

.... received “much the same smile” as the duke (line 44). The duke expected to be the only man to receive a smile from his wife. Another aspect of the duke’s character addressed in the poem is his condescending attitude. Two times in the poem the duke needlessly told the names of the artists who created the masterpieces that he owned (lines 3 & 56). He felt superiority over the emissary he was speaking to by dropping these names. The duke addressed the emissary as a “never read stranger” (line 6). Not only was it patronizing for the duke to call him a s .....

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Ts Eliot Mood And Theme
Number of words: 1217 - Number of pages: 5

.... Prufrock aware of the shallowness of the society to which he conforms. 26 There will be time, there will be time 27 To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet. Prufrock observes his society’s ability to totally disregard any question of substance, that is, the “overwhelming” questions. Yet despite his observations Prufrock is not prepared to confront his society, more importantly, himself. In deeper tragedy Prufrock is defeated by his knowledge of his inadequacies and states quite sincerely, “And in short, I was afraid” Two of the minor themes of ‘Th .....

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Educating Rita
Number of words: 2087 - Number of pages: 8

.... Frank asks, "What can I teach you?" and Rita replies, "Everything." Later on she seems to think that she has acquired and learnt everything. "I've got what you got Frank, and you don't like it." At the beginning he finds himself faced with an unexpectedly fresh and uncluttered mind. Rita tests Frank's intellectual talents to the full, by requiring constant justification and explanation of statements that would usually be taken for granted and accepted in a conversation between a student and a tutor. Frank is intrigued by her freshness in Act One Scene One showing that what Rita possesse .....

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