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Term Papers on English

Upton Sinclair, Jr. And The Ju
Number of words: 927 - Number of pages: 4

.... and Navy Weekly. What turned Sinclair to more serious literature was an traumatic religious experience. From his friendship with a young minister, Sinclair got a devotion to moral and social justice. The Reverend, W. W. Moir took the Gospels so seriously that he taught his students that a rich man had no chance of going to Heaven. When he gave Sinclair some works to read, Sinclair found them so contradictory to Moir's teachings, he lost faith in orthodox religion, but for the rest of his life he did believe in the moral teachings of Jesus. From that point on his writing became highly ser .....

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Is Jesus A Socialist - The Jun
Number of words: 927 - Number of pages: 4

.... with their wealth, which blocked their relationship with God. For example, in Luke 16:19-31 there is a story about a rich man and Lazarus, a beggar covered with boils. The rich man did not help Lazarus one bit, even though Lazarus’s condition was so bad, being covered in sores, that “even the dogs came and licked his sores” (Luke 16:21). The rich man daily “was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day” (Luke 16:19), but would not spare some food for Lazarus who “[longed] to eat what fell from the rich man’s table” (Luke 16:21). Eventually both Lazar .....

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Heilner's "Beneath The Wheel" And Me
Number of words: 796 - Number of pages: 3

.... I was heading out for Ms. Henyon's math class. I saw up ahead of me, Chris frantically flipping through his Algebraic Concepts text book. I approached Chris and asked: "Did we have any homework we were supposed to do?" "All we had to do was study for the test today," Chris replied. As usual, I had forgotten another quiz; either that I had chosen to neglect it. Whichever it was, I never study for tests and quizzes. "Yeah, I've been studying for it all period. I studied last night too, so I should be pretty good," Chris added. "Oh, well that's a surprise; guess it slipped my mind," I .....

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The Haunted House
Number of words: 1376 - Number of pages: 6

.... my mom?" The two boys looked all over and still they couldn't find Joe's Mom. They were beginning to get worried when they discovered a hole in the wall. Joe looked inside and screamed in horror because what he saw was a ghost and it was eating his mom! As much as they wanted to save Joe’s mother from becoming an hourdouirve, there wasn't much that they were going to do about it but run. So they ran outside and confronted another ghost in a tree and then they looked over and saw a vampire sitting on top of an old beat up Ford. The two boys ran as fast as they could. As they were r .....

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To Build A Fire: Man's Intelligence Is Foolish
Number of words: 420 - Number of pages: 2

.... goes along, but more than ever he pushes on. Several times he comments that the cold is making his hands and feet numbed, and frostbite is killing his cheeks. He thinks "What were frosted cheek? A bit painful, that was all. . ." (120). Again he chose to ignore an instinct that would have saved him. The dog, on the other hand, although guided by his learned behavior still retains his instincts. The dog follows the man throughout his ill faded journey, but after the man perishes he relies upon his instincts to survive. This is witnessed in the last paragraph by the statement "Then it tu .....

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The Tempest 3
Number of words: 1558 - Number of pages: 6

.... control, desiring a liberty that would ironically reduce him to nothingness, dispersing him into thin air. Caliban, the son of the evil witch Sycorax, is the perfect brute, who would be petted and patted, given food and drink, and taught to speak. Caliban learns language only to turn it against itself. He becomes vindictive and rewards his master’s, Prospero, efforts with curses. His developed consciousness leads him into deeper enslavement, inducing him to overeach his limits by attempting to murder his lord. Earlier, he became rebellious and attempted to "violate" his maste .....

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Choices And Consequences In Fr
Number of words: 677 - Number of pages: 3

.... encounters. In an attempt to make a decision, the traveler "looks down one as far as I could." The road that will be chosen leads to the unknown, as does any choice in life. As much as he may strain his eyes to see how far the road stretches, eventually it surpasses his vision and he can never see where it is going to lead. It is the path that he chooses that sets him off on his journey and determines where he is going and what he will encounter. In the second stanza, Frost lets the reader know that the traveler has chosen to take the path less traveled by: "Then took the other, just a .....

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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 1398 - Number of pages: 6

.... as her elder sister Jane, but he declines because he doesn't find her beautiful enough. Within the next days Mr. Bingley and his party visit the Bennets who soon return the visit. Mr. Bingley still admires Jane and she is very much love with him. Elizabeth and her friend Charlotte discuss how Jane should behave towards Mr. Bingley. While Elizabeth thinks that she should act in a natural way, Charlotte has the opinion that a woman has to act purposefully in order marry well. Mr. Darcy's opinion on Elizabeth changes. He now considers her to be beautiful. On the next ball he tries to f .....

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Narrative Structure On ABSALOM
Number of words: 2572 - Number of pages: 10

.... in a bombastic and learned language with a passionate immersion in the past. It was set from the 1820s until around 1910 at Harvard, Yale, and Oxford in Mississippi, New Orleans, Virginia, and Haiti. This novel is also the sixth of Faulkner's novels set in the imaginary Yoknapatawpha County, and is considered by many to partly be a sequel to The Sound and the Fury. Although these two novels may be related, they do not rely on each other. However, some concerns that appear in The Sound and the Fury are echoed in Absalom, Absalom! An important part of the novel's history involves th .....

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When Irony Becomes Cynicism
Number of words: 886 - Number of pages: 4

.... society cynical. This negative view comes across to the reader through sentences such as the following, after Gordon has explained the technical meaning of irony, "In today’s context, irony is a sensibility that values cleverness and style above passion and commitment. It attacks bad taste by seeming to celebrate it. It mocks devotion to important causes by feigning devotion to trivial causes… Which makes it sound pretty awful, and it can be." After the first few paragraphs in his essay, it becomes clear which side Gordon is on. However, he does show that he is not totally putt .....

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