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Term Papers on English

Pride And Prejudice - Point Of View
Number of words: 1379 - Number of pages: 6

.... observes about Bingley’s affection for Jane, "I never saw a more promising inclination. He was growing quite inattentive to other people, and wholly engrossed by her… Is not general incivility the very essence of love?" (106). Mrs. Bennett approves of the match mostly on a monetary basis, and exclaims, "Why, he has four or five thousand a year, and very likely more. Oh my dear Jane, I am so happy!" (260). Elizabeth, however, looks down on her mother for this, and approves of the marriage because she can tell that the two are truly in love with one another .....

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Character Flaws In "Long Days Journey Into Night" And "Death Of A Salesman"
Number of words: 1593 - Number of pages: 6

.... point further by declaring that Bernard is not well liked. This leads Biff and Happy to believe that one can study all they want, yet will not succeed unless they are well liked. This affects their life because they keep waiting for people to realize that they are well liked, hoping that this will somehow make them millions. They go from job to job and it never happens because it was an uneducated declaration to begin with. In both plays the sons wander in and out of jobs, never holding any long enough to make a career because of each father’s false teachings. This causes .....

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Genesis 2
Number of words: 883 - Number of pages: 4

.... folly. This satire implies that society has not learnt from Adam and Eve's mistakes and condones the sinful behaviour in the name of "education". His idea has been put forward by the interpretations that God created Adam and Eve, of whom lost their innocence from the tree of knowledge, but society created the cause of the loss of innocence through education. In the lines "Ah, what ink-stained webs we weave"(1.23), Dawe implies that the adults of society have created a trap (that cannot be untangled) for their children, in their desire for their children to know more, almost pushing them .....

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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 1078 - Number of pages: 4

.... the violent threat of nature, the insensibility of reality, and the moral darkness. We have noticed that important motives in connect the white men with the Africans. Conrad knew that the white men who come to Africa professing to bring progress and light to "darkest Africa" have themselves been deprived of the sanctions of their European social orders; they also have been alienated from the old tribal ways. "Thrown upon their own inner spiritual resources they may be utterly damned by their greed, their sloth, and their hypocrisy into moral insignificance, as were the pilgrims, or they m .....

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The Crucible - Conscience
Number of words: 1685 - Number of pages: 7

.... theocratic Massachusetts, defines conscience. Right and wrong is decided by authority, and the authority here is the Church. Law is based on the doctrines of the Church, and Salem is a theocracy. "For good purposes, even high purposes, the people of Salem developed a theocracy, a combine of state and religious power whose function was to keep the community together, and to prevent any kind of disunity…but all organization is and must be grounded on the idea of exclusion and prohibition, just as two objects cannot occupy the same space. Evidently the time came in New England when the rep .....

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Inherit The Wind
Number of words: 1120 - Number of pages: 5

.... together met at last for that one final battle to the death, they entered Hillsboro planning to put every single legal idea and tactic they had used and believed in over the years to work, believing that they had followed the correct path and that their long thought over battle plan was superior to the other’s. Brady loved the public. He knew that, even before the time of radio and television, if he controlled the media, he controlled the masses. Thus, his first move every time was to choose the side which the public sided with, knowing that people listened to what they wanted t .....

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Into The Wild
Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2

.... for a while. He met many different people along the way and almost everyone he meet liked him. They gave him a ride, clothes, money, job, or a place to stay. During his journey he had at least the necessities he needed to survive but not much more. He had a book that told him what plants were edible when he journeyed erness, and when in the city he had a map to help get around. When he was in Alaska he was able to quickly pick up a ride from Jim Gallien. Alex was friendly and sociable and Jim even offered to buy Alex better gear before he went, but he refused. He was determined to live off .....

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A Story From America
Number of words: 1285 - Number of pages: 5

.... could have gone into Mrs Alpher’s apartment, without anyone noticing him or her". "You’ve got a point there", I responded, what was on her mind ? That blue dress certainly showed her fine curves, actually I coundn’t get her of my mind most of the time. "Well, her apartment lies on the corner of Main Street and Baker Street, there’re three windows, one on Baker St. and one Main St. plus one in the middle. That night Mrs Alpher was shot, it was very warm, and if she then had a window open. A person could have shot her in hers apartment, from his or hers own window& .....

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Movie Narrative Structure
Number of words: 847 - Number of pages: 4

.... This self-reflexive film using life in the Soviet Union is all about the power of filmmaking. This film becomes a celebration of the documentary filmmaker's power to control our perception of reality by means of editing and special effects (Bordwell 416). Using various images that may not be normally grouped together Vertov hoped to show how everyday actions could be applied to filmmaking. For example: One brief segment shows the camera lens focusing and then a blurry shot of flowers coming into sharp focus. This is followed immediately by a camera juxtaposition rapidly intercutting two e .....

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The Great Gatsby 2
Number of words: 536 - Number of pages: 2

.... chance she might show up at one of them. He, himself, does not attend his parties but watches them from a distance. When his hopes don’t show true he asks around casually if anyone knows her. Soon he meets Nick Carraway, a cousin of Daisy, who agrees to set up a meeting, "He wants to know...if you'll invite Daisy to your house some afternoon and then let him come over (83)." Gatsby's personal dream symbolizes the larger American Dream where all have the opportunity to get what they want. Later, as we see in the Plaza Hotel, Jay still believes that Daisy loves him. He is convinced of t .....

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