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Term Papers on English

"Boys And Girls: The Development Of Gender Roles"
Number of words: 638 - Number of pages: 3

.... evolve and the way in which they proliferate in the first six years of a child's life will influence the child's emotional attachment to her/his parent of the same sex and, as consequence, the child's gender identification. I would agree with Freud's statement that children undergo a certain emotional crisis after becoming aware of their genitals. It must be somewhat frustrating for, e.g., a three year-old to realize that reaching a pleasurable emotional state does not necessarily have to originate from her/his mother. Unable to cognitively create an explanation to a new, unexpected fl .....

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Bless Me Ultima
Number of words: 702 - Number of pages: 3

.... a priest. As the novel continues there is a stronger interpretation of Ultima’s powers as she heals Antonio’s Uncle Lucas. This is the beginning of good versus evil or god versus the devil, Lucas had seen Tenerio’s daughters performing devil worship in the woods and in return the daughters placed a curse on his hair. When the curse was revoked by Ultima it went into effect against the daughters and as they began to die Tenerio went into an evil rage against the powers of Ultima. Antonio was then introduced to the Golden Carp and the story of the waters surrounding the town and its .....

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Great Gatsby - Dreams
Number of words: 1464 - Number of pages: 6

.... than idealism. Gatsby feels that the only way to achieve idealism is through materialism, he said, "She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me."1 He believes that Daisy would be his if he had money. The story deals with the pursuit of happiness, with money as the driving force. Gatsby feels that material wealth alone can bring the dream to life which ends up not being the case. Gatsby thinks that money is the answer to all of his problems and obstacles which he encounters throughout his life. Since Gatsby thinks money can bring happiness, he buys the .....

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The Book Of Sand By Jorge Luis
Number of words: 1285 - Number of pages: 5

.... he feels as though he had lived that moment already. He begins to speak to the man seated besides him, and finds out the stranger has the same name, and the same address as he does. When Borges asks the man what year it is, the man answers 1918, even though it is 1969. It is then that the narrator figures out he is talking to the person whom he was fifty-one years earlier. He then tells "the other" him of the future, after which they part, knowing they will never meet like this again. This story deals with time. The author is very nostalgic and lives for his memories. It also is a philosophi .....

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A Student's Reading Of The Politics Of Rich And Poor
Number of words: 991 - Number of pages: 4

.... and shaky ground. These ideas remain constant and prevalant throughout the seven chapters. His views, though somewhat repetitive in the text, strike the reader with astonishment, especially when considering Phillips' Republican party affiliation. With his thesis in mind, Phillips discusses three major factors that escalate and at the same time submerge the state of the economy in America. These factors include: the sudden shift in tax rates, the diminishing "global wealth" of America, and the inability of the government under Regan to satisfy a "happy medium" for eco .....

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Number of words: 1143 - Number of pages: 5

.... Parents would allow their sons to stay out late and be little more liberal on them. And they would not allow their daughter to stay our late and be a little strict. Dads would expect their sons to help him in the garage or any other project around the house and moms expect their daughters to help them in kitchen. All of these characteristics are not unusual or our of ordinary, this has been the tradition for hundreds of ears and as far as I can see it will still remain the same. Society is a social factors that has many ways in which its mold a individual and defines his/her gender. .....

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Adults Of The Bell Jar
Number of words: 1374 - Number of pages: 5

.... “millions and millions of dollars” (38). Jay Cee has “brains, so her plug-ugly looks [don’t] seem to matter” (5). But, Philomena has money so nothing else matters. Mrs. Willard is portrayed as the ultimate wife and mother. We are given the impression that Mrs. Willard embodies sensibility. She is what every little girl is supposed to grow up to be. But Esther sees differently. Mrs. Willard represents the inevitable outcome of marriage and motherhood – to flatten out under the husband’s foot like a kitchen mat (80). The way the women are described brings to light the kin .....

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Guilt As Reparation For Sin In
Number of words: 5522 - Number of pages: 21

.... him personally respected Hawthorne. “On the day after Hawthorne’s funeral, in May 1864, [Ralph Waldo] Emerson wrote in his journal: ‘I thought him a greater man than any of his works betray…’” (Martin 37). Hawthorne, however, was not so well thought of by people who did not know him well. Someone who would rather be creative and write than have a “real job” was not very well respected in Hawthorne’s day. A writer who wrote fictional tales was even less respected than an author who wrote of actual events was. These unjustified opinio .....

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Romeo And Juliet - Minor Characters Influences On Major Char
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2

.... by killing Mercutio. Another minor character thought to have shaped the destinies of Romeo and Juliet is Paris. In Act 3, Scene 5, Lady Capulet announces that Juliet is to marry Paris. "The County Paris, at Saint Peter's church, Shall happily make thee there a joyful bride." Juliet obviously refuses and goes to Friar Laurence for help. Friar Laurence devises a plan, which will prevent the marriage and reunite Romeo with Juliet. However, this plan goes horribly wrong, perhaps causing the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. If Paris had not wished to be with Juliet, none of the following would hav .....

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Macbeth - Summary
Number of words: 811 - Number of pages: 3

.... "Approach thou like a rugged Russian Bear..." there are quite a few similes in this scene, which have no real effect except to provide a few simple images for the reader. Act IV Scene III Context: This scene's purpose is to give the reader a feeling of how much is being built up against Macbeth. There is a great contrast in this scene because it opens with despair, and ends in friendship and confidence. Language: Incredible amounts of contrast in this scene in the language. The first part is all about evil, despair, and crime. The second part is about courage, and hope and confidenc .....

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