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Term Papers on English

Comparing The Anti-utopias Of
Number of words: 620 - Number of pages: 3

.... exist without it. This difference in levels of technological advancements most likely stems from Huxley’s great love for science. Another difference between the novels lies within the methods in which the government seeks to control the people. Brave New World takes a person at birth and inbreeds within them an uncontrollable need to follow society doctrine while 1984 uses fear of death as the method of control. The societies use completely different methods to control emotion within the populace. Brave New World surrounds its inhabitants with luxury and satisfies their every desire .....

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Blanche Ingram: Villain?
Number of words: 1252 - Number of pages: 5

.... well, he was rude, he never had a smile of approbation, David and his dad had to keep up with his bad jokes, and bombastic comments, he also made inveigh comments to the Leals. David and Miguel were disappointed because he was not supposed to be on the raft, since he did not have the prerogative to be on it and they only had food and water for three persons. They were also scared of the see because they were callow, they did not know much about rafts or the ocean, but they ameliorated later, they learned from their own experience. The author easily express her great form of writing and also .....

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The Rocking-horse Winner
Number of words: 391 - Number of pages: 2

.... his uncle Oscar used this information to gamble on horss and were able to win piles of money. This money he gave anomously to his mother to use for anything that was needed. it was one night that Paul was riding his horse at full speed when suddenly a blaze of light hit him up. He screamed, "Malabar!" Then he fell off with a crash that would put him into unconsciousness; he never did recover from that fall. He died later that night. Paul needed his rocking horse, without it he would never have felt that luck. Luck gave him a sense of worth that wold help him to know that he could succeed late .....

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Monsters Point Of View
Number of words: 1232 - Number of pages: 5

.... hopes of one day being able to enhance ones lifeline. But upon creating life, Frankenstein becomes horrified by his creation, and flees from the anguish and fear he feels from the monster. Frankenstein abandons his creation, therefore shunning the monster from him, leaving the monster with no one to love or acceptance him. Shelley conveys to the reader that the monster has learned to speak and read by observing the De Lacey family who resided at a cottage which had an adjoining lean-to, in which he resided. Shelley also conveys that the monster learned about love by observing Felix De La .....

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Hypocrisy In The Church,young
Number of words: 354 - Number of pages: 2

.... and miracles made by Jesus Christ. In addition, the church that does give answers, doesn't answer them truthfully. They would only answer half of the question and leave the other half up to followers. They were not told " the sacred truths of religion." Another reason for this is because there are too many churches. They have grown from the simple Catholic Church to over 500 major Christian sects and thousands of minor sects. In essence,"in speaking the truth, uncovering lies, deceit and hyprocrisy give{s} us the coverage to name evil. If one is able to recognize the bad things in church, the .....

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1920s And 1930s With Reference
Number of words: 3437 - Number of pages: 13

.... to forget the war, that they were slowly transformed into a population where self-love was rampant, and the morals that America had been so tediously grasping to, fell away. Through the novels of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, the attitudes of disillusionment and isolation are seen in Americans are a direct outcome of the weakening of societies moral codes, and the death of the “American Dream.” The effect of the war on the general population was one of discontent and isolationary feelings towards the countries that had caused them .....

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Trouble And Her Friends
Number of words: 585 - Number of pages: 3

.... she knows in order to start her life over again. SYSCOP, the actual person who prevents people that Trouble was from doing what they do. But Trouble, netwalker, no longer exists. Only India Carless, SYSCOP to SVI-four walks around living her normal life. But, when a hacker resurfaces using her former identity, it means trouble for India. Although her cover as a small commune SYSCOP is very comfortable, her chase from the minions of the law has just begun (McCormick line 14). So, these authorities believe that this new, Trouble, is indeed out there, and is indeed the same person it once was. .....

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Hamlet - Characters: Hamlet Laertes And Fortinbras
Number of words: 1136 - Number of pages: 5

.... sword, he cares not that the prize of his glory is worthless or that he will sacrifice thousands of lives and much wealth for this hollow victory. Like Hamlet, Sr., Fortinbras is an empire builder who desires only to fight for glory and so, in an ironic way, he is fitted by character to inherit the kingdom of Hamlet, Sr. Leartes Laertes is a young man whose good instincts have been somewhat obscured by the concern with superficial appearances which he has imbibed from his father, Polonius. Like his father, Laertes apparently preaches a morality he does not practice and fully believes in .....

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Madness In King Lear
Number of words: 836 - Number of pages: 4

.... mind. Cordelia gives a description of King Lear dressed in flowers, and weeds, and she explains to the guards that he is singing aloud. All of these characteristics are unfit for a king, thus, leaving one reasonable explanation of him being mad, which Cordelia states in her speech to the guards. King Lear's madness is further illustrated in act 4, scene 6. Although King Lear had shown signs of madness in other act's such as 3, he had really shown the extreme of his madness in this scene. King Lear is shown completely insane, through his garments and his speeches to Gloucester and Edgar. .....

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The Bay Of Pigs
Number of words: 504 - Number of pages: 2

.... San Jose for staging and training areas for the Cuban refugees. Some of the refugees from Miami have volunteered to work underground in Cuba. This book takes place during the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War, 1961. This time was critical for Cuba. Cuba is torn between Democracy and Communism. Culture: Culture has not changed in most aspects since 30 years ago, the religions and foods that people eat are all still the same. Americans still use military force to help other countries and their people. They still use methods of spying to gather information purp .....

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