Flowers For Algernon 2
Number of words: 372 - Number of pages: 2.... help you become a stronger individual. The qualities are having honesty, ethics morals and compassion. One has to achieve this intelligence thoughtlessly; Charlie shows this before he has his operation. By reaching this type of intelligence a person does not have to have a lot knowledge or a high I.Q, but you may reach peace in life by being a spiritually kind person that is previously show in the abstract definition.
The only positive effects of the intellectual growth that one can gain is to be able to experience what the concrete definition was like in one’s own personal experience. .....
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Careful, He Might Hear You 2
Number of words: 1291 - Number of pages: 5.... and presence of PS's invidious aunt creates a lot of stress for the small boy. He must endure changes in his home, school, and lifestyle. All of this was done against the will of PS, who strongly resented the proposition of these changes.
This incident displays the lack of importance the opinion of a child holds in society. PS disliked Vanessa, but his opinion was held irreverent. This was made apparent by his experiences of acute nostalgia.
Lila, his pseudo-mother, was mawkishly protective of PS. Instead of revealing PS to the face of reality, she shrouded the real world and prolonged .....
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Canterbury Tales - The Prioress
Number of words: 1095 - Number of pages: 4.... was but "By Saint Eloy!" And she was known as Madam Eglantine. Full well she sang the services divine," (118) At first, one would think that Chaucer's description will be as flattering as that of the knight but soon enough we see the total opposite because at first Chaucer describes her as a delicate and well-mannered woman. "At table she had been well taught withal, And never from her lips let morsels fall, Nor dipped her fingers deep in sauce, but ate With so much care the food upon her plate That never driblet fell upon her breast. In courtesy she had delight and zest". (127) But soon Cha .....
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The Tempest - Barbarism Versus
Number of words: 875 - Number of pages: 4.... While approaching Caliban’s cave, Prospero derogatorily says, "…[he] never/Yields us kind answer," meaning Caliban never answers respectfully. When Prospero reaches the cave, he calls to Caliban. Caliban abruptly responds, "There’s wood enough within." His short, snappy reply and his odious tone, reveal the bitterness he feels from leading a servile life. Caliban’s rudeness makes him seem like an unworthy and despicable slave. Also, Caliban displays an extreme anger toward Prospero. When Caliban is asked to come forth he speaks corruptly, "As wicked dew as e’er my mother brush .....
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Number of words: 1273 - Number of pages: 5.... a member of one of three groups: Rulers, Guardians, and the Producer class. Each one of the specifications of labor
within the kallipolis accompany a chief characteristic. The rulers were considered to have wisdom as their virtue. People chosen to be a ruler exhibited a special knowledge for leading the state. In the kallipolis rulers make their judgment for the happiness of the state as opposed to their own individual happiness. "Is there some knowledge possessed by some of the citizens in the city… that does not judge about any particular matter but the city as a whole and the mai .....
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Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3.... plan, they would know the prisoners had united. Therefore, they were always murmuring and muttering. On the other hand, the common word "talking" is more casual, louder and clearer. That is why I think Haley used " murmuring" instead of the more usual "talking."
Then, Haley used "toubob" instead of the more usual "white men," because the Africans meant "toubob" as an insult and they thought of the white men as devils. For instance, in Chapter 37, "So great was his fury that Kunta was barely aware of the women singing Toubob fa! And when he had finally been chained back down in his place i .....
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Ceasar Charater Analysis
Number of words: 1346 - Number of pages: 5.... now stands on such slippery ground that one of two bad ways you must conceit me…." Pg. 580 lines 184-194 He leads the conspirators on to trust him, when in fact, he wants to be able to speak to the mob. He uses a vicious pun so that he knows what he is talking about, but the conspirators think that he is simply talking about the blood on the ground being slippery. Caesar- What Caesar says: "Et tù Brute? Then fall Caesar!" Pg. 577 line 77 Caesar is shocked that Brutus, his most loyal friend would do this. His mask comes off at this point and shows his personal face. T .....
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1984, The Book Vs. The Movie
Number of words: 934 - Number of pages: 4.... was.
The government of Oceania, where citizen's personal freedom is concealed, is bound to have some anxiety grow within the peoples. People will eventually try to rebel and go against the government and their principles. This is what Winston and Julia had. Their love showed to us their hatred to the Party, and it only seemed natural because of the constant suppression of Oceania. But, on the other hand, they are slaves to the Party and did everything the Party asked of them. In their heads, though, they know they hate the Party. The movie showed this quite well, though editing a .....
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Prized Possessions
Number of words: 538 - Number of pages: 2.... windows prevent envious onlookers from glancing in at the exquisite interior that could only be compared to the Palace at Versailles. Supple brown leather encompasses the cabin and provides the occupants with pure extravagance. The climate control keeps the occupants comfortable so that they might enjoy their surroundings. Power windows allow the inhabitants to enjoy the fresh breeze without having to do meager peasant work such as rolling the windows down manually. The stereo system is of the highest quality. It provides rich, deep bass that rattles your insides when the speakers hit. .....
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Scarlet Letter, Sin In
Number of words: 633 - Number of pages: 3.... last hour of his life the Reverend Master Dimmesdale could not confess to the sin and was forced to hold all his guilt in his heart, where with the help of the flaming touch of Mr. Roger Chillingworth, it burned in his chest slowly destroying the Reverend Master Dimmesdale's health to the point of his death.
Mr. Roger Chillingworth, husband of Hester Prynne, was also effected in a great way by the sin committed by Hester Prynne and the Master Reverend Dimmesdale. Mr. Roger
Chillingworth was not completely surprised to find out his wife had cheated on him. She had made it known before .....
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