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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

Number of words: 2380 - Number of pages: 9

.... sleep (Fine, 1973). It was perhaps the use of the term activity that Freud most appreciated in this brief definition for, as his understanding of the dynamics of dreaming increased, so did the impression of ceaseless mental activity differing in quality from that of ordinary waking life (Fine, 1973). In fact, the quality of mental activity during sleep differed so radically from what we take to be the essence of mental functioning that Freud coined the term "Kingdom of the Illogical" to describe that realm of the human psyche. This technique of dream- interpretation allowed him to penetrat .....

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Attention Deficit Disorder
Number of words: 2283 - Number of pages: 9

.... in the United States(Merrow). Its most defining symptoms include distractibility, impulsivity, and restlessness(Hallowell). "A.D.D. is a breakdown of the filter systems of the brain," according to Dr. Edward Hallowell, a world-renowned expert on A.D.D. and author of several best-selling books on the subject. A.D.D. is not an indicator of low intelligence, nor is it a learning disability. The A.D.D. brain cannot filter the information coming in and cannot filter what is going out. It is constantly bombarded with stimuli which can't be fully processed--resulting in unpredictable response .....

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Critical Incident Stress (CIS)
Number of words: 875 - Number of pages: 4

.... They may be either Acute or Delayed.(Mitchell 81) An acute CIS reaction begins while the ESW is engaged with on scene operations. It is an incident that is often very disturbing for ESW's and may become physically ill as a result of the intense stress level associated with the event.(Bush Fire Services 92). Under particularly stressing circumstances some maybe unable to function properly at the scene or at a later date. This happens for example in the case of a death of a fellow worker in the line of duty and cannot return to his normal duties's. CIS at times can be so powerful .....

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Number of words: 1647 - Number of pages: 6

.... be bacteriostatic (bacteria stopped from multiplying) or bactericidal (bacteria killed). To perform either of these functions, antibiotics must be brought into contact with the bacteria. It is believed that antibiotics interfere with the surface of bacteria cells, causing a change in their ability to reproduce. Testing the action of an antibiotic in the laboratory shows how much exposure to the drug is necessary to halt reproduction or to kill the bacteria. Although a large amount of an antibiotic taken at one time might kill the bacteria causing an illness, such a dose usually would .....

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Huntington's Disease
Number of words: 1082 - Number of pages: 4

.... effected by Huntington's disease. In normal people, the gene has eleven to thirty-four of these, but, in a victim of Huntington's disease the gene exists from anywhere between thirty-five to one-hundred or more. The gene for the disease is dominant, giving children of victims of Huntington's disease a 50% chance of obtaining the disease. Several other symptoms of the disease exist other than chorea. High levels of lactic acid have been detected in patients of Huntington's disease as a bi- product of the brain cells working too hard. Also, up to six times above the normal level of an importa .....

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Breast Cancer In Women
Number of words: 700 - Number of pages: 3

.... among women today. The self exam is a simple exam that women can perform on their own with a few simple steps. Another way of detecting breast cancer is with a mammography. This is an X-ray that scans in make up of the breast to show whether there are and tumors. This is the most effective type of detection to date. (Cancer Facts, Detection. National Cancer Institute) One disadvantage to using mammography is that with mammography, the x-ray picture sometimes detects substances in the breast that are not recognizable. (NCI ) This can cause unnecessary worrying if the substances ar .....

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Anger Management And Health
Number of words: 2155 - Number of pages: 8

.... Since Plato, anger has suffered a bad reputation. We only have to imagine a domestic abuse scene to immediately condemn anger in all of its manifestations. There is a reason why anger is viewed in a negative light. Nobody likes it when someone is angry with them. We tend to avoid the wrath of those around us. This is one reason we see anger as negative. Another reason may lie closer to Plato's concept of imbalance. The negative perception of anger is evident in the American Heritage Dictionary's definitions of the word anger (1): 1. A feeling of extreme displeasure, hos .....

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Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3

.... over little things that didn't used to bother you; find you no longer enjoy hobbies and activities that once made you happy; feel a lack of self-confidence or feeling like a failure; lost your appetite, or are eating more than usual; have had trouble sleeping, or been sleeping too much; had trouble concentrating and making decisions; and thought about death and/or suicide. Knowing the causes for depression can help depressed people, friends, family understand how painful it is and why it's not possible to "snap out of it". It's still not completely clear why depression happens to some .....

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Artificial Contraceptives
Number of words: 1480 - Number of pages: 6

.... it is desired to be removed for a pregnancy. Although they sound ideal, some women have experienced uterine cramps and increased menstrual flow when using an IUD. (Billings, pg.63) in fact, some devices increase the risk of pelvic infection(Funk & Wagnall’s, pg.98). Further, in Perry and Dawson’s book, Nightmare, they proclaim the dangers of IUDs. They focus, especially, on the Dalkon Shield IUD; an IUD described as “the safest and most satisfying form of contraception.” In their book, Perry and Dawson state that “more than 12,000 women have filed damage suits for c .....

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Euthanasia Mercy Killing
Number of words: 1039 - Number of pages: 4

.... defense to criminal responsibility. Is there a difference, do you think, between a person who, at a dying person's request, prepares a poison and leaves it on the bedside for that person to take, and a person who helps the patient to drink it or who administers it directly at the request of a dying person who is unable to take it personally? Is there, in short, a real distinction between killing and letting die? Well, this is the difference between passive and active euthanasia, and if you believe in euthanasia, you must decide which one is correct or even accept both to be correct dependi .....

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