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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

AIDS: Is It A Modern Plague?
Number of words: 924 - Number of pages: 4

.... even pneumonia. But while these conditions can be painful and frightening, we are usually confident that proper medication and rest will take care of the matter. However there is a much more severe and indiscriminate tyrant, with enormous corrupting influence, capable of infiltrating all of civilization. Scientifically, it is a submicroscopic pathogen consisting of a particle of nucleic acid, enclosed in proteins, and able to replicate only within a living cell. Socially, it is responsible for an enormous amount of chaos and fear in the world today, and pronounces the human fault of ignoran .....

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Amico Acids - The Building Blocks Of Life
Number of words: 752 - Number of pages: 3

.... amino acids formed protein molecules. The building block necessary for life. And that you had this inorganic matter somehow become living matter. Dr Herald Bloom points out, he says, "The problem is how do we know, that if there arose a peptide, a combination of amino acids, that the second peptide would not arise 5 thousand years later 10 thousand miles away. How would it come together with hundreds of combinations even to form the simplest protein molecule." He says, In fact if you take the simplest protein molecule and a combination of 50 amino acids, he says that the probability of tha .....

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Number of words: 796 - Number of pages: 3

.... factor. Exposure to some chemicals is also suspected to be a risk factor. By learning the causes of leukemia treatment options will become available(MedicineNet-leukemia, 1997). There are many symptoms of leukemia. The symptoms of leukemia are the same for all the different types of leukemia. The acute types of leukemia, ALL and AML, symptoms are seen more quickly than in the chronic types of leukemia, CLL and CML, where symptoms do not necessarily appear right away. The symptoms are flu symptom, weakness, fatigue, constant infections, easily bleed and bruise, loss of weight and a .....

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The Black Plague
Number of words: 1113 - Number of pages: 5

.... Although the people of Medieval Europe did not know the direct cause of the Plague, they believed without doubt that God was responsible, judging human behavior and ready to punish the wicked. They concluded that this Black Plague was punishment from an angry God (Corzine 27-31). had several different names. Bubonic Plague received its name because of the painful swellings it produced called buboes. The Black Death is another name which was given to the Plague because of the appearance of black blood beneath the skin. This disease became associated with the term "plague" because of .....

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Number of words: 498 - Number of pages: 2

.... excessive and improper stretching and people who are involved heavily in athletic training. Bursitis can be caused by many things. For one, it can be caused by injury or overuse of a joint. Strenuous unfamiliar exercise also can cause Bursitis. Plus, such diseases as gout, arthritis, and chronic infection of a joint can be likely causes. But frequently the cause of Bursitis can not be determined. The only ways to prevent getting it are to wear protective gear when exorcising, practice appropriate warm ups and cool downs during exercise and to maintain a high fitness level. Bursitis is an ea .....

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Sturge Weber Syndrome
Number of words: 1324 - Number of pages: 5

.... was suggested in 1963, but is merely a possibility with no evidence to support this theory. The patients with the Sturge Weber Syndrome are usually only impaired on one side of their physique. They experience slow reflexes or the inability to even move a limb opposite the port-wine stain. Retardation is by far the worst of all effects. Most do not endure retardation, but in some causes the extent has been ghastly. On an average 40% of the underprivileged suffering from the Sturge Weber Syndrome has some degree of retardation. Glaucoma effects only 30% of the patient, but usually is .....

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Creatine Supplements And Athletes
Number of words: 1171 - Number of pages: 5

.... does improve body composition and athletic performance. Creatine is derived from the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. It can be produced in your liver, pancreas and kidneys or can be obtained from a diet rich in meat or fish (2.2 pounds of meat contains approximately 5 grams of creatine). Ingesting creatine increase the amounts of free creatine and phosphocreatine (PCr) in the muscle. The energy to rephosphoryate adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is largely determined by the PCr in the muscle. During brief-explosive type exercises, our bod .....

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Abortion Should Not Be Legalized
Number of words: 790 - Number of pages: 3

.... legal and illegal abortions: 75,000 of them die of self-inflicted abortions; 75,000 die of convulsions; and the other 100,000 die of blood poisoning caused by an infection of the uterus. Therefore, if abortion is legalized there will be not only more fetal murders but also more mothers will die. None of the methods women use to abort are completly safe. One of the most common methods used is Suction Aspiration. The doctor uses a special tool to suck the baby into a collection bottle. Great care must be taken to prevent the uterus from being damaged, which would cause hemorrhage. A woman wi .....

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Suicide -- Causes And Effects
Number of words: 528 - Number of pages: 2

.... to their best. It brings out the best in some people but not everyone. Those who are pushed to their limits and cannot cope with it feel let down by themselves. They feel as if they are not wanted anymore by the society. This creates a low self-esteem. There are a lot of misconceptions about suicide. It is believed that people who talk about suicide won¡¯t attempt it. It is also believed that people who commit suicide are insane and nothing can stop them from attempting it. But research has proven that people who talk about it go on and attempt it. By talking to us about it they try to give .....

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Teens And Smoking
Number of words: 1506 - Number of pages: 6

.... of expressing either conformity to the behavior or others (such as parents, older siblings or peers), forth, as in "Miller and Dollar's" explanation of Observational Learning, The Copying behavior effect. This research is to examine the effects of parental smoking (behavior), has, on the decision of teens to smoke cigarettes. Due to prior studies using global measures that may or may not include South Eastern North Carolina. The Fayetteville/Fort Bragg area was chosen for this study to pinpoint the effects in this particular locale. Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base have a very diverse .....

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