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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

Two Sides Of The Brain
Number of words: 1112 - Number of pages: 5

.... left side of the body and leans more to the creative, the intuitive. It is concerned more with the visual and emotional side of life. Most people, if they thought about it, would identify more with their left brain. In fact, many of us think we are our left brains. All of that non-stop verbalization that goes on in our heads is the dominant left brain talking to itself. Our culture- particularly our school system with its emphasis on the three Rs (decidedly left-brain territory) - effectively represses the intuitive and artistic right brain. If you don't believe it, see how far .....

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Euthanasia Is Religious, Medically, And Legally Wrong
Number of words: 1358 - Number of pages: 5

.... the United States, euthanasia was voted on for the first time in the state of Washington. Although polls before the vote revealed strong support for it,the ballot was defeated by fifty-four to forty-six percent,and euthanasia remains illegal in Noth America. In addition to violating civil law,euthanasia also contradicts the laws of many religions of the world. It is God who controlls life and death. Man will take this responsibility if euthanasia is permitted. It is stated in the ten commandments,"Do not commit murder". Murder can take many forms,one of which is suicide,the taking of .....

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Health Care: Elderly
Number of words: 1197 - Number of pages: 5

.... was chosen to be responsible for questionnaire review, communication with physicians, and further assessment and intervention when deemed necessary. Lists of patients 65 and older were generated from the caseloads of primary care physicians from the three hospital sites. The questionnaires were mailed out with physicians cover letters and consent forms in the summer of 1993. In the questionnaire patients were asked to assess their self-percieved notions of there medical and psychosocial needs, as well as the level of their functioning. Upon reciept of the completed questionnaires .....

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Life Or Death: Who Chooses?
Number of words: 4437 - Number of pages: 17

.... fact of biological science - Make no Mistake - that from the moment of conception, a new human life has been created. Only those who allow their emotional passion to overide their knowledge, can deny it: only those who are irrational or ignorant of science, doubt that when a human sperm fertilizes a human ovum a new human being is created. A new human being who carries genes in its cells that make that human being uniquely different from any and other human being and yet, undeniably a member, as we all are, of the great human family. All the fetus needs to grow into a babe, a child, a .....

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AIDS: US Made?
Number of words: 1561 - Number of pages: 6

.... cannot be produced and the defenseless patient remains exposed to a range of infections that under other circumstances would have been harmless. Most AIDS patients die from opportunistic infections rather than from the AIDS virus itself. The initial infection is characterized by diarrhea, erysipelas and intermittent fever. An apparent recovery follows after 2-3 weeks, and in many cases the patient remains without symptoms and functions normally for years. After several years, the pre-AIDS stage, known as ARC (Aids- Related Complex) sets in. This stage includes disorders in the digesti .....

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The History Of Medicine
Number of words: 1138 - Number of pages: 5

.... acts of previous monkeys, the first casts were made of dried mud put directly on wounds. Fire brought not only burns, but cautery . Civilization came to be around 12,000 BC. Diseases were treated if minor with domestic remedies such as diet, herbs, plasters, and massage. Often, if the case was severe, the patient was killed to relieve the community of his burden, or the healer was summoned. Old shaman's techniques were more based on myth and magic. Magic was man's first attempt to understand nature. Defensive magic used fetishes (objects endowed with magical powers), amulets ( .....

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Managing People With AIDS
Number of words: 2934 - Number of pages: 11

.... challenges to employers. HOW AIDS IS TRANSMITTED HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the retrovirus that causes AIDS, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. While AIDS itself does not kill a person, the disease weakens the person’s immune system, allowing other diseases like Kaposi’s sarcoma invade the body. These opportunistic diseases eventually overwhelm the person’s body. The virus is found in blood and other body products like saliva, sweat, and tears, and can only be transmitted by the exchange of blood, body products, or by sexual contact. Once the HIV virus is exposed to .....

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Work Stress
Number of words: 3014 - Number of pages: 11

.... as 70% of patients that are treated by general practitioners are suffering from symptoms originating from stress . Everyone experiences stress, however, each person responds to stress very differently. Their response is dependent on how each person reacts to stress emotionally, mentally, and physically. There are, however, common effects of stress for most people on the physical and mental body. 2.1 Physical Effects The researcher Blyth in 1973 identified a list of diseases which have a fairly high causal relationships with stress. His evidence was obtained through interviews with .....

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Number of words: 1913 - Number of pages: 7

.... more so than the very divisive issue of abortion. Euthanasia is morally and ethically wrong and should be banned in these United States. Modern medicine has evolved by leaps and bounds recently, euthanasia resets these medical advances back by years and reduces today's Medical Doctors to administrators of death. Euthanasia defined The term Euthanasia is used generally to refer to an easy or painless death. Voluntary euthanasia involves a request by the dying patient or that person's legal representative. Passive or negative euthanasia involves not doing something to prevent death—tha .....

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Wolfgang Kohler's Experiment And Insight Learning
Number of words: 517 - Number of pages: 2

.... flash of sudden inspiration, fitted the two sticks together and pulled in the banana. Kohler was impressed by Sultan's rapid “perception of relationships” and used the term insight to describe it. He noted that such insights are not learned gradually through reinforced trials. They seemed to occur in a flash when the elements a problem are set up appropriately. In another experiment boxes were put in a room with a banana hanging from the ceiling. The chimps found out that they could stack the boxes on top of one another to reach the banana without being taught to do it. It was .....

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