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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

Number of words: 393 - Number of pages: 2

.... known pathogens that would put the general human population at risk, and few would voice ethical concerns about them being slaughtered for transplants since they are currently being killed for human consumption. could affect the overall quality of human life, if perfected. People would suffer less from hemophilia, diabetes, Alzeimers, Parkinson’s diseases, and aids. People would no longer have to wait for transplants from other humans, for the animal supply would be abundant. It would affect me personally much in the same way. If any family member, friend, or even I myself were in .....

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Teen Suicide
Number of words: 481 - Number of pages: 2

.... an adolescent starts to use drugs the more likely they are to progress into "the most severe forms of drug use". This elicit drug use alters the teenagers state of mind and eventually takes control of their life. With this in mind, imagine how confused and lost a young person may be if they are a drug user? Out of all teenage suicides as of 1997; drug related suicide alone has tripled from 20% to 60%. Drugs have many effects on teens but the most detrimental of them all would be fatality self- inflicted. Finally, the focus is on Abusive Relationships and how much they effect a growin .....

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Euthanasia: The Right To Die
Number of words: 922 - Number of pages: 4

.... which are weakness, paralysis, and eventually death. That is what Sue Rodrigous was suffering from for well over a year. Knowing that her condition was only going to get worse, and eventually, after the pain and suffering, would result in death, Sue wanted to die. She wanted people to remember her as a lively healthy woman, not just a body lying helpless in a hospital bed. With that thought in mind, Sue went to court to fight for right to die by euthanasia. The courts did not agree with her though. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, proposed the creation of a new medical specialist, the "obitiarist," wh .....

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Smoking: I Can Stop Whenever I Want
Number of words: 432 - Number of pages: 2

.... shouldn't start smoking at young age. All of you people out there who think that they can stop whenever they want, well I have news flash for you. 1 out of 10 smokers succeed in quitting smoking in United-States. Everyone thinks that they have an iron will and they keep on delaying the time to stop, I'll just stop as my new year resolution, I'll stop in a month, a week, a year. Smoking is really hard to quit, it's an addictive habit and you really need an iron will to stop it. There are also a few consequences I think I should mention from ciggarette smoking. First of all, as you all know .....

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The Search For Inner Peace
Number of words: 975 - Number of pages: 4

.... planned to stay once she arrived, “I came here four years ago. I had not planned to stay, but I couldn’t make myself leave.” (Ehrlich 156). Ehrlich was drawn to the vastness of nothing. Later in the essay she says, “Its absolute indifference steadied me.” (Ehrlich 157) Without the presence of fellow people, one must look into oneself for company. It is here when one is able to look into oneself and find harmony in one’s life. As a resident of Wyoming, Ehrlich is able to almost meditate much like monks and Buddhists. From personal experience I have found that much like Ehrl .....

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Indian Healing Beliefs
Number of words: 1010 - Number of pages: 4

.... that their medicine people have “extra” that others don't. This power comes from varied sources: a visionary experience that leads one into the study of medicine, or being born into a family that includes generations of medicine people. Many tribes have both men and women medicine people, but some tribes have only medicine women. Many medicine people have a specialty, such as herbalist, bone setter, midwife, or counselor. The Hopi tribe has Effie, a medicine women who learned the art of using herbs. Each person is effective and useful at what he or she does, and they each have .....

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The Female Body
Number of words: 1660 - Number of pages: 7

.... Consequently, the pH of a woman’s vagina is normally quite acidic. This acidity helps keep the vagina healthy & free of infection, but it is also hostile to sperm. Although vaginal fluid of adult woman is acidic, it tends to be alkaline in adolescents, predisposing sexually active teenagers to sexually transmitted diseases. In virgins, the mucosa near the distal vaginal orifice forms an incomplete partition called the hymen. The hymen is very vascular & tends to bleed when it is ruptured during the first coitus (sexual intercourse). However, its durability varies. In some females, .....

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Assisted Suicide
Number of words: 2363 - Number of pages: 9

.... part of American society, year after year more people are taking their own lives for many different reasons. A lot of philosophers have broken down all the reasons of suicides into two different categories, rational suicide and irrational suicide. A rational suicide has been given five basic criteria that usually must be met for the person's act to be considered rational. The five criteria which a person must show for their suicide to be considered rational are, "the ability to reason, realistic world view, adequacy of information, avoidance of harm, and accordance with fundamental interes .....

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Attention Deficit Disorder
Number of words: 1415 - Number of pages: 6

.... intuitive, and compassionate, however they have very unstable moods that can range from an extreme high to an extreme low instantly, for no apparent reason. Usually, they procrastinate often and have trouble finishing projects, while conversely, they can hyperfocus at times and accomplish tasks more quickly and efficiently than a normal person could. Often they have short tempers and lack the impulse to stop themselves from blowing up over minor details (Hallowell 10). Although A. D. D. has just recently been discovered and there is still relatively little known about it, it h .....

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Number of words: 515 - Number of pages: 2

.... have no melanin pigmentation, and more difficulty with vision. Those with ty-positive albinism have very slight pigmentation, and generally less severe visual difficulties. Tests were done on the hair roots of individuals with albinism, to tell these types of albinism apart. However, these hair tests cannot identify types of albinism, particularly in young children, whose pigment systems are immature. Therefore hair tests are not helpful in predicting the extent of visual disability of a child. "Ty-Neg" (also called Type 1A) albinism results from a genetic defect in an enzyme called tyrosin .....

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