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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

Lucid Dreaming: Asleep And Aware
Number of words: 1268 - Number of pages: 5

.... dreamer becomes lucid there are physical changes on the outside of the body and brain patterns also change. There are usually pauses in breathing and changes in heart rate. The amount of brain activity is more heightened than that of a regular dream, but less than when waking. It has also been observed that a person having a lucid dream shows more brain activity than a waking person under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD (Lucid Dreaming 364). A lucid dream is usually provoked by an earlier day of heightened stress or anxiety (Lucid Dreaming 364). They usually occur at th .....

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Psychoanalysis And Treatment
Number of words: 2217 - Number of pages: 9

.... try to empty her mind by just telling him all of her thoughts and feelings. Freud refined Breuer's method by conceptualizing theories about it and, using these theories, telling his patients through interpretations what was going on inside the unconscious part of their minds, thus making the unconscious become conscious. Many hysterias were cured this way, and in 1895, Breuer and Freud published their findings and theories in Studies in Hysteria. CLASSIC PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY Traditional psychoanalytical theory states that all human beings are born with instinctual drives that are const .....

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Number of words: 683 - Number of pages: 3

.... intercourse, and medical facilities are screening blood more thoroughly. Even though HIV (Human Immune deficiency Virus) can be transmitted through sharing of non sterilize needles and syringes, sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, and through most bodily fluids, it is not transmitted through casual contact or by biting or blood sucking insects. Causes HIV is primarily a sexually transmitted disease, it is transmitted by both homosexual and bisexual and heterosexual activity. The first recognized case was among homosexual and bisexual men. Many numbers of studies have shown that men who hav .....

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Number of words: 633 - Number of pages: 3

.... outside of cells. Mono is found in the DNA in the body. Another name for mononucleosis is glandular fever because of the fever and swelling of the lymph nodes throughout the body. What causes mononucleosis is the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is like herpes. The herpes virus also causes some cases of mono and other diseases. Mono usually occurs in adults 15 to 30 years old, but is known to appear at any age. Mono symptoms include fever, chills, fatigue, malaise, sore throat, head-aches, swelling of the lymph nodes (noticeable in the neck), and skin rashes. Liver inflammation may o .....

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Assisted Suicide
Number of words: 586 - Number of pages: 3

.... not. Should a person and their family be forced to spend thousands of dollars a day on medical expenses just so the patient can continue living a life he doesn't even want to keep? This medical treatment, in some instances, can only extend a life by mere weeks. In theory, this treatment is just adding on more weeks of pain and suffering. Not only does the patient have to suffer, but the family members have to suffer watching their loved ones live in agony. Furthermore, these medical expenses are probably covered by government medical aid. If this money is being spent on someone who do .....

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Ban Smoking In Restaurants And The Workplace
Number of words: 1142 - Number of pages: 5

.... be? SECOND HAND SMOKE! You’re probably thinking to yourself “second hand smoke? What a bunch of bs!” But it’s not. Second-hand smoking is serious. The Environmental Protection Agency found classified second hand smoke to be a Class A Carcinogen, meaning that is proven to cause cancer in humans. Second hand smoke kills more than 3,800 people each year in the United States alone. It KILLS thousands of people each year! Second hand smoke is serious a serious matter. It contributes to millions of cases disease and disability, as well as thousands of deaths of American chi .....

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Number of words: 341 - Number of pages: 2

.... female holds the fertilized eggs in her body. Later the embryos, called microfilariae, are discharged alive. An interesting feature of these worms is the periodic swarming of the microfilariae in the bloodstream. In most species swarming takes place at night. The embryos can be taken up by an insect only when they are in a human's bloodstream. They develope into infective larvae in the insect, which is the intermediate host. These hosts are various genera of mosquitoes, notably A?des, Anopheles, and Culex. Within 10 to 11 days after ingestion by a human skin they migrate to the lymphayic vess .....

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Meditation: A In-Depth Look
Number of words: 988 - Number of pages: 4

.... the medical field and studied for its effect on the body and mind. The physical practice of meditation slows and calms the body, lowering blood pressure and heart rate with the use of deep breathing exercises. The calming of the body in itself works to fight stress but those who meditate say that meditation also helps to replenish the mind. The mind, along with the body, needs to feel at peace. In the hustle and bustle of the technological age, we often seek out materialistic means of happiness. Some pursue hobbies that like rock climbing that present both physical and mental challenges to s .....

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Euthanasia Is Religious, Medically, And Legally Wrong
Number of words: 1358 - Number of pages: 5

.... In the United States, euthanasia was voted on for the first time in the state of Washington. Although polls before the vote revealed strong support for it,the ballot was defeated by fifty-four to forty-six percent,and euthanasia remains illegal in Noth America. In addition to violating civil law,euthanasia also contradicts the laws of many religions of the world. It is God who controlls life and death. Man will take this responsibility if euthanasia is permitted. It is stated in the ten commandments,"Do not commit murder". Murder can take many forms,one of which is suicide,the taking of .....

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Mobile Phone Risks
Number of words: 1521 - Number of pages: 6

.... to which the brain is being exposed. Those telephones that have the antenna mounted elsewhere are of no concern, since exposure levels decrease rapidly with increasing distance from the antenna. Cordless telephones, which need to be operated within about 20 metres of a base unit that is connected directly to the telephone system, do not have any health concerns associated with their use because exposure levels are very low. . Media reports have claimed that up to 70 percent of the microwave emissions from hand-held mobile telephones may be absorbed in the user's head. This is not supported .....

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