Term Papers on Health and Medicine |
Nursing Homes And The Lutheran Home For The Aging
Number of words: 2930 - Number of pages: 11.... how she was "Grandfathered" into her social worker
position and did not have to take a test for a license until it was required
after years of responsible and professional work in the Home for the Aging.
The Lutheran Home for the Aging was founded in 1906 by John C. Koch,
with the motivation and desire to promote residential care for his fellow aging
Lutheran constituents. Along with the supportive interests of other Lutherans,
he purchased approximately eight acres of land. A large house on the property
served as the Home's first building and within a year of its founding, it had
reache .....
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Abortion And My Own Thoughts
Number of words: 845 - Number of pages: 4.... get to far. I enjoy children profusely and thinking that there are 1.9
million children less in the world every year sends shivers down my spine. But
I guess you may say that it is not my place to speak.
There are fewer deaths per million abortions than per million births
according to the Planned Parenthood survey of 1995. There are nine deaths per
million abortion procedures and sixty-three deaths per million births. Both
complications and the death rate rise with the age of the fetus. I can
understand that these facts portray a much better picture for abortion than
carrying to term .....
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The Problem With Medicare
Number of words: 1367 - Number of pages: 5.... in the government. The vice president of the United States, Al Gore, wrote in a letter stating that social security funds are not being depleted. Gore said that, "the allegationsto the contrary have been circulated by certain organizations as a money-making scheme for some time." (Gore Letter). Vice President Gore tries to show theses allegations are untrue by explaining how social security works. In this letter, Vice President Gore cleared up the allegations by writing that, "When Social Security taxes are collected, they are credited to the Social Security trust funds with government .....
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Use Of Marijuana As Medicine
Number of words: 1163 - Number of pages: 5.... this synthetic drug, called Marinol,
is useless for most everyday treatment because it has the unpleasant side effect
of being a powerful sedative. A member of Milwaukee's AIDS community, said that
a friend of his was taking Marinol to increase his appetite: “He spends the
whole day laughing and watching movies...He can't even drive a car because he's
so out of it.” (3/25/97) In addition to that, Marinol only comes in pill form,
which makes it useless for patients taking it for nausea. Marijuana has neither
of those drawbacks. Because it is usually smoked, even the most nauseous patie .....
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Herpes-Simplex: Type 2
Number of words: 483 - Number of pages: 2.... of the herpes simplex virus, however, is the usual cause
of genital herpes. Herpes infections of the genital area have become
increasingly common, going along with a rise in general of many sexually
transmitted diseases. Sometimes accompanied by headache and fever, the condition
usually begins with a mild itching, followed by the development of clusters of
blisters that break and crust to form scabs that eventually dry up. The process
may last one to three weeks. In many cases new clusters of blisters appear as
others heal. When a baby is born to a woman who has active genital herpes
lesi .....
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What Effect Does Aging Have On Memory?
Number of words: 5469 - Number of pages: 20.... the effects of normal ageing - Nebes (1992) stated that there is ‘relatively little evidence for qualitative differences between Alzheimer’s disease and normal ageing’. Examples of such similarities between the effects of normal ageing and other experimental and clinical conditions shall be discussed at relevant points during the essay. The physiological effects of ageing on memory are still unclear. However, it is known that there is a correlation between memory decline and the degeneration of neurones. One example of such a link is the degeneration of the neural pathway between th .....
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Suicide - Is Suicide Wrong?
Number of words: 553 - Number of pages: 3.... was a
success and history may well justify the act of suicide. I talked to both
my parents and asked them what they would do in this situation. My mom felt
that it was wrong to commit suicide in this case because the Jews didn't
even try to put up a fight. As she put it, "Even if the Jews did lose,
their lives may have been spared." My dad felt that suicide was the best
thing to do given the circumstances
In the Bible, Mark 14:32-42 deals with Jesus willfully being arrested
and killed. Jesus knew that he would be killed, but he still accepted his
fate. My dad feels that his actions we .....
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Number of words: 1132 - Number of pages: 5.... to determine what kinds of stories they are and to figure out what they can tell us. He says "you need to look beneath the surface of a dream to find the coherence" (78).
Since 1853, when REM, or the dream state, was first recognized about thirty studies have explored gender differences in dreaming. These research studies on the gender differences in dreaming reveal some very curious observations.
Women's have been found to differ from those of men in a number of areas including physical surroundings, dream characters, social interactions, and achievement outcomes. Compared to men, wome .....
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The Dangers Of Cigarettes
Number of words: 327 - Number of pages: 2.... couldn’t even see, which would also get my parents mad. My garbage would be filled with ashes and cigarettes. The ash tray would get filled up and get knocked over and cause a mess.
Cigarettes would also cause an inconvenience since all the time I would have a cigarette my throat would get dry. The dryness would cause me to get up for a drink or if I was out somewhere, I would have to buy something to drink. I also hated the thought of wealthy, greedy cigarette companies making money off my sweat and blood. It is estimated that the average smoker spends the average of $1300 a year on .....
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Abortion: Points Of View
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3.... In simple terms, the
pro-abortionist focuses on a woman's rights and the anti-abortionist focuses on
a fetus' rights. Though interrelated, these are basically different topics.
Though neither side realizes it, there is actually much more agreement
than disagreement between the opposing views. The majority on both sides would
agree that social problems like child neglect and urban overcrowding are serious
issues. Most would also agree that the life of a child is a precious thing that
deserves the full protection of the law. There would even be nearly universal
agreement that it is a w .....
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