A Piece Of My Heart (book)
Number of words: 1597 - Number of pages: 6.... experienced many of the same problems as a result of their role there.
Women were exposed to an enormous amount of pain while in Vietnam. As veteran Rose Sandecki said, "[The Vietnam] War really did a number on all of us, the women as well as the men" (20). Nurses in Vietnam were exposed to a nonstop flow of casualties from the field. The landing of a Chinook with mass casualties on board had become a standard to Christine Schneider, a nurse in Da Nang. Practically every nurse’s story described the hospital scenes in Vietnam as "busy." Jill Mishkel explained that she experience .....
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The Truman Doctrine
Number of words: 2419 - Number of pages: 9.... regime. The Soviets were also making extreme
territorial demands especially concerning the Dardanelles.
A direct influence of this Doctrine was, of course, the Marshall Plan.
The Marshall Plan was designed to give aid to any European country damaged
during World War II. It tremendously helped ravaged European nations such
as Italy and France. By helping them economically, the Marshall Plan
indirectly helped to stem growing Communist sentiment in these countries.
The process whereby the Truman Doctrine came to fruition was a long
and arduous one. After World War II, the S .....
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The Medieval Period
Number of words: 738 - Number of pages: 3.... elements include fire, water, earth, and air. There exists a fifth element which is called the elixir, or “philosopher’s stone, alchemy’s long sought after prize. The elixir, or stone, was believed to have the power to transform ordinary metal into precious gold. Alchemists also believed that inorganic things were alive. These inorganic things possessed both spirit and matter values. Because of these beliefs alchemy became known as something strange, something like occult since. They referred alchemy to this because it dealt with properties of matter that could not be inferred b .....
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Huguenots (french Calvanists)
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... St. Bartholomew's Day and started a civil war over the event.
A twist in fate helped the future of the Huguenots. For Henry IV was in a delicate position with his public, over the assassinations of Duke of Guise and his brother, the cardinal, which forced him to alie with Henry of Nevarre a Huguenot. Later after Henry IV got assassinated himself; Henry of Nevarre inherited the French throne in 1589. Henry, then being in rule, decided that the best way to keep the peace and be a successful king, is to become a Catholic. This also was good, for the capitol of France, Paris, was mostly Cath .....
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Ben Franklin 2
Number of words: 2082 - Number of pages: 8.... for advice. Vaughan agreed with James and also urged Franklin to print the history of his life because he could think of no "more efficacious advertisement (56)" of America than Franklin's history. "All that has happened to you is also connected with the detail of the manners and situation of a rising people (56)," he replied to Franklin. It is obvious that when Franklin resumed writing his story, he did so knowing that his story would serve as an example for Americans and as an advertisement to the rest of the world. He wrote his autobiography in full self-consciousness that he was offeri .....
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Nikola Tesla
Number of words: 2197 - Number of pages: 8.... popular Thomas Edison was stubbornly clinging to direct-current motors), but soon more and more inventors were realizing this new source of harnessed power could bring glorious miracles to business, thus providing them with even more glorious profits. But first, the washing machine, truly in honor of my great grandmother, who will be 105 years old this year. Before the days of washing machines, people got dirt out of their clothes by pounding them on rocks and washing the dirt away in streams. Sand was used as an abrasive to free the dirt. Soap was discovered at Rome's Sapo Hill where ashe .....
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Great Depression Timeline
Number of words: 1725 - Number of pages: 7.... by 1929, only 200 corporations will control over half of all American industry.
By the end of the decade, the bottom 80 percent of all income-earners will be removed from the tax rolls completely. Taxes on the rich will fall throughout the decade.
By 1929, the richest 1 percent will own 40 percent of the nation's wealth. The bottom 93 percent will have experienced a 4 percent drop in real disposable per-capita income between 1923 and 1929.
The middle class comprises only 15 to 20 percent of all Americans.
Individual worker productivity rises an astonishing 43 percent from 1919 .....
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A Gold Rush Leads To War
Number of words: 2581 - Number of pages: 10.... Henry Clay proposed the Compromise of 1850 to Congress. The Compromise contained the following provisions:
California would enter the union as free state.
New Mexico territory would be divided into New Mexico and Utah, and offered popular sovereignty.
Texas must yield disputed territory to New Mexico in return for federal assumption of its state debt.
Trading, but not possession, of slaves would be banned from the District of Columbia.
Fugitive slave laws would be enhanced.
Zachary Taylor, who was president at the time, was prepared to veto the bills, but died suddenly. His successor, .....
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The Writing Of The Constitution
Number of words: 539 - Number of pages: 2.... based on the population ,
and an upper house elected by the lower house.The congress was to have
broad legislative power ,with veto over laws passed by state legislatures .
The President and cabinet would be elected by legislature. The national
judiciary would be elected by legislature , and their would be a "Council
of Revision" with power to veto laws of Congress.
Delegates from New Jersey , New York and Delaware did not agree to the
Virginia Plan due to the great power delegated to the national government .
William Paterson of New Jersey submitted a counterproposal .The New Jersey
Plan pr .....
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The Picture Of Dorian Gray
Number of words: 343 - Number of pages: 2.... to reclaim his lost purity by demolishing the last and only piece of proof reflecting his wicked soul --- the picture. The result was that Dorian the man and his picture exchanged appearances, the man aged suddenly then died foul and wrinkled while the canvas regained its initial exquisite elegance.
To me the tale of Dorian Gray is about love, friendship and evil, it is a book written of fascinating style, describing timeless issues as art, beauty and morality. Its controversial perspective only made it more worth while. The only matter I oppose to in this book is its degrading vie .....
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