Mien Kempf: The Great Canadian Edition
Number of words: 486 - Number of pages: 2.... merchandise. We are one of the most highly educated countries in the world. We have the brain power and the manpower to build our own cars, chainsaws, computers, and military equipment. There are two words to prove it; The Arrow.
We are not a violent people but we will have to recognize that the rest of the world will want what we have. We can not let them take it. We may be the only country able to build nuclear weapons entirely with our own domestic materials. We are the only country that mines uranium 234, and that uranium is necessary to create the radioactive uranium 238 for n .....
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Number of words: 967 - Number of pages: 4.... the right of Americans to navigate the Mississippi and agree to fix the northern border of Florida where American’s always wanted (31st parallel). The Treaty of Ghent was also established to settle a conflict with Britain, which was sparked by European struggles with overseas trade. Thus, these treaties were made by the U.S. to settle the differences with European nations and further isolate themselves.
The U.S. gained much territory from European countries and also the natives.
Following the Battle of Timbers, the Treaty of Greenville was signed by the Miami, which ceded new land .....
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Explain The U.S. & Russian Positions In The Cold War
Number of words: 1199 - Number of pages: 5.... therefore, they immediately revoked the offer. The move by the US to cancel their deal would lead to the intervention of Russia, as they were more than willing to aid Egypt in order to increase their sphere of influence in the Middle East. The Soviet Union considered the possibility that they could ultimately establish a communist government in Egypt; this action helped lead to the Suez conflict.
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Russian aid to the country of Cuba caused the US to be faced with the problem of nuclear missiles being within striking distance of every one of it's major citi .....
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Beatles 2
Number of words: 1803 - Number of pages: 7.... of record albums are versatile that way because one can fit a lot on them. I have looked at the images on a few Beatles' records and, I must say, they are rather attractive and flashy. One particular cover that I was able to view is an album that went unreleased due to its picture. On the cover there is a photograph of The Beatles in a butcher shop with carcasses hanging around them; it certainly caught the eye. On another album, the boys were all dressed up in Spanish bullfighter uniforms that were gaudy enough to catch the eye of a blind man.
The sounds that the ear hears in a song are w .....
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Jay's Treaty
Number of words: 691 - Number of pages: 3.... he deserves all the
credit for initiating it in the first place. The times had become rough with
the British, and according to Hamilton the British were a vital part of our
economy. He said " …the tax on imports furnished much of the money for paying
off our foreign, domestic, and state debts." 2 Along with the British's
impressment of American seamen and their role in our economy Washington knew
something had to be done. Washington knew that the tension between America and
England had to be thinned out so he decided to send over a special envoy. The
individual chosen for the job wa .....
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Causes Of The First World War
Number of words: 2801 - Number of pages: 11.... what was the opinion of the contemporaries about the causes of the Great War. In the reprint of the article "What Started the War", from August 17, 1915 issue of The Clock magazine published on the Internet the author writes: "It is thought that this war that is been ongoing for over a year, began with the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand. However, many other reasons led to this war, some occurring as far back the late 1800's. Nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and the system of alliances were four main factors that pressed the great powers towards this explosive war."
Ac .....
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Pearl Harbor
Number of words: 571 - Number of pages: 3.... concrete quays. The U.S. totally taken off guard had
to defend themselves in pajamas. They used anti-aircraft guns in an attempt to
stop the Japanese. A second wave followed. The surprise attack was over before
10 AM. The results were devastating; 18 U.S. ships were hit, and more than 200
aircraft destroyed or damaged. The battleship Arizona was a total wreck; the
West Virginia and California were sunk; and the Nevada was heavily damaged.
Approximately 2,400 Americans were killed, 1,300 wounded, and 1,000 missing.
Japanese losses were fewer than 100 casualties, 29 planes, and 5 midg .....
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History Of Boot Camp Correctio
Number of words: 2246 - Number of pages: 9.... their "get tough" policies. Proponents of boot camps cite their potential for rehabilitating offenders and curbing future criminal behavior. Opponents caution that more information is needed on a variety of issues including costs and the potential for abuse of power. Research into boot camps began with a 1988 study of Louisiana's boot camp program and continued with a multisite evaluation in 1989. (Cowels, 1995) Fueled primarily by growth in the number of offenders incarcerated during the past decade and changing views of the role of punishment and treatment in the correctional system, shock .....
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Orgin Of The Korean War
Number of words: 775 - Number of pages: 3.... newly created Cold War. The Americans decided to land troops to occupy Korea at the end of the war as soon as they found out that the Russia was interested in overtaking the Korea as their sphere of interest. The Soviet Union’s occupying Korea would create and entirely new strategic situation in the Far East. Though the Pentagon decided that interest towards Korea was not going to be a long-term interest to the US, their view changed drastically within three weeks. On August 10, 1945, dropping of the Nagasaki bomb finalized the participation of the US occupation in Korea. Unexpected by th .....
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Kkk 3
Number of words: 1104 - Number of pages: 5.... began the earliest version of the Ku Klux Klan. Some of them had simpler professions such as blacksmithing and farming, however some of them were Confederate army officers. The group needed a name, which was then based on the Greek word "kuklos" meaning circle. The circle was chosen for it symbolizes unity, perfection and the progress of humans. Being an organization, they added "clan"; with a "K" for show. To avoid being recognized and to induce fear, they wore sheets as cloaks and made hats out of white sheets as well.
Clearly, from the beginning of its creation, the Klan was not an org .....
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