Native Americans
Number of words: 4952 - Number of pages: 19.... had reached India.
Because of European colonization of North and South America since 1500, have been greatly reduced in numbers and largely displaced. In Central and South America a large percentage of the modern population is of mixed Indian and European ancestry, and in the Caribbean and parts of South America a portion of the population is of mixed American Indian and African descent.
belong to the American Indian geographic race. Characteristics include medium skin pigmentation, straight black hair, sparse body hair, and a very low frequency of male pattern balding. In addition to a mar .....
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The Declaration Of Independence
Number of words: 344 - Number of pages: 2.... second part, the Declaration listed the alleged crimes of the king, who, with the backing of Parliament, had violated his “contract” with the colonists and thus had forfeited all claim to their loyalty. “The clearest call for independence up to the summer of 1776 came in Philadelphia on June 7th. Church bells rang out over Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. This signaled that was approved and officially adopted by the Continental Congress. Words to live by from are “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator wi .....
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Mob Involvement With Prohibition
Number of words: 848 - Number of pages: 4.... millions. Prohibition also united the American people more than anything since the World War. Everyone, from the poor to the rich, united to break the law. Even the police, yeah sure they will serve and protect, unless they find a better deal. The police were letting alcohol be made and sold right under their noses. The rich buy the booze to spice up their parties and the poor spend their time and money in bootleggers houses getting drunk. Rarely do the rich and the poor agree on anything. But, prohibition contributed to an increased sense of community and neighborly love. Prohibition als .....
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Rock Music
Number of words: 1153 - Number of pages: 5.... his "Rock Around the Clock". In this decade, Elvis Presley introduced a music that was sexual-suggestive, and outraged many adults of that time. In time, he changed the style of the music by adopting a country and western style and became a national hero. By the end of this decade and the start of the next, Rock n' Roll started to decline because it was formula-ridden and it was too sentimental. Teenage audiences transferred their allegiance to Folk
In 1963, the renewal of Rock n' Roll came when The Beatles started to play. The Beatles, for some the best rock group ever, were from Liv .....
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Sixteen Most Significant Events In US History Between 1789 To 1975
Number of words: 8699 - Number of pages: 32.... period in history. From an
economic perspective it doubled the size of the United States at a price of
only fifteen million dollars. It allowed settlement beyond the Mississippi
River in a territory that was rich in minerals and natural resources. It
eliminated the United States' long struggle for control of the Mississippi
River and its outlet to the sea, and as Jefferson stated, it freed America
from European influence at its borders. In addition to these economic
implications, the purchase also had historic political implications. The
acquisition took place at a time when the governm .....
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The Protector Of The Scots And The Hammer Of The Scots
Number of words: 2128 - Number of pages: 8.... heirs have been wiped out let us look to the female children, the King’s daughter had married Eric II King of Norway in 1281, this of course was an attempt to create a bond with Norway, Unfortunately he was informed that his daughter had died and quickly realized he had no heir to the throne. King Alexander III had to get married and quickly! The King does marry a Counts daughter in 1284 however this is a little too late for the throne of Scotland. Shortly after his second marriage, the King is drinking one ill-fated evening with his nobles. He gets the notion to go and pay his new bri .....
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Andrew Carnegie
Number of words: 1156 - Number of pages: 5.... there while his mother bound shoes at home, making a miniscule amount of money. Although the Carnegies lacked in money, they abounded in ideals and training for their children. At age 15, Carnegie became a telegraph messenger boy in Pittsburgh. He learned to send and decipher telegraphic messages and became a telegraph operator at the age of 17. Carnegie’s next job was as a railroad clerk, working for the Pennsylvania Railroad. He worked his way up the ladder, through his dedication and honest desire to succeed, to become train dispatcher and then division manager. At this time, young Carn .....
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Battle Of Bunker Hill
Number of words: 1993 - Number of pages: 8.... This battle made both sides realize that this was not going to be a matter decided on by one quick and decisive battle. The was not just an event that happened overnight. The battle was the result of struggle and hostility between Great Britain and the colonies for many years. Many of the oppressive feelings came as a result of British laws and restrictions placed on them. It would not be true to say that the battle was the beginning of the fight for independence. It is necessary to see that this was not a rash decision that occurred because of one dispute, but rather the seeds sown to p .....
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The Effects Of The Industrial
Number of words: 653 - Number of pages: 3.... extremely heavy loads. For their work, they were paid ridiculous wages, women around 5 shillings per week, and children about 1. One can easily recognize the negative aspects of such a dramatic event. However, if one "steps back" to view the revolution as a whole, he will notice that the positive aspects completely outweigh the negative aspects.
The job opportunities and price decrease definitely improved the lives of the people, giving them a chance to be a part of the society and be able to purchase products at a price that wasn't too bad.
Many lives changed outside work. There were .....
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Why Puritans Came To America: Freedom
Number of words: 827 - Number of pages: 4.... which rights were endowed to the people of the United States.
They adopted the Bill of rights, which was drafted for political
motivations, and it evolved into a document which shelters American
people's civil liberties.
When the Bill of Rights was adopted, political motivations superceded
libertarian views. James Madison claimed that this "nauseous project of
amendments" would "kill the opposition[for the ratification of the
constitution] everywhere..." In the beginning, the Bill of Rights was
first drafted up to appease the Anti-Federalists and coax them into
ratifyin .....
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