Civil Disobedience
Number of words: 3688 - Number of pages: 14.... within a cab ride of being in Johannesburg, South Africa", 1 when King said this he was only speaking half jokingly. In Birmingham the unwritten rule towards blacks was that "if the Klan doesn't stop you, the police will."2 When King decided that the time had come to end the racial hatred, or at least end the violence, he chose to fight in a non-traditional way. Rather than giving the white people the pleasure of participating in violent confrontations, King believed if they fought without violence for their rights, they would have a faster success rate. King also saw Birmingham as the m .....
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Dominican Republic
Number of words: 688 - Number of pages: 3.... located between Santiago de los Caballeros and San Pedro de Macoris.
Another 1/3 of the population is located in the capitol city of Santo Domingo and between the cities of La Romana and San Cristobal. The annual growth rate is estimated to be at 1.71% for the next couple of years until the year 2000. Mulattos form the largest ethnic group in the being roughly 73% of the population. The next largest group is 16% Caucasian and 11% Black. The life expectancy from birth is for males 65 years and for females 69 years. Out of 100,000 live births 61.4% of the babies die.
The start relig .....
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About Gettysburg
Number of words: 2764 - Number of pages: 11.... July first to Friday July 3, 1863.
Pennsylvania was a pivotal state in the Civil War struggle... because key routes from the South led to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh. In order to control these routes the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia invaded Pennsylvania in 1863. The confrontation at Gettysburg became one of the most decisive as well as one of the bloodiest battles of American history. Almost a third of the Union army in the Battle of Gettysburg was from Pennsylvania.
Important Men
Mr. Meade (see picture One) was born in Cadiz, Spain, on the thirty-first of Dec .....
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Ending Of Apartheid In South A
Number of words: 642 - Number of pages: 3.... forward for blacks, there were many possible reasons for his drastic change in government. A journalist in Cape Town at the time wondered if De Klerk fully realised what he was doing. Perhaps De Klerk thoguht he could remain in power by sharing it with the ANC. There were also economic pressures; business men were meeting with the ANC and liking them. De Klerk was practical as he was trained as a lawyer, and also religious. Apparently his brother had said he thought God had chosen him to lead South Africa ‘at a crossroads’.
However, the most probable reason was that apartheid was no long .....
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Explaining The Three Parts Of
Number of words: 382 - Number of pages: 2.... soil their lives. Jefferson stated that King George III did things illegally. Jefferson felt that the American colonists were being deprived of benefits and privileges. In the second part, the king was accused of numerous accusations. Jefferson made it out to be that the king was there just to enrich Great Britain and did not care about any laws or occurrences opposing the colonists. Mercantilism was an ample factor.
In the closing of the declaration, Jefferson pronounces that the colonists have the right to be free. He stated that time and time again the colonists were denied the chanc .....
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Muammad Ali Jinnah
Number of words: 736 - Number of pages: 3.... home for it. He had done that all that within a decade. For over three decades before the successful pinnacle in 1947 of the Muslim struggle for freedom in the South-Asian subcontinent, Jinnah had provided political leadership to the Indian Muslims: initially as one of the leaders, but later, since 1947, as the only prominent leader- the Quaid-i-Azam. For over thirty years, he had guided their affairs; he had given expression, coherence and direction to their legitimate aspirations and cherished dreams; he had formulated these into concrete demands; and, above all, he had striven all t .....
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The Ninth And Tenth Century Dynasties
Number of words: 2768 - Number of pages: 11.... half of the twelfth century - even in the face of the eleventh-century invasion by the Seljuk Turks.
Because a minor scion of the dynasty took refuge with the Mamluks in Egypt, the 'Abbasid caliphate continued in name into the sixteenth century. In effect, however, it expired with the Mongols and the capture of Baghdad. From Iraq the Mongols pressed forward into Syria and then toward Egypt where, for the first time, they faced adversaries who refused to quail before their vaunted power. These were the Mamluks, soldier-slaves from the Turkish steppe area north of the Black and .....
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The Writing Of The Constitution
Number of words: 259 - Number of pages: 1.... The declaration
contained a basic but integral principle which is important even today, and
justified the independence movement for the newly formed United States of
The preamble to the declaration established a small but vital principle
that "whenever any form of government becomes is the right
of the people to alter or abolish it." This principle has continued to be
significant to the United States because it gives every citizen the right
to question the government and to actually do something about it.
The second part of the declaration consisted of a .....
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Balkans, History On Geographic
Number of words: 776 - Number of pages: 3.... better then that of the top of it, so the groups that have been beaten in battle usually would take refuge up at the top, or it would be a punishment.
The rivers in the Balkan Peninsula are basically short so there only use is from local inhabitants. If anything these rivers are a menace, because they cannot carry water traffic and they cut ravines which then in turn block travel along the coast. The one exception of this is the Danube river, which enters from the west, passes through the Hungarian plain, then flows to the south of the Slavic states, and finally exits out of Romania and .....
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Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3.... and very statuesque. Poussin also uses a background of a Roman city to further enhance his love for the classical world. He sought for permanent in the momentary and the universal in the individual. Many ists of the time turned to classical Greece and Rome for their ideas. Another prime example is the East Façade of the Louvre Palace in Paris, France. KING LOUIS XIV originally commissioned this piece of work to Gianlorenzo Bernini in 1665. The king's finance minister felt " it left the king housed no better than before." so his plan was rejected and a French architect named Claude Perraul .....
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