The Lost Generation
Number of words: 930 - Number of pages: 4.... expect. They were taken from their sheltered homes and thrown into unimaginable chaos. World War I should never have been fought. It was because of a royal family feud that caused millions of deaths. How would one feel if one saw their best friend blown up right before their very own eyes? These kids saw their comrades choke to death because of the fatal mustard gas. They saw friends get shot in the stomach and die slowly of excruciating pain. The dead bodies were innumerable and they had to face their enemy eye to eye and then kill them. These men starved and had to fight off giant rats. Mos .....
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Witchcraft At Salem
Number of words: 315 - Number of pages: 2.... because of the abundance of
"witches" in those days. Even today, with the abundance of knowledge about
the way things work, some hasten to postulate "God's doings" as the answers
to all of our unanswered questions. Are we on this earth because "God put
us here"? Was it a chance arrangement of amino acids in a molecular pool
which evolved into a human being? Or does the answer lie in some different
theory that only time will reveal? Whether it be in the case of medicine,
religion, history, or anything requiring judgement, even gossip, one must
realize that reality is impossible to .....
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The Salem Witch Trials
Number of words: 530 - Number of pages: 2.... about what was being done in the forest. Abigail denies any accusation of witchery, but Proctor believes that they were practicing witchery. “Now then, in the midst of such disruption, my own household is discovered to be the very center of some obscene practice. Abominations are done in the forest-“ Due to their belief that the devil is a living entity, Proctor accuses his niece of witchery with out any knowledge of what truly happened. This accusation then causes the witch trials.
During the church began to suspect all members of the society. They began to investigate the atten .....
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Number of words: 520 - Number of pages: 2.... wooden geta clogs are worn for footwear, and hair is up in coiffures adorned with metallic accessories. The makeup of centuries is a white foundation, lips are painted a stark red. For the younger girl, only the upper lip is painted. For extra sensual appeal, a red streak is painted at the nape of the neck, for the more neck you show, the more risque your costume.
Geisha GeishaWithin Tea Houses, the geisha organize themselves hierarchically with relationships based on the family model (i.e. mother/daughter younger/older sisters). Within each tea house is a "mother" who is in charge of the .....
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Break Stalin
Number of words: 1664 - Number of pages: 7.... in honor of Stalin were given new names or returned to their old names1. The statues and pictures of Stalin were destroyed and letters were sent to families of those who were killed in battle, which criticized Stalin’s weak leadership during the time of the war. Stalin’s grave was vandalized during this process, and Khrushchev gained approval from the West. These policies were used to erase the past and ease the minds of those who suffered under the dictator2. Khrushchev worked to denounce his former leaders doings and clean up the image of the nation on a worldwide scale. Khrus .....
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Communism An Overview
Number of words: 555 - Number of pages: 3.... in which the huge number of poor would rebel against their oppressors. The revolution would do away with private ownership of the means of production. Society would be run by and for the people.
Marx and Engels expected that this movement would happen in the most highly industrialized nations of Western Europe, the only part of the world where the conditions were ripe for these developments. This had not happened, though, and capitalism, though all its shortcomings, had been retained in Western Europe. Yet in other nations that lacked the conditions they considered essential for communis .....
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Development Of Art
Number of words: 598 - Number of pages: 3.... form of art laid the ground-
work for the many types of art which would follow it.
The next important era was the time of Greek art. Their work was greatly influenced by the Egyptians. Their early art was very geometric in shape and glorified Gods and people in their works. Eventually as time progressed, they began to soften their edges and lines and concentrate on the human form, which they considered the most beautiful of all creation.
Christian art was the next big leap for art. This art was more colorful and displayed vivid images and scenes. The introduction of the mosaic was .....
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The New World
Number of words: 1359 - Number of pages: 5.... were very helpful and giving. They brought their calabashes full of water to the Europeans (Documents Set,13). The Indians were unaware of the hostile environment that was to lie ahead. "The first stages of the Spanish invasion of America included frightful violence. Armies led by conquistadors marched across the Caribbean island, plundering villages, slaughtering men, and capturing women" (Out Of Many,33). This was just the beginning of encomienda, an early form of slavery. Indians later made poor slaves, because they were unreliable. Indians did everything to get out of slavery .....
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African Colonialism
Number of words: 1871 - Number of pages: 7.... trading. In around the 1860’s this became an illegal act. However, like any other crime, this trading could not be stopped entirely. British Naval ships were set up as blockades but sometimes Slaves were stored in spaces that were no higher than 12 inches so not all slave carrying boats could be stopped. In fact while the Navy stopped approximately 103,000 slaves from entering the slave force about 1.7 million entered it. Since this trade was illegal it was even more profitable than before. The slaves that were stopped from being shipped all the way west were being sent to Freetown, .....
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Boston Tea Party
Number of words: 998 - Number of pages: 4.... passed the Tea Act in 1773, it allowed them to provide tea to America for cheaper than the smuggled tea. American tea merchants, unable to compete with this new low price, were put out of business. (Jones) This Act infuriated the colonial citizens who felt it unfair to favor their British tea dealers over American ones. In retaliation, Samuel Adams led a group of 150 or so men disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded three British tea ships and proceeded to dump 343 chests of British tea into the ocean. (Cornell) When Bostonians refused to pay for the destroyed property, King George III .....
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