Brief History Of The NRA
Number of words: 1629 - Number of pages: 6.... that is geographically distributed. The Board of Directors are
elected by secret ballot.2
Brady Act
The Brady Act was approved by Congress in November of 1993 and was
then signed into law by President Clinton later in the month. The act was
originally named for anti gun lobbyist Sarah Brady, and not for former
press secretary Jim Brady. It was through Jim Brady's support and the
media coverage that linked his name to the act. The act requires that
there be a waiting period of five state government business days at the
time an individual applies to purchase a handgun from a federal f .....
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The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln
Number of words: 826 - Number of pages: 4.... New York: Encarta 97 Encyclopedia, 1993-1996.
This article is a summary of the events leading up to, the
assassination, and the events after Abraham Lincoln's death. He was killed
April 15, 1865. His assassin was a man by the name of John Wilkes Booth.
Lincoln was planing to attend a play at Ford's Theatre that night. Booth
shot him that night.
Booth shot Lincoln with a small pistol known as a derringer. Booth
managed to escape but was caught twelve days later when he was found hiding
in a barn. He underwent surgery at a boarding house across the street from
the theater. .....
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Vietnamization (Real Version)
Number of words: 966 - Number of pages: 4.... united as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (“Vietnam War”). If the U.S. had stayed to finish the Vietnamization, there might have been a South Vietnam today.
I feel that the U.S. should have never been involved in the war in the first place, however, under the unavoidable circumstances we should have stayed in South Vietnam and helped the country defend themselves on something we made them believe in. We poured so many resources into the war fighting for a cause that many Americans and people in general did not believe in, and to retreat from the South Vietnamese when they needed Ameri .....
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The German-Great Britain Trade Rivalry In Comparison To The U.S.- Japan Trade Rivalry
Number of words: 544 - Number of pages: 2.... to the Japan-U.S. trade rivalry.
Japan like Germany was able to catch up to the U.S. because the U.S. was large
and arrogant and refused to believe it could face competition from Japan. Like
Britain, U.S. industry believed that they could hold onto markets and would not
face competition. British and U.S. industry were startled by the fast rate of
growth and industrialization that allowed Germany and Japan to transform
themselves quickly into trading rivals. This fast rate of growth also caused
friction between both sets of countries. Relations between Germany and Great
Britain were damaged as .....
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Number of words: 392 - Number of pages: 2.... southerners. When the Republican candidate, Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, the South felt threatened, and because expansion was vital to the survival of slavery they also felt their way of life was being threatened. Because slavery was such an important part of Southern society, the South felt that they could not survive without it. That's why they were not willing to compromise with the north. To own slaves was a sign of wealth and social prestige and poor farmers who could not afford slaves had a goal to work for. In the election of 1860 you can see that Lincoln only secured 4% of th .....
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Assyrian Art
Number of words: 1112 - Number of pages: 5.... reverence for the king…." (Art History Anthology 28). Moreover, the reliefs overwhelm the viewer by depicting the king's power and god-like divinity through propagandistic iconography and stylization.
To portray the king's god-like divinity, the reliefs represent the deities and Assurnasirpal in a similar manner. First of all, hierarchic scale is almost absent since all the figures are closely related in size, with Assurnasirpal being only slightly shorter than the deities. In historical context, this shows that Assyrian kings were closely associated with deities, but were not considered .....
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Islam 3
Number of words: 1152 - Number of pages: 5.... house of peace, the adjective 'Muslim' means Peaceful. Peace is the nature, the meaning, the emblem and the objective of Islam. Every being is entitled to enjoy the peace of Islam and the kindness of the peaceful Muslims, regardless of religious or geographical or racial considerations.
God is completely just and merciful, and His laws are just for all people regardless of nationality, color or social status. The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred, whether or not a person is Muslim.
The word militant means “aggressively active.” In my opinion both .....
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Schindler’s List
Number of words: 852 - Number of pages: 4.... freeing them from being destroyed. Once Schindler recognizes this tragedy, he puts his on life in danger to save all of the Jews that he can. He is so generous that people ask him to let people work in the factory so they will live. He does so. He has a heart but he also does it for his personal gain. At first, he just opens the factory to gain money. In the end, we see him spending all of his money to save the Jews. The courageous man makes up a list containing thousands upon thousands of Jews that he requested to come and work in an artillery manufacturing plant. His main goal is .....
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Nineteenth Century
Number of words: 1073 - Number of pages: 4.... many kinds of fruit pies, and seafood. Coffee was served with all meals. Breakfast was served around seven, dinner (now called lunch) at noon (except on Sunday where it was served around two), and supper at six. Americans wore completely different clothes than the Twentieth Century Americans. Many young boys and men would wear suits, even as play clothes. Many were dark blue, with or black. There were many ruffles and cuffs. Many men and boys would wear tan colored shoes. Most women wore long hooping skirts, also with many cuffs and ruffles. For work, many men wore blue jeans, after Levi Str .....
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Al Capone
Number of words: 284 - Number of pages: 2.... connections.
In 1920, mobster Johnny Torrio had an inspiration. He discovered that there was big money to be made with an outlawed liquor business. He needed a lieutenant to run his business, and picked a 23-year-old bullheaded roughneck from Five Points Gang of New York to run his business, to go to Chicago and bootleg. He promised him half the profit for his work. was an excellent choice for Johnny Torrio. settled in Chicago, in small office. His business card stated, “Alfonso Capone, Secondhand Furniture Dealer”.
Alfonso Capone had a great ability to handle the emergency sit .....
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