The Great Depression
Number of words: 1135 - Number of pages: 5.... boxing champion.” (Cayton, Perry, Winkler, 764 ) Louis also went
on to become a hero for the war effort and gave inspirational speeches.
Jesse Owens great accomplishments on the track field made him one of the
most famous in history. While on the Ohio State University track team in 1935
he set a world record in the broad jump (26 feet 8 1/4 ). In 1936 he set a
new world record in the 100m. dash,(10.2 sec.). In 1936 as a member of the
U.S. track team at the Olympic games in Berlin, Jesse Owens won four gold
medals and set more new world records. This is an important mora .....
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Confucius 3
Number of words: 646 - Number of pages: 3.... died shortly after Confucius's birth. His family fell into relative poverty, and Confucius joined a growing class of impoverished descendants of aristocrats who made their careers by acquiring knowledge of feudal ritual and taking positions of influence serving the rulers of the many separate states of ancient China. Confucius devoted himself to learning. At the age of 30, however, when his short-lived official career floundered, he turned to teaching others. Confucius himself never wrote down his own philosophy, although tradition credits him with editing some of the historical classi .....
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The Compromise Of Henry Clay
Number of words: 402 - Number of pages: 2.... either. The problem with the compromise to me as a Northerner is that it doesn’t offer that which I want. As a person of the North, I am interested in the abolition of slavery. I will not be fooled by a so-called compromise that doesn’t include that which I really want. As an abolitionist, the only good part of the bill is that California is admitted as a free state. While this does strengthen the abolitionist movement, it does not ban slavery. By agreeing to this compromise, I would be saying that I was satisfied with the South having slavery as long as California did not have it .....
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Slave Ownership In The Southern United States
Number of words: 1967 - Number of pages: 8.... " Olsen attempts to challenge the widely accepted notion that slave ownership was confined to only a few southern white plantation owners and that most of the white population was unaffected by it. The author spends nearly half of his thirty-seven paragraph article displaying the past and present attitudes of the general population through several case studies which he lists chronologically and explains in brief detail. He tries to discredit a handful of them while, at the same time, injecting his own views. In an attempt to persuade the reader he sets up his side of the debate by citing .....
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Adilf Hitler
Number of words: 822 - Number of pages: 3.... and others was excelerated. After the Second World War had began in 1939, the Nazi's dropped all restrictions they had previously made towards the systematic murder of all Jews. In countries such as Europe, steps were made for Jews to follow in order to be seperated from the rest of the population. First Jews were required to register, then they were known to the Gestapo. Some families sent their children to live with christian families and live under an assumed identity. Hitler sent The Jews of Poland to live in poverty stricken ghettos where they were exposed to disease and malnutrition. Wi .....
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Operation Desert Storm
Number of words: 360 - Number of pages: 2.... States and its allies that Saddam Hussein and his small nation of 18 million
people stood no chance what so ever against the mighty military of the United
States and its allies.On the final night of the war, within hours of the cease fire towards United States, Air force bombers dropped specially designed, 5000 pound bombs on a command bunker fifteen miles northwest of Baghdad in a deliberate attempt to kill Saddam Hussein.During the very week, King Fahd was persuaded to invite the United States troops to Saudi Arabia in order to defend his monarchy from the alleged threat of Iraqi inv .....
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Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
Number of words: 571 - Number of pages: 3.... faster than a crawl, the larger envelope had to be fashioned into sleek aerodynamic shape with small frontal area. These long, thin, 'sausage' shapes tended to be highly unstable. Slight changes in the craft's center of gravity could cause the larger volumes of hydrogen to shift wildly with sometimes with tragic results. Zeppelin's design broke the technological barrier and made his name a synonym for the airship. His solution contained the hydrogen in separate 'cells' all within a long, thin, light-weight metal frame covered with
stretched fabric. His first rigid airship, the Lufts .....
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Cesar Chavez Mural
Number of words: 631 - Number of pages: 3.... to Delano, California to organize his own farmworkers movement. In the Central Valley of California, he created the National Farm Workers Association ( now the United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO). He received help from Dolores Huerta, Gilberto Padilla, Fred Ross Sr. and many others. In the mid 1960's, the union boycotted and striked many agricultural products with progressive succes. In 1975, the California Labor Relations Act was passed largely due to the work of Chavez and the UFWA. Cesar Chavez died in 1993.
Dolores Huerta was bornon April 10, 1930 in a mining town in northern .....
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Kurds - A People Without A Sta
Number of words: 1864 - Number of pages: 7.... in Turkey, four
million in Iraq, five million in Iran, and a million in Syria, with
the rest scattered throughout the rest of the world (Bonner, p. 46,
1992). The Kurds also have had a long history of conflict with these
other ethnic groups in the Middle East, which we will now look at.
The history of Kurds in the area actually began during ancient times.
However, the desire for a Kurdish homeland did not begin until the
early 1900's, around the time of World War I. In his Fourteen Points,
President Woodrow Wilson promised the Kurds a sovereign state
(Hitchens, p. .....
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Articles Of Confederation
Number of words: 558 - Number of pages: 3.... History.” Robert Morris, secretary of finance, resorted to desperate measures with the Newburgh conspiracy in an attempt to raise funds for a depleted military; but it took an impassioned plea from General Washington himself to put down the rebellion. Furthermore, the Articles allowed for personal rights abuses such as unsubstantiated foreclosures on farms and ill advised loans to certain “ small groups”, the antithesis of republicanism. As Arthur Schlesinger Jr. stated “the Articles were to impotent to govern.” Lastly, no judicial system was provided for to enforce laws and there .....
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