Japanese Canadians During World War II
Number of words: 636 - Number of pages: 3.... 1941, Ottawa worried about protecting loyal residents of Japanese
racial origin from the mod violence and demonstrations they had long feared.
The RCMP and provincial police immediately followed prearranged plans and
began interning approximately forty Japanese nationals whom they suspected
of having subversive intentions. All the Japanese Canadians had special
identification that is different then general Canadians. The Royal Canadian
Navy began rounding up the fishing boats operated by Japanese Canadians.
On 9 January 1942, as the Ottawa conference recommended removing 'all male
Japane .....
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Reconstruction In The South
Number of words: 950 - Number of pages: 4.... to create a new state government as soon as a group of
the state's citizen totaling 10 percent of the voters in the 1860 presidential
election had signed oaths of loyalty to the Union. Under this plan new
governments were formed in Louisiana, Tennessee and Arkansas but the Congress
refused to recognize them. Republicans in Congress did not want a quick
restoration, for the reason that it would bring Democratic representatives and
senators to Washington, and in 1864 Congress passed the Wade-Davis
Reconstruction Bill. This bill would have delayed the process of rejoining the
Union un .....
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Hitler And Gleichchaltung
Number of words: 4787 - Number of pages: 18.... few months of 1933 and they failed to realize to stand up against what was happening to them and their country
On February 4, 1933 the Reich President Hindenburg issued an ordinance for the protection of the German people under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. The ordinance allowed made it possible for Hitler to ban periodicals, newspapers, and even assemblies. With this power Hitler began to sever the people's constitutionally guaranteed freedom of opinion which gave him power to suppress peoples feelings but more importantly allowed for the suppression of political groups. A ma .....
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The Hero Of Con Air
Number of words: 512 - Number of pages: 2.... prisoner, Garland Green, a brutal serial killer, displays more courage. When he comes across a young girl playing alone outside her house, he has a chance to turn her into a victim. But, remarkably, he does her no harm. Not the typical heroic act, yet it still applies.
Similar to the theme of heroism, is the purpose of Con Air. The purpose of this movie is to inspire people to do the right thing even when stuck in the worst environment. And what could be worse than Poe’s environment. As he describes it, “They somehow managed to get every creep and freak in the universe on this one .....
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Back To Chernobyl
Number of words: 706 - Number of pages: 3.... the Chernobyl power plant.
If I were in the same position before the accident, I would’ve made sure that the minimum amount of control rods were being in used considering the dangers of the reactor and their radiation incase of a meltdown. I would also have made sure all the cooling systems and equipment were working properly. Lastly, I would’ve used water as the coolant agent, so as to keep the core cooler.
In contrast to the reaction of the Soviets, I would’ve acted more quickly and expected the worst. I would’ve demanded an evacuation as soon as possible and in a .....
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Number of words: 1523 - Number of pages: 6.... sections of the country, extend about 1,000 mi. south from the Gran Chaco. In Patagonia, south of the Pampas, the terrain consists largely of arid, desolate steppes."(Encarta Online). A famed scenic attraction, the Iguaçu Falls, is on the çIguau River a tributary of the Paraná. "The chief rivers of are the áParan, which splits the north part of the country. In the area between the Río Salado and the Río Colorado and in the Chaco region, some large rivers empty into swamps and marshes or disappear into sinks. "(New Standard)
Temperate climatic conditions prevail throughout most of .....
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My Fair Lady
Number of words: 1078 - Number of pages: 4.... who, as it turns out, has come from India to meet Professor Higgens. The Professor and colonel Pickering then talk about their shared interest in speech. She listens to the professor and colonel Pickering talking and she then starts to desire to become a lady. Colonel Pickering and Professor Higgens sing ‘Wouldn’t it be lovely?’
The song ‘Why can’t the English learn to speak?’ is about people like Eliza that don’t speak correctly. The orchestra in the background accompanies the song.
‘Wouldn’t It be lovely?’ is a song about their lives if they were more wealthy. Th .....
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Fashion During The Renaissance
Number of words: 364 - Number of pages: 2.... except in the south where it was hot and dry. Rainfall was very moderate, and kept crops well grown. The natural resources during this time were fish and marble. Agricultural products were wheat, wine grapes, olives, tobacco, and corn. Italy has become a very unique and beautiful country and The Renaissance has taken a great responisibility in this beauty.
High knee boots were the main shoe that was worn by men. Other accessories such as jewelry and cologne were not yet worn by the men, except for the wealthy Kings and princes.
Horse carriages and coaches were available during The Renaiss .....
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The White Man's Abuse On The Lands
Number of words: 1034 - Number of pages: 4.... that the White
Man exerts on the land. He makes many references towards the Indian
Spiritual being, that he is very different from that of the White Man. He
makes many analogies towards that of the spiritual importance of the burial
grounds and the worshipping grounds towards the after life. "To us the
ashes of our ancestors are sacred and their resting place is hallowed
ground." And he also says, "Your dead cease to love you and the land of
their nativity as soon as they pass the portals of the tomb and wander way
beyond the stars."
In the speech of Sitting Bull, he speaks of the abuse of t .....
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The California Gold Rush
Number of words: 2008 - Number of pages: 8.... gold-seekers came to was a land of magnificent proportions, of great natural diversity, of extremes and opposites. Nature had done nothing on a small scale” (Seidman 99). California at that time had a population of around 14,000. Not included in these estimates were the 200,000 Native Americans that lived within its borders. Prior to the Mexican War of 1846-1848, California was an isolated northerly province of Mexico. Due to the lack of a large population and association to belong to, some said, “ Politically, technologically, and socially, revolutions were occurring everywhere” .....
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