The War In Vietnam
Number of words: 1998 - Number of pages: 8.... emanating from he Soviet Union. Any communist anywhere, at home or abroad, was, by definition, and enemy of the United States. Drawing an analogy with the unsuccessful appeasement of fascist dictators before World War II, the Truman administration believed that any sign of communist aggression must be met quickly and forcefully by the United States and its allies. This reactive policy was known as containment.
In Vietnam the target of containment was Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh front he had created in 1941. Ho and his chief lieutenants were communists with long-standing connections t .....
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Funeral Blues
Number of words: 776 - Number of pages: 3.... week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever good.
“Funeral Blues” is a Song poem, in which it has a certain rhythm, or beat, which can be sung to. This poem is called a blues song. The blues were originally music developed by the slaves in the south that spoke of sadness, pain, or a time of loss. Blues songs were traditionally composed of three .....
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Hitler, Nazis, And The National Socialist German Workers' Party
Number of words: 2324 - Number of pages: 9.... of the party during its first decade.
The Nazis now presented themselves as the party of the young, the strong,
and the pure, in opposition to an establishment populated by the elderly,
the weak, and the dissolute.
Hitler was born in a small town in Austria in 1889. As a young boy,
he showed little ambition. After dropping out of high school, he moved to
Vienna to study art, but he was denied the chance to join Vienna academy
of fine arts.
When WWI broke out, Hitler joined Kaiser Wilhelmer's army as a
Corporal. He was not a person of great importance. He was a creature of .....
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A Slave's Life
Number of words: 1148 - Number of pages: 5.... and eleven million Africans were sent to the United States to serve as slaves, about forty percent of southern population was made up of slaves. When all of these Africans arrived the legal status of them was poorly defined, and some managed to become free after a period of time, much like the indentured servants. But in the late 1600’s the colonies decided to enact laws that regulated the slaves. The most important regulation at the time was the introduction of lifetime servitude; even the children of a slave would be enslaved for life.
Slaves were forced to perform numerous tasks, from .....
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Western Expansion
Number of words: 4097 - Number of pages: 15.... become a lucrative business and the fur traders became the pathfinders for the settlers. Migration was now possible by the discovery of paths over which ox-driven carts could be driven through seeking mountains and across the western desert. People wanted to move away from the overcrowded cities and this led to the migration into the uninhabited lands. Increased transportation like roads, railroads and canals and their construction created a demand for cheap labor making it easier for people to get jobs now, in contrast with the cities where there was unemployment. The pioneer movement for 70 .....
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Men In Black
Number of words: 543 - Number of pages: 2.... of three. As the story goes the officer working for the MIB states that he is with the government and quickly flashes an identity card. After the encounter the members of the MIB do not seem to have any record with the government. Witness’s of the encounters are told not to tell anybody of what they saw and often feel ill several day’s after the encounter.
The MIB are said to have a supernatural feel. Dogs, which are normally very aggressive, seem to be scared of them. Also they usually port wigs or
Make-up to make them more “human looking.” They also are known to be fascinating w .....
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Number of words: 844 - Number of pages: 4.... about 805 km (about 500 mi.); and it encompassed an area roughly equal in size to the present-day Atlantic Coast states of the United States. Scholars estimate that between 3.5 million to 16 million peoples of varying tribal backgrounds inhabited this immense region.
The Inca's downfall occurred in the 1500's, when the Spanish Conquistadors invaded Peru, and the Incan civilization. The Conquistadors were led by a man the famous explorer, Francisco Pizarro. Pizarro and his men came to Peru in 1524, and by 1531, had taken over all of the Inca's land in the name of Spain. The stronger, mor .....
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The Kent State University Tragedy
Number of words: 474 - Number of pages: 2.... day some students assisted with the downtown cleanup. That night some other students set fire to the campus headquarters of the Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC). Sunday morning the governor came to Kent and in the city's firehouse held a press conference saying the University would remain open. After a Sunday of relative calm, an anti-war rally at noon on Monday brought 2,000 to 3,000 people to the University Commons area. When the Guard gave the order to disperse, some in the crowd responded with verbal epithets and stones. The Guard answered with tear gas, but when the spring w .....
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Elvis Presley
Number of words: 1386 - Number of pages: 6.... clothes on the famous, Beadle Street, and he absorbs the gospel and blues that he hears there. Elvis graduated from Hughes High School in 1953. He recorded an album for his mother as a present at Sun Records in 1954. In late 1955 his recording contract was sold to RCA Records. The songs that he recorded was " My Happiness and "That's When Your Heartaches Begin". Sam Phillips, finally calls him in to record "Big Boy" Crudup's " That's All Right" and song was backed by "Blue Moon of Kentucky". By 1956, he was an international sensation. With a sound and style that uniquely combined his diver .....
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Beatlemania In The 1960s
Number of words: 1635 - Number of pages: 6.... in New York February 8, 1964 for three
appearances with Ed Sullivan. The first show was scheduled for Sunday,
February 9, the second was telecast from Miami a week later, and the
third pre-taped for an airing in March. These concerts were the most
watched television programs ever (70 million viewers) until recently.
The Beatles' arrival in the United States was presaged by a deluge of
advance publicity. Newsweek, Time, and Life have chronicled
Beatlemania, UPI, and the AP(Associated Press) had done their part for
the cause (including an AP wirephoto of J. Paul Getty sporting a
Beatle .....
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