Number of words: 1273 - Number of pages: 5.... Croatia
(in personal union with Hungary) until the early 14th c. Typically, the
king of Hungary and Croatia appointed bans, or local governors; and, in
typical medieval fashion, these bans took advantage of any weakness of the
central monarchy to carve out territories for themselves.
In the early 14th c., the ban of Croatia was Pavao (Paul) Subic of
Brebir or Breberio (a town in Dalmatia which was given to the family in
1222): his father and grandfather were counts or Trau or Trogir, his
cousins were counts of Spalato or Split. This p owerful man titles himself
ban of Croatia and dominus Bo .....
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American Attack On Omaha And Utah Beaches During D Day
Number of words: 3012 - Number of pages: 11.... attack on Utah and Omaha Beaches. The plan was so in-depth, and complex, its descriptions detailed the exact arrivals of troops, armor, and other equipment needed for the invasion, and where exactly on the beach they were to land.
Before the landings were to begin, the coastal German defenses had to be adequately prepped, and softened by a combination of a massive battering by United States ships, and bombing by the United States Air Force. Between the hours of 0300 and 0500 hours on the morning of June 6, over 1,000 aircraft dropped more than 5,000 tons of bombs on the German coastal .....
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Les Mis
Number of words: 1431 - Number of pages: 6.... again. However, in attempting to do this multiple times by escaping from jail he succeeded only in lengthening his sentence without it. You can not learn to appreciate something that you always have had until you lose it. Perhaps this is why Jean was forever thankful of the little things, which everyone had and was happy to have only those once he was out of prison, so long as he had his freedom.
Even stronger then the love of freedom is that of life. Your life is something that once taken for granted is lost, and that once lost can never again be found. Everyone has some form of lov .....
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American Reconstruction
Number of words: 2005 - Number of pages: 8.... were based on what he thought was Lincoln's goals. They included charity toward the former Confederates and the creation of new government states. These governments, Johnson said, must forbid slavery. They must also accept the supreme power of the federal government. With Johnson's strong thoughts and views, Reconstruction started immediately.
Congress was not in session when Johnson took over as President and did not meet until December, which effected the South economically. During these eight months, nothing was progressing. For example, nothing was done about the black voting rights. Som .....
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Shadow And Custodial President
Number of words: 1834 - Number of pages: 7.... public disagreements about the state of the Union. Due to these quarrels Grant aligned himself with the Radical Republican political party. Grant was already well known for his triumphs during the Civil War and was thus, the popular choice for Presidential Nominee.
Grant was the son of an Ohio tanner. He was educated at West Point, where he graduated 21st out of 39. Grant fought in both the Mexican and Civil Wars. In 1864 President Abraham Lincoln appointed Grant to the Position of General in Chief.
As President, grant had difficulty in making wise judgements. He was a man who tried .....
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Number of words: 1402 - Number of pages: 6.... with the seven branch marijuana leaf showing up on caps, T-shirts, earrings and tattoos. Studies show that after a decade of declining drug use, marijuana use has increased sharply among gh school students and college students in the last two years (Duschbaun 8).
In the movie , rap star Ice Cube plays the character Craig. Craig has never smoked marijuana. However, his best friend "Smokey" smokes marijuana everyday. Craig looses his job, leaving him home all day with nothing to do to occupy his time. H just hangs out in the neighborhood with his friends. Smokey tries to convince Craig to try s .....
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Ghanas Economy
Number of words: 555 - Number of pages: 3.... the later years of the Nkrumah regime. Ghana was the first country to which United States Peace Corps volunteers were sent in 1961. Ghana and the United States are signatories to twenty agreements and treaties covering such matters as agricultural commodities, aviation, defense, economic and technical cooperation, education, extradition, postal matters, telecommunications, and
treaty obligations. Ghana's economic well-being and recovery program were closely tied to significant levels of foreign loans and assistance, especially from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. .....
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Cold War 3
Number of words: 2038 - Number of pages: 8.... the U.S. felt they must be overcome, to protect our doctrine that the rich should ravage the poor. This became another motivation for the Cold War. In his historical account of the events leading to the Cold War, Jacob Heilbrunn reports that after World War II, “realists… agreed that Soviet aggrandizement was responsible for the cold war.” (Heilbrunn) They felt the reason, rather than Communism, Heilbrunn notes, was that “Stalin was pursuing Russian national interests that dated back to the czars.” Others, however, accused the president and Congress “of following a consistent .....
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Civil War - Gettysburg
Number of words: 812 - Number of pages: 3.... was near.
Grant had, after eventually capturing Vicksburg on the 4th July been ordered to evacuate and return control to the Confederates under Pemberton. This would be accomplished by the 12th and an uneasy peace would settle across the Western theatre as Lieutenant-General ( Old Pete) Longstreet entrained to take command of all the South’s western forces. Jackson chafed... aware that the Union forces were a spent force and there for the taking, his spies reported that the defenders had shrunk to 35,000 and if they waited for another couple of weeks Washington would be a ghost town. Franc .....
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David Walker’s Appeal
Number of words: 785 - Number of pages: 3.... and about how he had such a great belief in the common people. It also talks about his democratic views on things that ranged from the structure of the government to his economic process. It basically draws the reader in and enthralls him/her into a admiration for this man. This man, for the historians who wrote the textbook, was to be looked at as one of the founding fathers of the country for the great things that he accomplished, not for his unbridled hatred and cruelty to the African American race.
The thing that the textbook so eloquently leaves out, though, is Jefferson’s views .....
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