Effects Of The WWII Atomic Bombs
Number of words: 1508 - Number of pages: 6.... on this planet. According to General Douglas MacArthur, "We have had our last chance. If we do not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door." The decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japanese citizens in August, 1945, as a means to bring the long Pacific war to an end was justified-militarily, politically and morally.
The goal of waging war is victory with minimum losses on one's own side and, if possible, on the enemy's side. No one disputes the fact that the Japanese military was prepared to fight to the last man to defend the home islands, and .....
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The Bay Of Pigs Invasion
Number of words: 4281 - Number of pages: 16.... at other sites on the island.
Two of the B-26s left Cuba and flew to Miami, apparently to defect to the United States. The Cuban Revolutionary Council, the government in exile, in New York City released a statement saying that the bombings in Cuba were ". . . carried out by 'Cubans inside Cuba' who were 'in contact with' the top command of the Revolutionary Council . . . ." The New York Times reporter covering the story alluded to something being wrong with the whole situation when he wondered how the council knew the pilots were coming if the pilots had only decided to leave Cu .....
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Number of words: 3300 - Number of pages: 12.... no good worrying anymore - the die has been cast and what is to be, will be, and there is nothing you can do about it.' I sat back and enjoyed my first trip to Europe." Yet another rifleman who was carried to the beach in the LCVP’s relates one of his incidents: "I got on the gun. I set the gun up, and we’re looking, we’re looking. He says, "See if you can spot him." All of a sudden I spotted him, about 200 yards away, and I’d say maybe 30 or 40 feet higher than me. He wasn’t firing at me. He was firing down across. So when he opened up again – the Germans, when they f .....
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How Athens Took Over The Leade
Number of words: 1480 - Number of pages: 6.... many years, these two victories marked the end of the Persian threat to Europe and the beginning of the period of Greek greatness.
The idea of panhellenism - the awareness of Greek unity- appeared as a reaction to the fear of the Persian invasion. This is how Persia helped the Greece to recognise their identity, which gave significance to the year 479 BC to be marked as the beginning of the Classical Greek period. At the other side, the year 479 BC does
not represent a vital turning-point in politics. Sparta’s control over her allies was still unbroken. After the Greeks’ triumph on P .....
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Pirates Of Penzance - Critique
Number of words: 890 - Number of pages: 4.... too is captured by the pirates. The Major-General eludes the pirates by telling them a lie about being an orphan. Having been orphans themselves and having a place in their hearts for them, the pirates let the Major-General and his daughters go. Over the next few days, the Major-General’s conscience gets the best of him and he confides to Frederic the lie that he told the pirates. Frederic consoles him and tells of his plan to lead a band of police against the pirates. While this goes on, the Pirate King and Ruth discover Frederic was born on February 29, leap year. This discovery le .....
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Influence Of Chinese And Irish
Number of words: 2078 - Number of pages: 8.... possible.
The Chinese and Irish were drawn to the land of opportunity in order to become successful. They came from different ends of the world to end up at a common destination: California. The Chinese were dreamers when they came to California; they hoped to profit from the Gold Rush. They left a feudal system that restricted many aspects off their lives (Daley 14-15). The Irish had visions of a more stable future, coming to California in search of steady jobs (Potter 621). They left Ireland for America to escape the Great Potato famine.
Long before the Gold Rush of 1849, the Chinese .....
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Building And Keeping A
Number of words: 1276 - Number of pages: 5.... will acquire land. Infrastructure is America
working together. America depends on many things to keep it running, when these things
cross paths we develop an infrastructure. America must solve internal problems all of the
time. What these problems are and how we solve them is what shapes America. America
slowly began to build a continental empire.
In order to achieve the five things needed to create a continental empire America
had to start slow. They first had to gain the trust of their people and settle the differences
between them. This trust was partly gained by heroes of t .....
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FDR And The Great Depression
Number of words: 395 - Number of pages: 2.... workers are needed, and unemployment goes down. This also helped the economy, the people and the lending institutions in the long-run. The FHA was incorporated into the new Deapartment of Housing and Urban Development also known as HUD. The Office continued its role as mortgage guarantor and widened it area of responsibilty to include mortgages lent to the owners of multifamily dwellings and to public housing authorities as well as individual homeowners.
Focusing now on another program called the SSA also called the Social Security Administration. This program is the most known program from t .....
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History Of The Counterculture
Number of words: 2992 - Number of pages: 11.... still confronting many social issues that were addressed in the 1960s today. In spite of the turmoil, there were some positive results, such as the civil rights revolution. However, many outcomes were negative: student antiwar protest movements, political assassinations, and ghetto riots excited American people and resulted in a lack of respect for authority and the law. However, with all the talk and the tension that this movement created it turned out to be an empty rebellion. While it did voice important concerns about civil rights, the Vietnam War, and the injustices of society. (Constab .....
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Apartheid In South Africa 2
Number of words: 1080 - Number of pages: 4.... more than 72 hours.
Despite the fact that the whites only make up just over 14% of the population, they own 86.3% of the land. However, it must be said that the Afrikaaners are entitled to the Orange Free State and Transvaal, as they were first to use it after the Great Trek of 1836.
The average South African White earns eight times as much as the average black man. Coloureds earn three times as much as blacks while coloureds earn well over half of what whites earn.
During Apartheid, media censorship was at an all time high. People were even banned from showing Soweto on television. It .....
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