Ancient Olympics
Number of words: 1145 - Number of pages: 5.... the diaulos, a two stade race, was added, followed by a long distance race, about 2 1/4 miles and called the dolichos, at the next games four years later. Wrestling and the famous Pentathlon were introduced in 708 BC.
The Pentathlon consisted of five events; the long jump, javelin throw, discus throw, foot race, and wrestling. The Pentathlons, especially the successful ones, were often treated and even worshipped like gods. Because of their exquisite physiques, they were used as the models for statues of the Greek Gods. The superior athletic ability of these athletes affects the games even .....
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Civil War - The Cavalry During The Civil War
Number of words: 853 - Number of pages: 4.... the war was The Le Mat, produced by Dr. Le Mat in France. It was unique in that it had two barrels, like a small shotgun. The upper barrel shot .40 caliber rounds while the lower barrel shot .63 caliber rounds.
Starr was the third largest producer of revolvers. Starr was known for it's six shot double action revolver that weighed three pounds and was used mainly by the Union soldiers. It was very convenient because it held combustible cartridges and could also be fired by the old ball and powder method. Since Colt had a patent on its firing procedure Starr was forced into coming up with i .....
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Puritans Vs. Anti-puritans
Number of words: 702 - Number of pages: 3.... industry, but for the smaller or less industrially developed states, this was a debt that they were just not able to handle. The federalists finally decided when they had the power that they would assume the debt as a part of a deal to move the capitol to Washington, D.C. This is just one example of how the anti-federalists tried to control the citizens while the federalists wanted to free the people and give them a chance to lead a free life. The federalist party definantly gave the people of the United States opportunity. The anti-federalists, however, did not. They not only jailed thos .....
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America At D-day:a Day Of Reme
Number of words: 1088 - Number of pages: 4.... with airmen, Navy men, and lesser soldiers by the millions--in effective
harmony in carrying out large-scale operations” (Goldstein 8). That is one of
the reasons why Eisenhower was chosen to lead Operation Overlord.
Operation Overlord was a well kept secret. The Allies went through a
lot to make sure that the Germans only heard what the Allies wanted him to
hear and see. The Allies built mock armies on the south eastern corner of
England. That was the location that was the shortest distance between
England and France. The Germans were sure that if there was an amphibiou .....
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Number of words: 2357 - Number of pages: 9.... put in charge of the Baghdad main Hospital during the reign of the Adhud-Daulah.
was an iconoclastic cosmologist, who denied that any man had privileged access to intelligence, whether by nature or from nature. , who, though a theist, rejects prophecy on the ground that reason is sufficient to distinguish between good and evil and also that reason alone can enable us to know Allah. He also denies the miraculousness of the Koran and preferred scientific books to all sacred books.
is considered to have been the greatest physician of the Islamic world. With reference to his Greek predecessor .....
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Slavery And The South
Number of words: 2086 - Number of pages: 8.... North also wanted internal improvements sponsored by the federal government. This was more roads, railroads, and canals. The South, on the other hand, did not want these projects to be done at all. Also the North wanted to develop a tariff. With a high tariff, it protected the Northern manufacturer. It was bad for the South because a high tariff would not let the south trade its cotton for foreign goods. The North also wanted a good banking and currency system and federal subsidies for shipping and internal improvements. The South felt these were discriminatory and that they favored .....
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Colonists 2
Number of words: 426 - Number of pages: 2.... years and being a successful merchant, He felt that the law was particularly unfair for merchants, as they were the most taxed. This also increased fear among the colonists that they would lose the right to determine taxes among their own colonies. Later in the next year of 1765, the Stamp Act was decreed. Special stamps were now required on newspapers, playing cards, business papers, and other legal documents. This law hurt the common man, but most the wealthy. John Adams, a well respected Virginian, wrote a partition to the king of Britain to repeal the act. Daniel Dulainy led protest w .....
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K0rean War
Number of words: 1397 - Number of pages: 6.... for a national assembly which set up the Republic of Korea. On September 9, North Korea set up the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. North and South Korea claimed the whole country and their troops fought several times between 1948-1950. The US removed it's troops from South Korea in 1949. It also said that Korea was outside of US defense line. North Korea saw it's chance for military action to take over South Korea.
In June 1950, North Korea surprised South Korea with an attack. At the time, the North Korean Army had 135,000 soldiers, most of them veterans of WW II. It also had .....
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Number of words: 1620 - Number of pages: 6.... actually occupy Czech territory - they only got as far north as the Danube River, which flows from Germany - through Austria along its border with Slovakia - and then over to Hungary before continuing on to Yugoslavia, and so just misses the Czech lands.) During the Migration of Peoples - roughly from the 3d to the 7th centuries AD - Slav colonization spread westward from the Steppes of the East (probably from Panonia) all the way to the territory of the present-day Czech Republic and up to Poland and down again to Yugoslavia. From probably the sixth century AD on, the Slavic peoples sett .....
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Events Leading To The American Revolution
Number of words: 996 - Number of pages: 4.... in these
colonies, owe the same allegiance to the Crown of Great Britain that is
owing from his subjects born within the realm, and all due subordination
to that august body, the Parliament of Great Britain." This statement can
be used as a summation of the entire document that the Stamp Act Congress
had initiated. The statement depicts the colonists has having to be
submissive and servile in the view of Great Britain, this policy angered
the colonists very much, and was another component of the transition of
the colonists' rights and liberties.
When the Declatory Act was passed in .....
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