Number of words: 3034 - Number of pages: 12.... except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VI (1791)
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of .....
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Information On Puerto Rico
Number of words: 308 - Number of pages: 2.... Ponce also had El Casa Blanca (the white house) which contains a throne room, dungeon, armory, wine cellar, and didn’t meet the fortification requirements so it had a fort built around it.
In the countryside of the island there are limestone formations that form mountains. The underwater rivers form large sinkholes which provide a crater that supports the largest observatory in the world. The dish covers approximately 20 acres.
El Yunque Rain Forest covers about 2800 acres of Puerto Rico and is named after the Indian god “Yunquio.” El Yunque is the only rainforest in the U.S. and .....
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Number of words: 1727 - Number of pages: 7.... where they actually gave us clues to alien existence. It has in some ways been believed that the government has worked in partnership with popular movie directors, to produce alien movies to ease the thought that we may not be alone. Such movies as ôThe Arrivalö and the ever popular ôIndependence Dayö are very good examples of well convincing alien movies. If this is true, they did a good job, because statistics state that 75% of people today believe that there is some kind of intelligent life forms besides ourselves in the universe. That is very convincing compared to the 20% whom belie .....
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The War Between The US/NATO And Yugoslavia
Number of words: 450 - Number of pages: 2.... United States is seen as the bad guy. Very few of these people can differentiate between NATO and the United States. They view the air strikes over Kosovo as a horrific act, which has done little if anything to help the Albanian situation. The media in this area has managed to emphasize the killing of innocent civilians by NATO forces, while de-emphasizing the massive campaign of ethnic cleansing. Their leader Milosevic is seen as a great leader, while in America he is viewed as a Hitler-like fascist.
The main question we must ask ourselves is why. Why has NATO/America decided to join t .....
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The True American Cowboy
Number of words: 2052 - Number of pages: 8.... skills such as riding, roping, and branding could not simply be acquired by the average American. Athletic, rugged men were needed to settle the West. However, these men also needed inborn courage and quick thinking to utilize these skills effectively. The general public, however, under the influence of decades of "Western" movies and television shows have created an imagery of these "men of the west" or "cowboys" that is extremely inaccurate. American society has come to regard these settlers as the purest and noblest Anglo-Saxons. In reality, a great portion of the work contributed .....
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The Cause Of The American Revolution
Number of words: 749 - Number of pages: 3.... that the colonies could be used as a source of profit.
“Benign neglect” was an important aspect of the revolution. Without
having been left alone for many years America would have not have
developed the taste of independence. Independence was what the American
Revolution was all about.
Many Navigation Acts had been passed starting in 1650 but none were
enforced until Britain noticed they could cash in on the now prospering
economic system of the colonies. Mercantilism played this role. The idea of
mercantilism was to achieve economic self sufficiency by exporting more
than importing. .....
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Hostile Takeover Of The New World
Number of words: 2930 - Number of pages: 11.... is a sad one, one that Americans should not be proud of. After every broken treaty, the Americans blamed the Indians for existing, despite the want of the Indians to simply live on their lands peacefully.
The "Trail of Tears" was a great tragedy and many thought it would be the last now that all of the Indians were out of the eastern United States. But the U.S. government became land hungry and due to their idealism of "Manifest Destiny," the "Trail of Tears" was only a starting point on the path to the destruction of the Indians of the West. By 1850 gold had been discovered in California, .....
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Battle Of Vicksburg
Number of words: 756 - Number of pages: 3.... by General W. T. Sherman who went down to Mississippi and attacked Confederacy positions immediately north of town, while another army under General Ulysess S. Grant marched overland from the northern part of Mississippi. General Sherman's army failed when his attack on Chickasaw Bluffs was easily defeated , and General Grant was forced to retreat when his supply lines were cut by the confederate calvary.
There were also naval expeditions commanded by Admiral David Glasgow Farragut. The Union army appeared below the city. The next day , Two frigates and six gunboats attempted to .....
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Causes Of The Civil War
Number of words: 1950 - Number of pages: 8.... also wanted internal improvements sponsored by the federal
government. This was more roads, railroads, and canals. The South, on the
other hand, did not want these projects to be done at all. Also the North wanted
to develop a tariff. With a high tariff, it protected the Northern manufacturer.
It was bad for the South because a high tariff would not let the south trade
its cotton for foreign goods.
The North also wanted a good banking and currency
system and federal subsidies for shipping and internal improvements. The South
felt these were discriminatory and that they favored North .....
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Battle Of The Bulge
Number of words: 1524 - Number of pages: 6.... Germans left in Germany to all burn any thing useful in Germany and every one to move to Berlin were all the German people would fight to the death. The Germans needed to cut the American forces in to two parts, this way the could easily be destroyed because the allies all ready had a tough time supplying all the troops and Hitler new that if they took control of Antwerp he would have a chance against the allies.
Hitler felt he had enough of the resources he would need to win the battle. The main things that the Germans were hoping for was bad weather so that the allies planes could not ge .....
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