The Boxer Rebellion
Number of words: 1696 - Number of pages: 7.... decision between managing western powers and ignoring them. The Chinese leadership made key decisions which led to the ultimate demise of Imperial China. So I will look at the impact of outside influence on China and how China reacted to the pressure. Finally, I will look at the impact of the Boxer Uprising.
China’s first major change in policy with regard to the west was set with the Portuguese. The Portuguese first attempted to trade with China, there was an awful precedent that the rest of the West would follow. The Portuguese used force to get what they wanted with regard to trade, p .....
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American Hawaii
Number of words: 1276 - Number of pages: 5.... the history of Hawaii so you will see how the United States came to annex Hawaii. Hawaii was first inhabited by the Polynesians. They came in canoes from other islands around the pacific. They called the new found island "Hawaii", which means "home" in Polynesian language. Hawaii was their home until the white man came in and took advantage of these simple, happy aborigines. The corruption of this unique and fragile culture first started when Captain James Cook ran into the islands on January 18, 1778. After Cook’s discovery, many other foreigners (mostly American) visited the islands. .....
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Art Essay
Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... (completely impersonal). And some were used as offerings, for example: for a favoured person like the victor in an athletic competition.The strange lack of differentiation seems to be part of the character of these figures. They are neither gods nor men, but rather somewhere in between, a symbol of physical perfection, an ideal shared by not only humans but also immortals, the gods.
Moreover, statues of the body in Ancient Greek art were also used to capture the image of the gods themselves. Nine of Samothrace (fig. 181)has a dramatic impact on the viewer. It is the image of the goddess des .....
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The Holocaust
Number of words: 456 - Number of pages: 2.... ordered to make a sign
saying, "You could earn your freedom from work." When they did that, they
made one letter into a secret message telling the Jews that it was a bad
place, where they die.
In class from the notes I learned that, World-wide depression had
many Germans out of work, and they were hungry. Because of that, the
Germans elected Hitler, as Chancellor of Germany in 1933. That year,
Hitler began a boycott of Jewish business. The Jews lost their jobs in
government and public services. Jewish children got segregated form school.
All Jewish people received a curfew. Hitler .....
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Inherit The Wind
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... to have never known a prosecuting attorney to be called as a
witness. Brady agreed replying, “Your Honor, this entire trial is unorthodox. If the interests of
Right and Justice will be served, I will take the stand.” (page 75) Brady, at times, can be quite
ignorant and the decision he made to take the witness stand proved it. Brady did not know how
much Drummond knew about the Bible but instead he believed all the rumors he heard about
Drummond be agnostic.
Brady thought everything in the Bible should be taken literally and Drummond knew that.
That is why he asked quest .....
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The Use Of Planes And Tanks In WWI
Number of words: 1072 - Number of pages: 4.... but he would also take himself down
by shooting off his propeller.
Garros invention was a good idea, but it still needed to be
perfected. Anthony Fokkers was the person who would improve this invention.
Anthony perfected Garros system of firing through the arc of the propeller.
In less than forty-eight hours, the Dutch aeronautical engineer and
manufacturer of that great line of German fighter planes improved
considerably on Garros Invention. Now that Fokker had this perfected, he
roamed the skies virtually unopposed.
Another plane that helped out in World War One was Nieuport 11 also .....
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Modern Music
Number of words: 1590 - Number of pages: 6.... put everything they have into their songs, but that is only my opinion.” Kyle has listened to rap since he was 13, and he actually got me interested into it. I never liked rap until I started to hang out with him, and I am now starting to enjoy it because of its’ diversity that is involved in making the music. Each rapper has their own version of the world, and they express it through their music.
Not all rap music is good according to a Texas widow, who filed a lawsuit against Tupac Shakur. Her husband, a Texas state trooper, was allegedly shot to death by a man who stole a car. .....
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History Of Cleveland
Number of words: 724 - Number of pages: 3.... city in the nation, the closest they got was 5th with 900,429 people. Interesting enough, even though that was the highest position Cleveland ever got, that wasn’t the highest the population ever was. In 1950 the population was 914,808 which put them in 7th place.
With large populations came major events. The first major event for Cleveland is one that now is a regular occurrence. A year after it was founded, the first wedding was held in the settlement of Cleaveland. In 1803 mail service was extended to Cleveland making the town able to communicate with the rest of the nation. In 18 .....
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History Of Popular Culture
Number of words: 2670 - Number of pages: 10.... In the Netherlands Carnival started every year at the 11th of
November (St. Martin) and culminated in a big festival of 'Dranck,
pleijsier ende vrouwen' (Drink, fun and women) at the end of the Carnival
period, preceding the period of Lent.
Festivals were meant to take the minds of the people off their everyday
life , off the hard times and their work. Everyday life in Early Modern
Europe was filled with rituals, both religious and secular. Songs and
stories played an important role in their lives, although they sometimes
adjusted the details of the legends and stories to fit the wa .....
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Korean War 3
Number of words: 548 - Number of pages: 2.... an independent West Germany.
War erupted in Korea on June 25, 1950, along the thirty-eighth parallel that separated North and South Korea. As North Korean units pushed deep into South Korea, the U.N. Security Council, at the instigation of the United States, condemned the North Korean invasion and later called on members to assist South Korea. That first week, President Harry S. Truman committed American forces to the conflict. Besides the preponderant American and South Korean forces, military units from fifteen other members of the United Nations fought in the conflict. MacArthur's .....
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