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Term Papers on History

Number of words: 1322 - Number of pages: 5

.... announcement. Bavaria was then ruled by a triumvirate which consisted of Generalkommissar Gustav von Kahr, General Otto von Lossow (commander of the army in Bavaria), and Colonel Hans Ritter von Seisser (commander of the state police). Though the triumvirate ignored and even defied several orders that were directly from Berlin, by the end of October 1923 it seemed that the triumvirate was losing heart. They had wanted to protest, but not if it were to destroy them. believed it was time to take action. The Plan It is still debated who actually came up with the plan to kidnap the trium .....

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Global Stratification
Number of words: 306 - Number of pages: 2

.... every twenty-five years. Cultural patterns: Poor societies are typically traditional. Groups pass folkways from generation to generation. Social Stratification: unequally distributed wealth is often found in low-income countries. Gender Inequality: Poor societies use women more than industrial societies. Women with fewer opportunities have more children than ones that do. Global Power Relationships: The relationships between the nations in the world are a huge cause in the poverty in the world. Wealth usually flows from poor societies to rich nations through neocolonialism. Mul .....

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Caesar And Naopoleon
Number of words: 1818 - Number of pages: 7

.... included modern France, Belgium, and portions of Switzerland, Holland, and Germany west of the Rhine. For the next eight years, Caesar led military campaigns involving both the Roman legions and tribes in Gaul who were often competing among themselves. Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman whose dictatorship was pivotal in Rome’s transition from republic to empire (Duggan 84). Caesar's principles were to keep his forces united; to be vulnerable at no point, to strike speedily at critical points; to rely on moral factors, such as his reputation and the fear he inspired, as well .....

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Can The United States Justify The Civil War
Number of words: 893 - Number of pages: 4

.... was not well liked by the South and eventhough it was given thumbs up many times in the senate, our newly formed country was now bordered by fresh land. The Wilmot Proviso underwent quite a bit of pressure so that compromises could satisfy each side. The Compromise of 1850 was soon to follow but the real catch of the same year was the Fugitive Slave Act. This act was invented so that the slaves of slaveowners, who took them to a slave-free state on a vacation or something, could not escape. In this act, the hardest part to understand, was that the courts were to try to give a fair trial .....

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A Speech Given By Frederick Do
Number of words: 981 - Number of pages: 4

.... so, they must eliminate their acceptance of one of these traditions; the odds are that Christianity holds a much more loyal following than slavery, in which case slavery will be given up as a practice. Douglass also quotes from Psalms 137:1-6, and the ludicrous concept that slaveholders expect their slaves to be joyous in their state of bondage is the essential meaning of the passage he chooses as it relates to the comparable situation of the Babylonians’ captives (442). His persuasive appeal in this case is the notion that any pious Christian would have sympathy for the lamentin .....

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Brief Look At The Code Of Hamm
Number of words: 563 - Number of pages: 3

.... and business. This was the first time in history that any laws had been categorized into various sections. This format of organization was emulated by civilizations of the future. For example, Semitic cultures succeeding Hammurabi's rule used some of the same laws that were included in Hammurabi's code. Hammurabi's method of thought is evident in present day societies which are influenced by his code. Modern governments currently create specific laws, which are placed into their appropriate family of similar laws. Hammurabi had his laws recorded upon an eight foot h .....

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Brief Look At Jewish History
Number of words: 1159 - Number of pages: 5

.... in the early years of World War II brought the majority of European Jewry under the Nazis. The Jews were deprived of human rights. The Jewish people were forced to live in Ghetto's which were separated from the main city. Hitler's plan of genocide was carried out with efficiency. The total number of Jews exterminated has been calculated at around 5,750,000. In Warsaw ,where approximately 400,000 Jews had once been concentrated,was reduced to a population of 60,000. They, virtually unarmed, resisted the German deportation order and had held back the regular Germa .....

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Rennaisance Art
Number of words: 552 - Number of pages: 3

.... the work of art with ideal, intangible qualities, endowing it with a beauty and significance greater and more permanent than that actually found in nature. Artists such as Donatello in sculpture, Masaccio in painting and Fillipo Brunelleschi in architecture were part of this period. Masaccio for instance gave figures the “illusion” of live beings when characters and reactions were individualized. He also made use of perspective by exploring linear (a vanishing point), and atmospheric perspective (effects produced from a single light source). He also made use of gradations or ligh .....

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The United States' Rise To A World Power After 1930
Number of words: 965 - Number of pages: 4

.... was a part of his mission to not only help the people financially, but also try to lift their spirits in this time of gloom. The president then turned his attention to industry and farm workers. He enforced strict regulation of business and provided money for public buildings, bridges and tunnels through the National Industry Recovery Act. The Agricultural Adjustment Act compensated farmers for not producing at the top of their ability. This was to help raise both wages and prices of commodity and farm products. In 1934 the depression had been somewhat halted, but the nation had a long way .....

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Number of words: 293 - Number of pages: 2

.... of the history of Shintoism, Amaterasu’s origin differs. These two scriptures are the Nihon shoki and the Kojiki. Nihon shoki states that she was the child of Izanagi and Izanami, the first Shinto gods. The Kojiki states that Amaterasu was born from Izanagi’s left eye. Izanagi’s ritually washed his eye after going to hell and that is when she was born. She was sent to rule the heavens. One day Amaterasu briefly hid herself in a cave when offended by her brother Susano-o's scandalous behavior. When she hid the universe became dark and chaos broke out. The other god .....

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