Enlightenment Thinkers
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2.... tried to create a science of politics. After witnessing the horrors of the English Civil War, Hobbes decided that conflict was part of human nature. Without governments to keep order, Hobbes said, there would be “war of everyone against everyone”. In this state of nature life would be “nasty, brutish, and short.” In his book Leviathan, Hobbes argued that to escape such a bleak life, people gave up their rights to a strong ruler. In exchange, they gained law and order. Hobbes called this agreement, by which people created a government, the social contract. Hobbes basically saw people .....
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Louis XIV
Number of words: 640 - Number of pages: 3.... as to who actually fathered because his father was mentally unstable and did not like Anne of Austria. Whatever the reality, Louis was born on September 5, 1638. By all accounts Louis' childhood was not very happy. He was reared primarily by servants. At one point he almost drowned in a pond because no one was watching him.
His father died on May 14, 1643, when Louis was four and one-half years old. The regent who ruled France during the youth of Louis was Cardinal Mazarin from Italy. Mazarin's policies were clever, complex and successful.
Mazarin played a major role in bringing about th .....
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Containment Policy
Number of words: 1058 - Number of pages: 4.... Few serious analysts took issue with George Kennan's position that "it is not Russian military power which is threatening us, it is Russian political power" ; or with President Eisenhower's consistent view that the Russians intended no military conquest of Western Europe and that the major role of NATO was to "convey a feeling of confidence to exposed populations, which was suposed to make them sturdier, politically, in their opposition to Communist inroads." the US dismissed possibilities for peaceful resolution of the Cold War conflict, which would have left the"political threat" intact. In .....
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Art Appreciation
Number of words: 291 - Number of pages: 2.... magnifies the rocks. She establishes and portrays a special connection between organic forms of the natural world and the spirit.
In this special piece of art, Georgia O’Keeffe used somewhat a chromatic way of coloring by using all kind of brown tones, but she adds some gold color. She does an excellent use of the shading process. She darkens the contours of the shapes, but she also leaves diffused white spots. This combination of dark shades and light created by the white spots gives the vision of depth, especially where she diffused the shadows, like under or below the objects.
If I co .....
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The Art Of The Republican Period And The Beginning Of The Em
Number of words: 518 - Number of pages: 2.... is dedicated to the goddess of fate and chance, was begun about 100 BCE. Its design and size reflect the influence of the Greek Hellenistic architecture, in the use of the long colonnade and the colossal scale of the great altar from Pergamon.
A Roman house of this period usually consisted of small rooms laid out on a straight, generally symmetrical plan, as in the House of Pansa in Pompeii (2nd Century BCE). From the entrance a corridor led to the atrium, a large space with a shallow pool for catching rainwater through an opening in the roof. The structure and frontal plan of the house .....
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Ancient Greek And Roman Empire
Number of words: 508 - Number of pages: 2.... and Greeks were gradually absorbed by the Romans. From them, Romans acquired architectural styles and skills in road construction, sanitation, hydraulic engineering (including underground conduits), metallurgy, ceramics, and portrait sculpture." (Perry, 84) Their need for growth led them to form a republic. "As in the Greek cities, the transition from theocratic monarchy to republic offered possibilities for political and legal growth. (Perry 85)
Both Greeks and Romans tried to realize some form of democracy. "It is to Greece that we ultimately trace the idea of democracy and all tha .....
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Number of words: 1297 - Number of pages: 5.... project; indeed, it was the world's largest building.
Djoser, the second king of the 3rd dynasty, hired an architect called Imhoptep who for the first time constructed a tomb completely of stone. Imhoptep is considered the preeminent genius of the Old Kingdom. He assembled one workforce to quarry limestone at the cliff of Tura, across the Nile, another to haul the stone to the site where master carvers shaped each block and put it in place.
The Step Pyramid is a terraced structure rising in six unequal stages to a height of 60 meters, its base measuring 120 meters by 108 meters. Th .....
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Number of words: 1292 - Number of pages: 5.... an Eskimo igloo, and a square hole on top, which served as a smokestack. Each earth lodge housed 10-30 people and their belongings, and villages contained 50-120 earth lodges. The frame of an earth lodge was made from tree trunks, which were covered with criss-crossed willow branches. Over the branches they placed dirt and sod, which coined the term earth lodge. This type of construction made the roofs strong enough to support people on nights of good weather. The floors of earth lodges were made of dirt and the middle was dug out to make a bench around the outer edge of the lodge. Encompas .....
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Hiroshima 2
Number of words: 332 - Number of pages: 2.... lives. Maybe he did but at a great cost to the Japanese. After the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the Japanese government surrendered and withdrew from the war. Ever since the bombing on every August 6 people meet to participate in interfaith services in the Peace Memorial Park. In 1949 the Japanese government declared Hiroshima an international shrine of peace. After the war Hiroshima was rebuilt and commercial activity resumed. Even though it was a tragedy that the bomb was dropped it would serve as a reminder of the power that mass destruction weapons were capable of. The reminder would .....
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Crusades 3
Number of words: 1771 - Number of pages: 7.... called “for a great Christian holy war against the infidels.”2 Reclaiming the Holy Land, from the Mulsim’s fulfilled the ideals of the Christian knight, thus appealing to many. Papal
encouragement, and the offer of indulgences also motivated thousands to enrol in this cause . “Undertake this journey for the remission of your sins...with the assurance of everlasting glory in the kingdom of heaven.” 3
Political considerations were also important. The Crusades were a response to appeals for help from Alexis Comnenus of the Byzantine Empire. The Emperor was constantly threatened .....
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