Term Papers on Legal and Government |
Random Drug Testing
Number of words: 426 - Number of pages: 2.... not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause. . .” The idea of random drug testing is randomly choosing people at random times to check for traces of illegal substances in their system. The fourth amendment states that searches should not be performed unless there is a probable cause to do so. Clearly, the concept of random drug testing is in violation of this amendment.
In school, pop quizzes are given to ensure that students are doing their homework, putting adequate study time in, and paying attention in class. It is the job of the school to monitor the .....
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Falsely Accused
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2.... story .
I think that we as Americans owe the accused of there legal right of
innocent until proven guilty before we can start accusing them publicly. There
is no reason to believe what is being said in the media until there is some
definite truth in the case . I mean just because the cops may have beliefs that
there is guilt means nothing . After all the FBI gave the media information and
it was plain and simply wrong . The way the FBI handled the case was atrocious
and intolerable. Who can we the public trust if we can't even trust a
government legal authority? Who are we to go to at that .....
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The Mass Media And Politics
Number of words: 1723 - Number of pages: 7.... to inform the
citizens of the news, because people cannot get this information by
themselves, and in order for the people to fulfill their responsibilities
as citizens, such as voting, they need to be informed. Lewis Powell goes
on to say,
"For most citizens, the prospect of personal familiarity with
newsworthy events is hopelessly unrealistic. In seeking out the
news, the press therefore acts as an agent of the public at large.
It is the means by which people receive that free flow of
information and ideas essential to intelligent self government .....
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Illegial Aliens
Number of words: 600 - Number of pages: 3.... the Illegal Aliens came into the
picture! Conceive that you walk wearily into a 7-11, yearning for a large
Pepsi, filled with ice, and brimming with tiny bubbles popping at the
surface. . . But no!! the cashier can only say, "Thank you, come again" in
a bad accent. You've probably also taken an extensive trip once or twice
along a barren interstate. But before leaving, you want to make sure your
family doesn't starve on the journey. So you drive through at McDonalds,
and order 2 big macs with cheese, 2 quarter pounders with cheese, 2
cheeseburgers with cheese, a couple large cokes, and a .....
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Drinking And Driving
Number of words: 861 - Number of pages: 4.... or maximum imprisonment of three months imprisonment.
Underage is also becoming a large problem in America. Alcohol is found to be a significant factor in teenage crashes. Studies have shown that young drivers are less likely than adults to drive after drinking alcohol, but their crash risks are much higher when they do. This is especially true when their blood alcohol concentrations are lower and is thought to be because of teenagers’ inexperience with both .
In order to try to stop teenage , 49 states, including the District of Columbia have established lower blood alcohol threshold .....
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Teenage Sex
Number of words: 2818 - Number of pages: 11.... occur every year (Meier, 1994, p. 9). In the movies or on television, the actors and actresses make sex look easy, fun and glamorous. It appears to be something everyone is doing. On television shows like "Dawson's Creek", sex is usually the major topic of the entire show. Whether it is guys and girls, guys and guys, girls and girls, or multiple persons of each sex, the sex act itself is a major conflict. Movies, such as "Cruel Intentions", portray sex as a game. The main characters are placing bets on each other that one of them will have sex with some girl who is against the idea of pr .....
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Number of words: 397 - Number of pages: 2.... able to take care of it. is a lot like assisted suicide it gives a simple solution that is morally wrong. People should not be able to play God and decide if a baby should live or die. Not even the parents of the child.
There a few circumstances that could possibly be considered a option. Rape is one of them. A person that was raped should have the option to an because she did not choose to have the child. There was really no way to prevent what happened. In any other case should not be allowed. The moral issue of taking a person even if it is a baby still in its mother shoul .....
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Josef Mengele
Number of words: 1398 - Number of pages: 6.... journey, the first thing that people saw was , the angel of Auschwitz standing in his immaculate SS uniform, shining boots, perfectly brushed and pressed shirt and pants, and glistening silver skulls. was a doctor at Auschwitz, he performed experiments, made selections, and is responsible for sending thousands of people to the crematorium. As a person he was "split", one side of him was the heartless, uncaring, medical-atrocities side, while the other was a gentle, almost human side. When these two side overlapped was when Mengele was most horrible. Often when taking small children to .....
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Lysergic Acid Diethlamide (LSD)
Number of words: 416 - Number of pages: 2.... effects last anywhere from six hours to four days, depending on the
dosage. If taken in large enough amounts, one can die of an overdose of LSD.
Psychologically, LSD has a tremendous effect on a person. LSD is an
unpredictable drug in which the effects are different each time it is ingested.
A person under the influence of LSD ifs flooded with visual experience, as much
when the eyes are closed as when open. Light is greatly intensified; colors are
vivid and seem to glow; images are numerous and persistent, yielding a wide
range of illusions and hallucinations; details are sharp; percep .....
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Capital Punishment: For
Number of words: 635 - Number of pages: 3.... be secured as well, by threatening with the loss of their own life those
who violate what has been proclaimed as inviolable-the right of innocents to
live” (Haag, 67).
Other opponents argue that there is the chance of executing an innocent
prisoner. Hugo Adam Bedu and Michael L. Radelet collected evidence of every
capital punishment case after the 1930's. They concluded that 23 innocent
people, out of several thousand cases in the twentieth century, were convicted
and executed, but all of these mistakes were made because there was a “forced
confession, suppression of evidence, .....
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