Term Papers on Legal and Government |
Harry Potter And Censorship
Number of words: 1619 - Number of pages: 6.... material. There are many religious groups who make it their personal mission to rid America's libraries of books they see as damaging. One such group is the Christian Coalition and Citizens for Excellence in Education, who print lists with intentions of censoring the books on them. What is it in children's books that adults find so threatening? Parents often object to strong or degrading words and names, or ideas and events that promote satanic, anti-Christian, and witchcraft themes. Although these words and beliefs are something that nobody would want their child partaking in, i .....
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An Argument For The Legalization Of Drugs, Based On John Stuart Mills' "Revised Harm Principle"
Number of words: 1064 - Number of pages: 4.... the vital interests of others? Using the example of a casual,
responsible drug user who is a contributing (or non-detracting) member of
society, it is clear that more harm is done to others if the user must resort to
illegal methods to obtain his drugs. The very act of buying drugs is
intrinsically illegal and carries the threat of establishing a criminal record
for the buyer. This can have a devastating effect on his family, his lifestyle,
and his career. The effects on society as a whole include more crowded jail
cells (prompting politicians to demand more jails be built) .....
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What Is Human Rights Abuse?
Number of words: 222 - Number of pages: 1.... press,peaceful assembly and association. It includes freedom from any cruel or inhumane treatment and not being discriminated against because of race,sex, disability,language or social status. Human rights abuse may occur in positions where there is a hostile government in power or in everyday life in a developed nation. But, it usually occurs in a poor or unstable country with a record of violence and inept leadership. At this time country's that have been known for human rights abuse in their countries are China, Cuba, Rwanda, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. They have violated their citizen's righ .....
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Number of words: 853 - Number of pages: 4.... has been an increase in tax revenue for the cities that have casinos. Indeed, the increase in tax revenues has helped to rebuild some rundown inner cities and river fr onts areas. These people argue there is little reason to worry about as most people will only lose a small amount of money and will have a fun time losing it. However, opponents insist that most of the jobs created are low paying and offer little opportunity for the worker to progress. Furthermore, the creation of these casino jobs have taken away jobs from other areas of the economy. For instance, resta urants near casinos .....
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Treatment Of Drug Offenders Is Dysfunctional
Number of words: 614 - Number of pages: 3.... after assimilating to the prison population? The idea is to lock them up, not rehabilitate!
Prison life can have many effects on a person. Once in prison, one must submit himself to eating, sleeping, and living with harden criminals. And for the most part the drug are still readily available. In prison, the more illicit drugs are readily available.
A once marijuana smoker could very easily become a much harder drug user. And it does happen! One must live in fear and always watch their back. Homosexuality is very predominant in the prison population. The prisoner is faced with this every .....
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A Balanced Budget?
Number of words: 1668 - Number of pages: 7.... After doing
the exercised I realized the title of the simulation exercise, "The FY 1997
Budget: An Exercise in Hard Choices," could not have been more appropriate. It
is possible though to balance the Federal Budget, provided you follow 3 simple
rules. First you must decide what you feel is important, then cut without
consciousness, and if that doesn't work, alter your baseline.
Important Choices
When deciding on what I thought was important to protect in the budget,
I felt like a politician myself. I protected my own self interests. First up was
Defense. The fact that I am in the Mari .....
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Freedom VS DestinyFreedom VS D
Number of words: 456 - Number of pages: 2.... from birth to death, and even pure luck. Freedom can not cause you to have “good luck” in a day, it is predestination which brings you to this “good luck.”
Freedom is a fallacy that takes over the human race like a parasite. It is used to cover up what people do not want to believe. Murderers had the “choice” to kill that person, or was it just their time to die according to their destiny. In this case, freedom is used to make it easier on the people of the dead person, rather than having them face the truth that it was just their loved one’s/friend’s/etc.. time to die. It i .....
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Decriminalizing Prostitution
Number of words: 663 - Number of pages: 3.... illegal activities, often
surviving on fear and corruption,” (“Interpool” by Fenton Bresler, page 1).
A person engaging in organized crime has the sole purpose of generating
profits from his/her victims. His crime is consciously and deliberately
thought out in order to make earnings as quickly as possible. The United
States Officials believe that the easiest form of organized crime is
prostitution due to the number of men/woman willing to be customers to
Violence is one of the major problems for women and prostitutes.
Sixty percent of abuse to prostitutes is cause .....
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MTV Effects
Number of words: 424 - Number of pages: 2.... and morality. They sell some patterns of behavior that other people can consider weird or outrageous. Their ideas can be good and honorable as well as freak and dumb. TV creates an ideal of a 'perfect' woman and man with all the paraphernalia and pressure connected with it. Many young women (as they appear to be more susceptible to that tension) put themselves on diet, wear strange clothes etc. just to fit in the 'official' picture. People buy 'proper' brands of outfit, cosmetics and even food, they become the slaves of fashion, fashion that often is nothing but garbage glittering and sh .....
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Political Leaders In The 20th Century
Number of words: 1252 - Number of pages: 5.... Harriet fits Wells definition of a leader by having followers. Her followers were the slaves' she lead to freedom. The ones that had the drive to go North to be free. She leads them to freedom by helping them escape to the North. Even though each slave was in great danger of being caught trying to flee. Harriet never lost a person she was trying to bring to the North. She helped many slaves to freedom. Freedom is a goal Harriet had that was shared by most slaves. Harriet also had a common goal with her followers. That is another part of Wells definition as a leader. One thing tha .....
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