Term Papers on Legal and Government |
Number of words: 1581 - Number of pages: 6.... fault when a crime against him or her.
Most rapes happen between two people who know each other. The F.B.I. says that several studies show that fewer than one in a hundred acquaintce rapes are reported to the police. "When one in four women will be raped in her lifetime, less than ten percent will report the assualt, and less than five percent of the rapist will go to jail." (Gibbs, 207) In this country a women was raped every six minutes, ten women every hour. In a twelve month period 76 per 1000 college women experienced one or more attempted or completed rapes. Rape is accounted fo .....
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Gun Control
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... licensing restrictions penalize law-abiding citizens while in no way preventing criminal use of handguns. It is also argued that by making it difficult for guns to be bought and registered for the American public there is a threat to the personal safety of American families everywhere.
However controlling the sale and distribution of firearms is necessary because of the homicide rate involving guns. In 1988 there were 9000 handgun related murders in America. Metropolitan centers and some suburban communities of America are setting new records for homicides by handguns. Larger Met .....
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Date Rape
Number of words: 902 - Number of pages: 4.... Boys are brought up thinking they are strong and
aggressive, while on the other hand, girls are brought up being passive and
"what you say goes" (Shuker-Haines and Stark 23) . This shouldn't be going on
in our society...not with the advancements we have made in our country.
It is sometimes said that the woman who was the victim of rape shared fault for
the rape for wearing a skirt too short, or maybe if she stops over at his house.
It shouldn't matter what women wear, or where they are. If a woman says no to
sexual activity, then everything should stop. There are also ways that men
"mis .....
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Proposition 187: Don't Mess With Texas
Number of words: 1332 - Number of pages: 5.... such a tax, so health care is funded by the taxes that everyone in the
state pays. That means that illegal aliens are paying just as much as "real
Americans" are in sales taxes, gas taxes, liquor taxes, and cigarette taxes. For
example, illegal aliens in San Diego, California accounted for 26.6 million
dollars in health care costs in 1994 (Serb 63). Not a single person would deny
that this is a lot of money, and therefore would seem to be an excellent reason
to cut funding right this minute. However, the logical person has to realize
how important those same aliens are to filling the s .....
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Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3.... who choose to end their baby’s life and have an . Why is it fair that murders have to serve long sentences in prison and mothers get no punishment at all? Sure they’re certain circumstances that would be a benefit for the mother to have an . One is a mother with money problems who can not support a family and don’t have time to manage a baby and have a job. Women with incomes under eleven thousand are over three times more likely to have an than those with incomes above twenty-five thousand. These mothers take the easy way out by having an and ending their child’s life. Another r .....
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Social Groups
Number of words: 421 - Number of pages: 2.... in our community. Most organized gangs use verbal fights or a game to determine who is better. After a long and tiring fight, many changes can occur to the members of the gang. Personality and feelings can be changed greatly. Members of the group could have once been enemies to another but then they might feel pity for those they have beaten. We humans are born to socialize. It is very important to be in a social group. People in the are friends and it is very important to have friends. A good social group can make you have a good reputation. In addition, the school or town can be famous f .....
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Number of words: 999 - Number of pages: 4.... include infection, cervical laceration and uterine perforation. Mifepristone: also known as RU-486, the chemical causes an by interfering with the function of the placenta, starving the unborn child to death. Prostaglandins are then administered to expel the fetus. This method of takes place over the span of several days; the average woman using it bleeds heavily for more than nine days, but some women have bled for over four weeks. Mifepristone is just beginning to be used in the US. Long-term health risks are not yet known. Methotrexate: though not approved by the FDA for this use, a .....
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The Need For Stricter Gun Laws
Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3.... passing any legislation that would
benefit the public and curtail the sail and manufacture of armor piercing
bullets, automatic rifles and Uzis. Unfortunately, we tend to interpret
the Constitution to broadly. Obviously, in the late 1700's, there were no
deadly weapons to contend with. They had muskets, which could hardly be
used in a very swift and deadly manner. Granted, the musket could kill,
but if you asked any semi-sensible person if they would rather use a musket
or a handgun, they would take a handgun any day of the week. This is why,
in my opinion, we need to radically change th .....
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Case For Legalizing Marijuana What
Number of words: 2684 - Number of pages: 10.... More potent preparations of cannabis such as hashish can induce psychedelic experiences identical to those observed after ingestion of potent hallucinogens such as LSD. Some who smoke marijuana feel no effects; others feel relaxed and sociable, tend to laugh a great deal, and have a profound loss of the sense of time. Characteristically, those under the influence of marijuana show incoordination and impaired ability to perform skilled acts. Still others experience a wide range of emotions including feelings of perception, fear, insanity, happiness, love and anger. Although marijuana is not .....
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Policies On Cuba
Number of words: 1914 - Number of pages: 7.... to hell, those doors have been rotating among other military strong men,
this time in the Middle East. Fidel Castro is no longer the target of any
American assassination plans, the United States no longer deals in the
assignation of political leaders, now we have allies who are more able and
discrete in doing that type of work. The only ancient legacy that remains in
our foreign policy towards Cuba is a political and economic embargo implemented
at the beginning of the Cold War in an attempt to crush a third world country.
At the time of the embargo its supporters assured the count .....
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