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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Castro’s Screw Up And Cuba's Economic Crisis
Number of words: 1965 - Number of pages: 8

.... the new relationship. By 1987 CMEA countries accounted for over 85% of Cuban trade despite new bilateral accords signed with many countries including Colombia, Mexico, Spain and Venezuela. Although Cuba's revolutionary leaders had intended to pursue a policy of economic diversification, they quickly had to abandon this approach. Instead, the government emphasized increased sugar production to garner essential foreign exchange earnings and Soviet subsidies. Sugar products represented 80% of Cuba's exports between 1920 and 1959 and amounted to 82% of total exports by 1986. Some 78% of Cuba's s .....

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China's One Birth Murder Policy
Number of words: 694 - Number of pages: 3

.... missing females in China. The family planning program has changed the status of women. Males are most often wanted more than females, for males can do the work in the fields. If there is a chance a baby might be a female, it will either be killed or the parents may hide the child from the authorities. Even so, the females that are kept are usually not treated well. In times of famine, a male will be fed over a female, and when seeking a job, the men are more likely to be successful in locating jobs. Women are often sold to men as wives or get involved in the large pool of prostitution ri .....

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Is Capital Punishment Biblical?
Number of words: 1343 - Number of pages: 5

.... punishment is never used legitimately in the New Testament. Jesus' constant preaching of love and forgiveness shows his contempt for the harming of others. One example of love is found in John 15:17 “This is my command: Love each other.” An example of forgiveness is Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Jesus practiced what he preached by not condemning guilty persons. In John 8:1-11, Jesus did not let the people stone a woman that is caught in adultery. Jesus is known for giving people second chances. O .....

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Egyptian Politics: The Fiction Of A Multiparty System
Number of words: 2035 - Number of pages: 8

.... the legal system has also denied Egyptian citizens freedom of expression and peaceful assembly and has blocked access to free participation in public affairs. The multiparty system in Egypt is essentially one of party formation from the top. This type of polity is one in which a strong executive authority directly determines the parameters of multiparty activity in political society. For example, the Egyptian government can refuse to license a new political party if it violates any one of the following general principles: preserving national unity, safeguarding the social peace, adherin .....

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Number of words: 385 - Number of pages: 2

.... invest surplus capital, and places to send surplus population. And social causes also led to imperialism. Many people believed the word of Rudyard Kipling, who said it was the white mans burden to educate the people of the underdeveloped world, spread the customs of what they perceived was a superior western culture, and to convert people to Christianity, since it was believed that the souls of the non- believers would not be saved. The new era of imperialism brought about important and farreaching effects. Through the creation of global empires, the imperial powers helped spread .....

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Gender Selection
Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3

.... because the technology did not exist to do it. Now, with the dawn of the twenty-first century, that technology has arrived and mankind is faced with a very important decision: whether or not to “play God” and manipulate the gender of their child to suit their preferences. The romance of having the perfect nuclear family, with two boys and two girls’ fills the heads of young couples everywhere, and when given the opportunity, many are likely to accept and genetically alter their offspring so that they do indeed have two girls and two boys. The consequences are largely unknown, and coul .....

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Hate Crimes And Punishment
Number of words: 790 - Number of pages: 3

.... editorial 1). Whether a person is killed for money or drugs or out of hate or prejudice, the fact still remains that he or she has been killed. With hate crime laws, the hate is being looked at, more so than the crime itself. Even though hate is a terrible thing to have in your heart, all Americans have the right to hate whatever or who ever they want (Hudson 1). Besides, if officials start punishing hate or unholy thoughts, they might as well make a new category of crime— thought crime. If this line of thinking were acted upon, then half of America would be behind bars. As stated above, th .....

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Bilingual Education
Number of words: 1163 - Number of pages: 5

.... also writes, “… is a failure, a tactic that in the end will harm the chances of the generally poor, non-English speaking children ever having a equal share in the promise of American life.” By simply having everyone learn a second language eliminates the lines of income, and ethnic background. Truly would also eliminate the psychological effects it has on non-English speaking children. When they are in a classroom filled with people who do not speak the same language they do, they are forced to feel alone because they can not perform at the same level as their peers, they feel there i .....

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My Inspirational Awakening
Number of words: 854 - Number of pages: 4

.... and hypocritical, Cody has kept it real. I went to Lake Tahoe with him recently. It was around three a.m. and we were both hungry. We had just come from the casinos to search for some, real, non-over priced food. We drove around for about 15 minutes, but no places were open. Just as we had given up hope, we drove past a Denny’s, not what we had in mind. Never the less we were hungry and willing to save a few dollars on bargain food. As we sat in our booth, Cody observed a young man sitting at the bar, no more than ten feet away from us. Cody observed this gentlemen as he ate his food and .....

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Number of words: 1809 - Number of pages: 7

.... is alive. This life imposes on us a moral obligation to preserve it and that is tantamount to murder (Kolner 5). Pro-choice activists on the other hand, also carry very strong points. They believe that the child inside the women is her own property and the state has no right to interfere. In 1973, the United States Supreme Court decided that as long as the baby lived inside the womb, he or she would be the property of the mother, because of this decision almost every third baby conceived in America is killed by , over one half million babies a year (Willke 7). is the choice of a woman wh .....

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