Term Papers on Legal and Government |
Teen Pregnancy
Number of words: 2405 - Number of pages: 9.... 1986 to 1991" ( Facts and Stats 1). Usually only one-third of teenage mothers receive a high school diploma. The rest of the mothers usually end up on welfare. "A majority of both boys and girls who are sexually active wish they had waited. Eight in ten girls and six in ten boys say they wish they had waited" ( Facts and Stats 1). Many people are concerned about the problems teenage parents and their children face. The health risks for a teenage girl who becomes pregnant increase sharply. One of the concerns of teenage mothers is the health risk. Usually young women have more complications i .....
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Drug Legalization
Number of words: 1225 - Number of pages: 5.... solution to the drug problem is not to
repeal the drug laws. The solution requires commitment to a balanced effort on
drug education , prevention , treatment, and law enforcement. Softening our
drug laws would be a major mistake. Research and data clearly shows the
problem is not drug prohibition , but drug use. When drugs are cheap and
easily accessible , more people will use them. It is a frightening scenario
that envisions more of our citizens, both juveniles and adults, using mind -
altering substances that not only affect their own behavior and health, but also
endanger inn .....
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Juveniles Must Accpet Responsi
Number of words: 1996 - Number of pages: 8.... vary for different purposes within individual states as well as among different states” (Rosenheim 36). Children, ages seven to seventeen, who are suspected of crime, must be treated as children in need of guidance and encouragement, and not as vicious criminals (Emerson 6). Also, the opposition feels that the juvenile cannot accept full responsibility for his or her actions. Some people insist that each minor who committed a crime was influenced in some way or another (Emerson 8). Not only does the opposition believe that the minor was influenced, but they also believe that the juvenile wa .....
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America And Affirmative Action
Number of words: 1137 - Number of pages: 5.... capabilities.
Perhaps the biggest complaint that one hears about affirmative action
policies aimed at helping Black Americans is that they violate the 14th
Amendment of the Constitution and the Civil Rights laws., The claim is that
these programs distort what is now a level playing field and bestow preferential
treatment on understanding minorities because of the color of their skin. While
this view seems very logical on the surface, many contend that it lacks any
historical support and is aimed more at preserving existing White privilege than
establishing equality of opportunity for all .....
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Legalization Of Drugs
Number of words: 645 - Number of pages: 3.... law violations were the largest single category, of 9,487. Forty states are under court orders for overcrowding. Funds are not available to build prisons fast enough to provide the needed space. Violent criminals are being paroled early or are having their sentences chopped to make space for drug users and dealers.
Legalizing drugs would immediately relieve the pressure on the prison system, since there would no longer be "drug offenders" to incarcerate. And, since many drug users would no longer need to commit violent or property crime to pay for their habits, there would be fewer "drug .....
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Number of words: 873 - Number of pages: 4.... In some situations, people who may be able to pay daily needs, but can't afford large medical bills may also be able to receive Medicaid. Some services paid for are bills such as doctor's visits and nursing home care. Most Medicaid funding comes from the federal government. The rest is supplied by the state. Each state runs their own Medicaid program. A.F.D.C. provides cash benefits to dependent children and the parents or the guardians taking care of them. Most families that qualify for A.F.D.C. have just one parent in the home. About 80 percent of these families are headed by a woman. A .....
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The Penalties Of Drunk Driving
Number of words: 1172 - Number of pages: 5.... with a blood alcohol
level of .10 percent -- the legal limit -- or higher will have their
vehicles seized on the spot; while the motorist faces prosecution in
criminal court, the vehicle seizure will be part of a separate proceeding
in civil court under state forfeiture laws; because civil proceedings
require only a preponderance of evidence for guilt -- rather than guilt
beyond a reasonable doubt -- motorists acquitted of drunken driving in
criminal court may still lose their cars in civil court; vehicles
belonging to banks or car rental agencies can be returned but the
businesses will b .....
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Capital Punishment - Injustice
Number of words: 1401 - Number of pages: 6.... makes it hard to be confident that capital punishment deters more than long prison terms do.”(Cavanagh 4) Going ever farther, Bryan Stevenson, the executive director of the Montgomery based Equal Justice Initiative, has stated that “…people are increasingly realizing that the more we resort to killing as a legitimate response to our frustration and anger with violence, the more violent our society becomes…We could execute all three thousand people on death row, and most people would not feel any safer tomorrow.”(Frame 51) In addition, with the growing humanitarianism of modern s .....
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Number of words: 1056 - Number of pages: 4.... people in our area.2 is caused by the bacteria trachomatis. This bacteria can only live inside of cells, therefore it can only be passed on through the exchange of bodily fluids such as semen, blood, breast milk, and vaginal fluids. It can be transmitted during vaginal, oral, or anal sexual contact with an infected partner. can be treated because it is a bacterial infection. If treatment is not prescribed in time, however, the disease most often results in infertility in both men and women. In Men This infection occurs primarily in the urethra in men. Men are the primary carriers. The s .....
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Facts About Marijuana
Number of words: 1254 - Number of pages: 5.... "legendary" pharmacist and
emperor Shen Nung thought using it as a seditive was all right. In
2,700 B.C. that same "mythical" emperor said it helped female
weakness, gout, rheumatism, malaria, beri-beri (?), contipation, and
In 1979 (A.D.) Carlton E. Turner visited China and found
marijuana was not in use in formal medical places. J. D. P. Graham
of the Welsh National School of Medicine wrote, "One not need take to
seriously the anecdotal u .....
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