Term Papers on Legal and Government |
U.S. Scourge Spreads South Of The Border
Number of words: 2053 - Number of pages: 8.... in a Tijuana
taxi and was immediately met with a taxi driver named Jose, a Tijuana taxi
driver in an open-necked, baby blue silk shirt, he sizes up the tourists
trudging off the footbridge from the United States. “Taxi, sir? You want
pharmacy? I get you a good pharmacy,” he urges, stepping from a line of
beckoning taxi drivers in big belts and straw cowboy hats. “Good prices! No
prescriptions!” Do I look like I want drugs?! I didn't even solicit the
business. I almost felt weird because this is exactly what I was planning to do
my paper on. Soon he is nosing his long yello .....
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Alcohol Research Paper
Number of words: 1234 - Number of pages: 5.... begin to neglect their families and other responsibilities, consequently wrecking the lives of loved ones and their own as well. While the lasting negative effects of alcohol use are spewed daily through the media, the problems will not stop until society completely understands how alcohol can indeed pose a serious threat to the nations social welfare.
Alcohol has an adverse effect on the economy. The consequences of alcohol abuse and dependence cost the nation an estimated $99 billion each year (Gordis, 209). It is tax money that pays for alcoholics who both live on the street and ar .....
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The Inequality Of American Jus
Number of words: 931 - Number of pages: 4.... is convicted. From prison, [Gideon] sends a hand-written note to the Supreme Court asking it to hear his case. …Abe Fortas [is appointed] to argue Gideon’s case, and then [the Court] rules that the Sixth Amendment guarantees indigent defendants the assistance of a lawyer in all serious criminal trials. On retrial, with a lawyer paid for by the states, Gideon is acquitted. (63)
The Gideon v. Wainwright may not appear to support the previous statement: "Absent race and class disparities, the privileged among us could not enjoy as much constitutional protection of our liberties as we do…" .....
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Over Population
Number of words: 879 - Number of pages: 4.... its current size4. Overpopulation has also increased industrial development, which contributes to massive urbanization and rising of living standards5. The increase in industry shrinks the amount of freshwater available because they are constantly being polluted. The rising in living standards causes people to consume more which creates more waste and raises life expectancy, which causes more people to live at the same time6. Another problem that arises from overpopulation is the changing of the climate. Mankind is increasing the greenhouse gas levels by burning fossil fuels and deforesting .....
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Gen X
Number of words: 1130 - Number of pages: 5.... one must be thirty-five years old. Automatically that is at least a ten-year age difference between the two groups. There is an ever growing generation gap between candidates and youthful voters. In the case of the 1996 Presidential election, Bob Dole was in his seventies, my grandfather is not even seventy. Bob Dole and many other candidates in recent and past years have had trouble relating to Generation X and vice versa. Another reason why Xers are turning away from the government is lack of political education. The last of the Generation Xers will be entering college in the 2000-2 .....
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Marijuan For Medicinal Purpose
Number of words: 542 - Number of pages: 2.... forth both medical and ethical questions. Why exactly should marijuana be legalized for AIDS use? Many doctors believe that cannabis is particularly useful in the treatment of AIDS Wasting Syndrome. They believe that it causes the patient to develop an appetite, therefore causing them to gain weight. It is also believed that marijuana helps relieve nausea caused by AIDS and other AIDS treatments. Patients have gone on record stating that marijuana
has helped tremendously in the relief of AIDS related illnesses. If marijuana has been used for so many years why are we just now recognizing its .....
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Capital Punishment
Number of words: 2116 - Number of pages: 8.... in today's society that certain individuals are worth more than others. When the value of life is lessened under certain circumstances such as the life of a murderer, what is stopping others from creating their own circumstances for the value of one's life such as race, class, religion, and economics. Immanual Kant, a great philosopher of ethics, came up with the Categorical Imperative, which is a universal command or rule that states that society and individuals "must act in such a way that you can will that your actions become a universal law for all to follow" (Palmer 265). There .....
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Minimum Drinking Age - 1998
Number of words: 900 - Number of pages: 4.... Nearly a quarter of all alcohol consumed by young men aged between
14-17 years was drunk illegally on licensed premises. 3
* A former New Zealand Police Commissioner claims that moves to lower
the legal drinking age to 18 would create more than 100,000 extra
legal drinkers, having an "immediate impact" on law and order. 4
* Research evidence suggests that the younger the age when drinking
begins, and the greater the amount of drinking done in early years,
the greater the amount of alcohol-related problems later on. 5
* Young people experience the highest r .....
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Racial Profiling
Number of words: 1575 - Number of pages: 6.... drivers receive far less police attention, many of the drug dealers and users among them get away. This just feeds to the perception that whites commit fewer drug offenses than minorities. This often results in the persecution of innocent people based on skin color. This also causes a huge distrust and minorities are less willing to cooperate. Driving While Black is not an issue that just arose its just now gaining a name. The practice of by our nations police is the consequence of the rising concern about the war on drugs. Drug use and drug selling are not limited to minorities in the US , .....
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Massachusetts Juvenile Justice
Number of words: 3140 - Number of pages: 12.... the trial of juveniles charged with murder, manslaughter, aggravated rape, forcible rape of a child, kidnaping, assault with intent to rob or murder and armed burglary in adult court and permits prosecutors to open to the public juvenile proceedings when they seek an adult sentence. Although proponents tout these measures as a sagacious solution for the vexatious problem of juvenile delinquency, abolishing the trial de novo system, providing for automatic adult trials and opening juvenile proceedings to the public when prosecutors seek an adult sentence works to the detriment, not the .....
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