Term Papers on Legal and Government |
Democratic World Government - An Outline Structure
Number of words: 4497 - Number of pages: 17.... citizens, suffer from three severe
problems. Firstly, the near-impossibility of persuading all of the world's
countries to hand over their sovereignty to a global government of this sort.
Secondly, the risk - of which we are, and must always be, very aware - of
permitting a future global dictatorship of a particularly intransigent kind
(imagine how difficult it would be to dislodge a Hitler if he was in possession
of the kind of absolute power available through such a form of government). And
thirdly, as we see sometimes today in the European Community, the tendency of
such a large-scale gove .....
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Death Penalty
Number of words: 1024 - Number of pages: 4.... ratio of men to women on death row and executed is 68:1 or 3400:50 (NAACP Spring 1996). From 1976-1994, men committed 7 times as many murders as women or a 7:1 ratio (Sourcebook ’94). Therefore, it may be statically shown that men are, by a 70:1 ratio, more likely to be on death row then are women. Like gender bias, racial bias is nonexistent in the rulings involving the . Whites represent 56% of those executed, and blacks 38% (NAACP Summer of 1996). The other 6% are other minorities. The is not bias to any race, but by just looking at the numbers it may seem that it is. The total popula .....
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How Decriminalisation Could Solve The Drugs Problem
Number of words: 1546 - Number of pages: 6.... and dangerous ones such as alcohol and tobacco, are happily tolerated by society. The nutmeg in your kitchen cupboard can have narcotic effects if smoked (and, used in this way, it can also give you cancer), yet few people have cause to think of this when they sprinkle it into their cakes and biscuits. Chocolate contains an addictive chemical called PEA, which stimulates our brains in the same way that Ecstasy does. Overdosing on chocolate can contribute to heart disease, the single biggest killer in this country today, but far from fearing the addictive properties of the humble Dairy .....
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Affirmative Action
Number of words: 1174 - Number of pages: 5.... that is the very thing it is trying to prevent. It is possible that because of , racism will grow and continue to grow until we history repeats itself and we end up living underold laws again. That is an extreme possibility to end up under discrimatory old laws again, but it is a definite possibility to end up somewhere close to live up to these laws again.
In addition to that, people say is ok because it cures past discrimination (Keyes 1996). George DeWit spoke of this on the topic and said "Discrimination wasn't ok when blacks were the ones getting the short end of the stick. Theref .....
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Gay Parenting
Number of words: 2055 - Number of pages: 8.... child needs to be introduced to both worlds.
I will then proceed to critique both sides on strengths and weaknesses, based on facts, studies, and my own opinion, and then draw some of my own conclusions on this controversial topic of .
Pro Position
There is no valid reason for refusing to call lesbian and gay headed household families. They fall under every conceivable criterion for identifying families and the concept of a Family. "They are groups of coresident kin providing jointly through income-pooling for eachothers need of food and shelter. They socialize children, engage in emotional .....
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Number of words: 2242 - Number of pages: 9.... gave great weight to property, which they saw as the principal source of responsible judgement and solid citizenship." (A History of Europe, p.802) However, property soon became defined as a natural right.
Davies expresses, "economic liberalism focused on the concept of free trade, and on the associated doctrine of laissez-faire, which opposed the habit of governments to regulate economic life through protectionist tariffs. It stressed the right of men of property to engage in commercial and industrial activities without undue restraint." (A History of Europe, p.802) Hence, both economic an .....
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Adult Entertainment And The City Of New York
Number of words: 1590 - Number of pages: 6.... controversies in the dispute involving the interests of the city versus the interests of the Adult Entertainment enterprises are three-fold. First, in the process of zoning property boundaries, the government must avoid a regulating factor that allows a commercial business to have no other competition. A monopoly is an illegal economic entity in our free-market system. If only one adult establishment can be present in a zoning area, it is then a restriction of the competitive market where there can not be a choice for the consumer. This is the weakest of the three arguments and it will .....
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Adolescent Suicide
Number of words: 2189 - Number of pages: 8.... those 10 to 14 years old, and the rate has more than tripled since the 1950s. As of September 1999, the rate was 13.8 per 100,000 children that committed suicide. For 10 to 14 year olds, from 1980 to 1992, it increased 120%. Although, over the last decade, it has gone up a total of 200%. Some of the ways these children either attempt or commit suicide depends on what is available. A myth that suicide is painless, glorifying it in the movies does not help, and it does not relate to the fact that many methods chosen are very painful. The reality is, pills, drugs, hangings, guns, or most of th .....
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What Role Should The U.S. Play In World Defense?
Number of words: 2523 - Number of pages: 10.... since last year alone. The amount? A whopping $4 billion dollars.
Since we won our independence from Great Britain in 1776, we as a
nation have been involved in 5 major wars since the turn of the century,
and ask yourself this question: How many of these wars directly affected
our own national security, and put the American people as a whole at great
risk? All of these wars have been fought on other soil, the United States
has not seen a war on our own soil since the Civil War, which ended in 1865.
This was an internal U.S. affair, which as you know, no foreign country got
involve .....
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Why Do Governments Find It So Hard To Control Public Expenditure?
Number of words: 2620 - Number of pages: 10.... activity.' Wagner's claim is that as per capita real income increases in
particular nations, they will spend a higher proportion of national product
through government. As Wagner's reasons for increased public expenditure tend
to be centralised around industrialisation and its associated effects it is not
surprising to find that he thought the density of urban living would increase
social frictions to such an extent that the government would be called in to
handle it. That is to say, urban living would result in the need for enhanced
police protection and other forms of government reg .....
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