Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Art Censorship
Number of words: 739 - Number of pages: 3.... population. However, the University's president, Dr. Prichard, argued that the University was a place that all learning avenues should be ex-plored. Within the framework of the University students would learn to discern right from wrong under the guidance of the University faculty. I agree with President Prichard be-cause freedom of speech is one of our basic rights in Canada and it should be protected at all costs.
Once something creates a lot of controversy or is deemed inappropriate it is a per-fect occasion to have a discussion. People who harbor certain ideas that can be construed as .....
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Gwen Harwood Gender Analysis
Number of words: 1101 - Number of pages: 5.... dominating persona to the male. These assumptions are presented as society's unconscious way of assigning roles and expectations to each gender.
In 'Prize-Giving' the arrogance and self-importance of the central character, Professor Eisenbart, illuminates the distinction and 'hierarchy' of which males are heralds of in a patriarchal society. When asked to attend a girl schools award ceremony as an 'honoured guest' the professor
'rudely declined; but from indifference agreed, when pressed with dry scholastic jokes, to change his mind, to grace their humble platform'.
The utilization of submi .....
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Gendre Stereotyping
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3.... may seem slightly feminine. The socially accepted despcription of what it is to be masculine is to be strong, to be able to support a family, and to have high stamina. On the other hand, what it is to be feminine is to be a loving mother, and to stay home with their kids. Men and women have very specific and very different dress codes. Men must where suits and women must wear dresses. Men must stay away from feminine colours such as purple and pink. Whoever crosses the gendre based lines may be made fun of or shunned by others.
We are not only trying to fit in the gendre molds ourselves, bu .....
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Parts Of A Bomb
Number of words: 466 - Number of pages: 2.... troops carry these small bombs and throw them at the enemy. Most time bombs are built according to the circumstances and concealed next to their target. They may consist of explosives and a timer in a cardboard box or some other inconspicuous casing.
Without fins to stabilize them in flight, bombs would be almost impossible to aim. The fins transform a bomb from an unstable nonspinning projectile into a stable spinning weapon that travels through the air like a bullet.
There are two types of bomb fuzes. An impact fuze detonates a bomb when the projectile strikes its target, and a time .....
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The Truman Show
Number of words: 775 - Number of pages: 3.... We in our own lives are held captive to the effects of media. In every direction we move we will always come to a wall, some form of media or advertising will stop us and attract our attention. It is a reality that we are not aware of and we can not escape. We in the real world, are much like Truman, held in captivity to this media that is influencing the society. The silent, but lethal effects are evident and do affect considerable risk to our race. This is well shown in the movie , even if we still remain to ignore it, in an ignorance to what is right and what is wrong in our soc .....
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Being Popular
Number of words: 545 - Number of pages: 2.... drugs. After going to a party every weekend, they become used to the alcohol and drugs and begin to drink and do more drugs. Then they become addicted.
Once they’re addicted, their life begins to fall apart. School grades drop, they are not studying at night any more, they don’t pay attention in class, and they don’t do the assigned work. They don’t take care of themselves, they don’t eat right, and they don’t care about their appearance as much as before. Young people find themselves drinking and using drugs all the time.
Since most young people are still living with their pa .....
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Love 2
Number of words: 1037 - Number of pages: 4.... car note, and social expenses will probably eventually grow tired of it and leave him.More reasons why couples separate, addictions often result in ugly breakups. Whether it is an addiction to drugs, sex, gambling, or whatever, hardly anyone would be willing to take that on an everyday basis. Most people would agree that it is not pretty to see someone throw their life away on addictions. It is simply not attractive and thus, not many people would want to be with someone with an extreme problem like that. An unfortunate reason for a breakup, physical disabilities, also occurs at times. This c .....
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What To Expect
Number of words: 492 - Number of pages: 2.... to play sports, what they want to be when they grow up, and so forth. If a person can't make their life how they want it, they will never be happy with it.
The world that elders have lived in as a child has changed a lot since they were there and the new generation has to deal with the new world which means that it may be easier or harder for them to deal with then their parents. That's why parents should reason with their children to find the best way to raise them.
Parents should expect things from their children to a certain extent. It's good that a parent should expect some things f .....
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Managing Materialism And Carna
Number of words: 601 - Number of pages: 3.... shirt at Guess for 100 dollars. They are not truly buying the shirt; they are purchasing the brand name.
Is it necessary for all the desires? Instead of wanting, people should appreciate what they have. There is so much that people want and can not have but the things they do have are neglected. People are too busy with their appetite for things to see reality. They are blinded with ads of beautiful models in brand name clothing, which draws them to believe they can get the same look and attention if they wear that brand. These wants becomes needs and soon dominates a persons mind to mater .....
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American Identity
Number of words: 924 - Number of pages: 4.... individuals who felt liberated from the hand of oppression, and those who had compromised their lives for a bright future. Patriotism and unity represent two main variables in the equation for a national identity. Forged by the sweat and blood of our forefathers and having endured eras of irreconcilable differences as well as anti-authoritarianism, these two values still remain vibrant in American culture.
The Declaration of Independence clearly puts forth this notion, stating that "[w]hen in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political b .....
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