Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The King Must Die: Is Theseus To Perfect To Be A Human Being?
Number of words: 676 - Number of pages: 3.... the truth. This sign proved him to be more than human.
A hard challenge was brought onto to a younger Theseus' shoulders when
he worked under his grandfather at the tender age of eight. Theseus was to
teach the inner workings of his job that was soon to be passed on to his
apprentice. Yet, this boy tested his patience every day and would push him
around and laugh at the year older Theseus. Theseus thought that if he was
truly born of a god that he could show this boy who he was. One day Theseus had
a small quarrel with this boy. The result of this quarrel was Theseus showing,
for t .....
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Number of words: 859 - Number of pages: 4.... prevent such behavior; it only deals with it once it has occurred. Law does nothing to prevent socially harmful behavior, it therefore does not protect in accordance with the tenets set forth in the theory of the Social Contract. Why then, in such a modern civilization, do we have vigilantes? The answer is simple. The fact is that although humanity has advanced, law has failed to keep up.
The prime candidates for vigilantism are those who abide by the law. They acknowledge the existence of the law and respect it. They expect that if one day they are the victim of a crime the offend .....
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Psychopathology Assignment - M
Number of words: 626 - Number of pages: 3.... kill himself.
My cousin was diagnosed as having a chemical imbalance in his brain and suffering from manic depression. In order to help him the doctors advised him to stay in Tara, a psychiatric clinic, for a few months with therapy and medication providing him with the help he needed. All my family has been able to do is provide the much needed support, love and encouragement as the nature of my cousins “madness” are feelings of worthlessness, hopefulness and helplessness as well as a destroyed self-esteem. This was my first experience with a so- called “madness”.
It is believed th .....
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Tha Screets 4-life
Number of words: 1576 - Number of pages: 6.... knifes, leather, and your ‘hood and peeps. Back then, gangs were spontaneous and unplanned (Roth 698). There was no set leader, no set ways about doing things. If there was a fight going on and one of their members was in it the others would jump in too. Most original gangsters (OG) had an attachment to their ‘hood or territory (Roth 698). They stood up for their set. If other people that they don’t know come around started something. The gang would most likely get involved. In the 70’s is when the real gangs started, like the Bloods and the Crips (Sounder 33). .....
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Trade Commission
Number of words: 541 - Number of pages: 2.... of industry self-regulation in a new era of economic and technological advances, and whether or not the guidelines have imposed undue cost to both the industry and the public.
Few would argue with the points of the original guidelines, whether it is monitoring misleading claims in advertising, or monitoring the quality of the products themselves. Despite economic and technological advances that have taken place in the industry since 1969, the guidelines still hold up as sound. There are also federal, state, and local laws that attempt to insure the same integrity in the pet food industry. .....
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Fast Food Reality
Number of words: 1029 - Number of pages: 4.... a growing body needs. Do you know how many grams of fat a burger contains? No, right? The reason is because fast food is not often labeled with nutrition facts, but people do not care about it, they just want something fast to eat. The problems begin when the intake of fast food is frequent or almost every day. It is really easy, cheap, and of course fast going to any fast food restaurant or drive through and buy a burger and fried chips, but is it good for your health? The response is No. This does not mean fast food is bad. But it does mean you should fit fast food into a balanced health .....
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Christopher Columbus Voyage
Number of words: 649 - Number of pages: 3.... and mainsail need to be square; the sail on the mizzen, or rear, mast needs to be a triangular sail known as a lateen. In addition, the ship carry a small square sail on the bowsprit, and small topsail on the mainmast above the mainsail.
B) A caravel, a smaller, lighter, and faster ship than the First Ship about length of 17 meters, keel length 13 meters, beam 5 meters, and depth 2 meters with three masts, and most likely carry sails like those of first ship, except for the topsail, and perhaps the spritsail.
C) A another caravel with square sails on the fore and main masts with four .....
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Communication Skills
Number of words: 852 - Number of pages: 4.... and training. Most people do not resist changes that they are involved in making. A good leader directs and supports his or her team, helping each team member achieve his or her full potential. The leader’s role is one of teacher, coach, counselor, and trainer.
Research on problem solving in groups suggests that there are two types of leadership roles, the task specialist and the social emotional specialists. Years ago, Robert Bales and his colleagues performed a set of experiments on leadership. The subjects were groups of male college students. They were brought together in a laboratory .....
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Managing Overtime
Number of words: 2012 - Number of pages: 8.... be pretty difficult to become independently wealthy working for the Postal Service. But, there are some employees that believe if they work, as much overtime as possible, maybe they can become rich. Unfortunately, this poses a daily obstacle to overcome for most managers in the U.S. Postal Service.
The U.S. Postal Service is a production driven outfit therefore; everything is based on production verses cost ratio. The average workday for a postal employee is eight hours. It does not take a genius to figure out that the longer it takes to do the job, the more money is made. So, the e .....
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Company Mergers
Number of words: 1115 - Number of pages: 5.... and acquisitions. Last year there were 11,655 domestic mergers and or acquisition deals for a staggering $1.6 trillion, according to Securities Data Company, a research organization in Newark, NJ The number of deals has more than doubled since 1990, when 5,654 transactions were reported.
In most merger and acquisition cases, the parties involved follow a well-established mating ritual called due diligence, which allows them to explore the merits of the marriage. Behind the scenes, lawyers, accountants and high-priced financial analysts join with top executives to make sure the move is .....
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