Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Teenage Love
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... moms and kids having sex among an early age, they use the phrase "I love you" a little to loosely. Lust is what makes people that they know is crazy but yet keep going on with their actions. When two teens how so much lust for each other and all they ever do are just have sexual relations, they may very well think they are in love. The phrase "making love" is used for sex, so in time teenagers may convince themselves they are in love, when all it is just simply physical attraction.
Maturity adds to the controversy about . People set standards for age and understanding. Unfortunately .....
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Child Rearing In Victorian Times
Number of words: 1106 - Number of pages: 5.... to
the fact that they were never around and rarely seen by their children.
This was because child and parent led totally separate existences, they
were only summoned to appear before their parents at a certain set hour of
the day. Many Victorian children like Winston Churchill and Harriet Marden
recall such cold relations between their selves and their mothers that
they would be able to count how many times in their life they had been
hugged. Family life was formal, although during that time child rearing
manuals urged bonding and maternal ties, mothers remained cool and distant.
Childr .....
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How To Get Along With Your Col
Number of words: 738 - Number of pages: 3.... are really interested in what they are all about.
Second, you should always discuss any changes that will affect your roommate. This is important and I am not saying to ask permission but to just inform them and if they have an opinion hear them out. For example if you want to change something about the room, tell them and then do it. Don't just let them leave and then have them come back to a totally changed room. Also if you are going to have people stay over let your roommate know in advance so they could make other sleeping arrangements if they wanted to.
Third, you should agree on s .....
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Aztec Mythology: Quetzalcoatl
Number of words: 2998 - Number of pages: 11.... impact on the Aztec Empire are the focus of this paper.
The translation of Quetzalcoatl means literally Plumed Serpent. A more understandable translation would be feathered serpent. This point is interesting in that he very rarely appears in this form. He is more often depicted in many of his other roles, specifically as Topiltzin the high priest (Brundage 102-03). The significance of this will appear later in the paper, but suffice it to say the name is in itself misleading when referring to this complex deity of the Aztecs.
Many of the roles designated to Quetzalcoatl are unrelated to say .....
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New Reproduction Technologies
Number of words: 1866 - Number of pages: 7.... at the impact of NRTS at another angle. After examining the issues raised in the debate I was left questioning why NRTS exist in the first place? Whose interest do they serve? Who won/lost and what was at stake? The reason I am focusing on these issues is because while I was reading the NRTS articles something stuck in my mind. In What Price Parenthood? Social and Ethical Aspects of Reproductive Technology by Paul Lauritzen there are some issues covered which seem to be left out of the class debate. The societal pressures to utilize NRTS once they are presented to an individual are overwhe .....
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Nuclear Weapons: Other Options
Number of words: 530 - Number of pages: 2.... If home
cannot be built, existing shelters could use food and medical aid. Shelters
for the homeless are in bad shape and need the extra money to clean up the
Many people talk about a drug-free America, including Georg Bush.
Although he wants drug trafficking to stop, he does not allocate enough
funds to accomplish the task. When production of useless weapons are
stopped, the new income can be use to further the police force. More
police stations, officers, and detectives are needed now. Many
investigations at this moment are slowed because of the lack of manpower.
Many peop .....
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Intellectual Development Of Yo
Number of words: 1582 - Number of pages: 6.... Development: Preoperations By the age of 3 and 4 years old, children have attained what Piaget called functions or "preoperations" that enable young children to perform a number of feats far beyond the capabilities of infants (Piaget, 1950). Infants concentrate on constructing a world of permanent objects. Once constructed, these objects will be known to exist even when they are no longer present to the infant's senses. Preschool children, in contrast, are constructing a world of qualities and properties that different objects share in common. They are beginning to identify and name co .....
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Ordanance Specialists
Number of words: 1396 - Number of pages: 6.... identifying, and disposing of chemical weapons. They also load nuclear and conventional explosives and ammunition on aircraft, ships, and submarines. They also inspect mounted guns, bomb release systems, missile launchers to determine need for repair or destruction.
Ordnance Specialists have to lift and carry artillery shells and other heavy ordnance. Some helpful attributes are being able to keep calm under pressure, being able to maintain concentration, and also having an interest in working with guns and explosives.
The training requirements vary, however everyone must go through .....
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Voodoo Research Paper
Number of words: 1898 - Number of pages: 7.... Though different religions, the intense faiths allowed an intellectual exchange and common bond. With several different religions present in any given group of slaves, the majority of slaves adapted by holding a service which accepted all lineages and respected all ancestreal lines of faith, both aspects being of primary concerns in African religions. These services were effective in blending the rites and practices of many religions into one combination religion. This adaption effectively created a new religion, Voodoo, which translates to "spirit" in several African languages. This n .....
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Betrand Russell: The Problems Of Philosophy
Number of words: 1143 - Number of pages: 5.... become responsible for inducing the very mental
laziness which it should help us to avoid.
Disagreement and debate between the adherents of rival theories is, moreover,
essential to the health of philosophy. Just as many major advances of science
are catalysed by war, so the great intellectual insights are sparked by
discussion. If there were universal agreement on one philosophical theory, then
all further thought would be rendered useless. (See p.319, Small World by David
Lodge: "…what matters in the field of critical practice is not truth but
difference. If everybody were convinced by .....
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