Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Anselm's Ontological Argument And The Philosophers
Number of words: 2018 - Number of pages: 8.... manner, asking for confirmation along the way, until he arrives at a
conclusion with which Boso is forced to agree. This is just like Socrates'
procedure with, say, Crito.
Later philosophers have both accepted and denied the validity of
Anselm's famous ontological argument for the existence of God, presented in both
the Proslogium and Monologium. Anselm did not first approach the argument
with an open mind, then examine its components with a critical eye to see which
side was best. Anselm had made up his mind about the issue long before he began
to use dialectic to attempt to d .....
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Functions Of Memory
Number of words: 304 - Number of pages: 2.... details of information. Repeatedly verbalizing and thinking about it, will keep
that information in memory. Information contained in short-term memory is available for less than twenty and no more than thirty seconds. It must be transferred to long-term memory, or it will be lost.
Long term-memory is the storage system tha keeps a permanent record of information. Information such as names, dates, places, events, and smells can be found in long-term memory. Information that is important is immediatly stored inot long-term
memory. Birthday's, your telephone number is maintained in lon .....
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Mythology: Dionysus And Semele
Number of words: 565 - Number of pages: 3.... the King of Thebes,
was not happy with the behavior of this group of strangers. He ordered his
soldiers to imprison the visitors, but he had no idea that Dionysus was a new
The soldiers tried to imprison the maidens but said that the doors
unbarred themselves. Pentheus was furious. He ordered his soldiers to imprison
Dionysus but the prison could not hold him. Dionysis tried to show that the
wonders of this new worship of a new and great god was divine but when Pentheus
only heaped insults and threats upon him, Dionysus left him to his
doom.(Hamilton 71)
When Pentheus went to pur .....
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How To Make Sandblasted Signs
Number of words: 625 - Number of pages: 3.... have sprayed the glue (in a well
ventilated area) to the masking you should wait for about 2 minutes for the
adhesive to dry, and begin to cut out your design you have chosen. This is a
very time consuming task so it is best to take your time.
This is the time to start cutting on your masking. It is best to leave
about one half of an inch around the outside edge of the board. Use your exacto
knife to cut the masking. Make sure to center your design and that it is
suitably sized to your board. It is important not to make the cuts too small
or the sand will tear the rubber maskin .....
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Illegal Drugs
Number of words: 421 - Number of pages: 2.... the community must also work together though in order for all of this to work. For instance; people should support school locker searches, random drug tests, and neighborhood watch programs. Implementing these programs may be hard at first, but with support people believe that they can help the drug problems in America.
Pros - If this choice worked as it claims, the crime rate would decrease. Since a third of all crime is commited under the influence of and a large number of people commit crimes to support their drug habits.
Cons - This approach wants 'zero tolerance' but the government can .....
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Native People In Modern Society
Number of words: 939 - Number of pages: 4.... passing by and I asked her for help. That lady's name is Fran
Longboat and as found out later she is a pretty well known person in the
whole Toronto Native community. Fran said that there are quite many Native
professionals in the city and she tried to call a Native lawyer to make an
appointment for me but the person wasn't there. Then I finally got a
business card of a person to interview, guess who? -- A cop! OK I went down
to 40 College street and asked for Bob Crawford.
Bob met me very gladly and said that I came in the right moment because
he had nothing important to do and he ag .....
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Strange Explanations
Number of words: 578 - Number of pages: 3.... me three times…My babies always shriveled in her hands" (47). Soon people of high status are being accused. It's as if no one is safe from the crazy explanation that has stemmed from a very ordinary situation.
Rebecca's in the jail…They've surely gone wild now, Mr. Hale…My wife is the very brick and mortar of the church, Mr. Hale-and Martha Corey, there cannot be a woman more closer to God yet than Martha…. Believe me, Mr. Nurse, if Rebecca Nurse be tainted, then nothing's left to stop the whole green world from burning (71).
In the end, the only thing the Puritan' .....
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The Year 2000 Bug
Number of words: 2420 - Number of pages: 9.... Associates International Inc., Data Fellows Corp., Network Associates Inc., Norman ASA, Panda Software, Sophos Inc., Symantec Corp. and Trend Micro Inc., to provide fully functional anti-virus trial software to small & medium businesses and consumers in preparation for the Year 2000. The anti-virus software can be downloaded free of charge from November 1 through December 31. Once downloaded, the anti-virus software will be functional for 90 days.
Microsoft Policies on Software Distribution
Beware of an E-mail Claiming to Contain an Upgrade from Microsoft! Malicious users try to camoufla .....
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Origin Of Totalitarianism
Number of words: 1985 - Number of pages: 8.... The little gadget would later prove to be an essential tool in Scientology processing.
Scientology processing, or auditing, is a central element of the cult's practices. Auditing usually involves two people: an auditor and a preclear. An auditor is someone trained in applying Scientology techniques and has been through Dianetics processing themselves. The preclear pays to be guided by the auditor through a series of techniques involving the E-meter, which are used to uncover areas of mental distress. The auditor asks questions of the subject, and the movement of the meter's needle is .....
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Education: "We Should Cherish Our Children's Freedom To Think"
Number of words: 278 - Number of pages: 2.... than any other in the world. He
raises the question, "If American education is so tragically inferior, why is it
that this is still the country of innovation?"
Everyone seems to have a different opinion when it comes to this topic.
Some feel that the youth of America is lazy when it comes to school. Others
like Ho, feel that creativity which America has the most of , is something that
people tend to dismiss or take for granted. Having the freedom to express
oneself and to be creative can perhaps help a child learn better than any book
or school can teach. Other foreign countries such a .....
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