Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Electrofishing As A Sampling Method
Number of words: 960 - Number of pages: 4.... a non-conductive frame. Power is supplied from a battery,
conventionally 12-24V DC. Outputs from back mounted units can range
anywhere from 100V to over 1000V DC with amperage from 10-60A. Maximum
output power also varies from about 8Kw-70Kw. All backpack units offer the
ability to select different levels of output and some of the more costly
models offer different waveform selection to maximize the efficiency of
battery use. Some models may last only a couple of hours at a medial output
while others incorporate secondary batteries to provide longer periods of
use. Using high-energy .....
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The Yeti
Number of words: 541 - Number of pages: 2.... being reported.
There have been numerous expeditions to the Himalayan Mountains aimed at either capturing or photographing it. All attempts have failed but a great deal of fact and fiction about the legend did turn up.
The main evidence of its existance is footprints, sightings, and scalps or hair. Sir Edmund Hillary believed the first footprints were found in the 1890's. Others sources give 1832 as the earliest findings, when B.H. Hodson, the Court of Nepal's first British Resident, reported his native hunters have been frightened by a "Wild Man" that "moved erectly, was covered in long .....
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Gas Prices In The Bay Area
Number of words: 424 - Number of pages: 2.... the Tosco refinery previously to the Chevron accident. Tosco blew up and polluted the air and got people sick and killed another man.
People having to suffer from the careless mistakes and the improper procedures taken by the people who run the refineries. Not only are we devastated by what’s happening at the refineries but we, as drivers, are devastated by the prices that we have to pay just for one gallon of gas. One gallon of unleaded fuel that is actually cheap since the gas inflation is, $1.45. Before any of the inflation happened, one gallon of unleaded fuel cost, $1.05. Man, I know .....
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Existentialists: I Am Me, And You Are You
Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3.... that every
person is an individual, not a copy from a predetermined mold. Jean-Paul Sartre
also portrays his characters as individuals, not carbon copies of each other.
Garcin, a soldier who went AWOL, certainly lived a different life than the baby-
killer Estelle.
These individualistic qualities lead to us by Tarzan's statement, now
guide us to the existential belief of existence before essence. This idea
consists of the belief that people are formed from their own unique past
experiences. Tarzan, a lonely boy who was raised by a pack of gorillas, has not
experienced the touch of mank .....
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Businesses In Canada
Number of words: 562 - Number of pages: 3.... blessing or curse for society in the future, and depending on the position of our government, will we be able to make sure that our standard of living does not decrease. The deficit poses a severe problem in a country littered will such vast natural resources and a high education level in its populace.
The presence of inflation in the cost of goods will not profit private businesses if they are unable to compete with the demand from the public. With major corporations seeking to gain from an increase in expenditures, it would become vital for a private business to take advantage of the sit .....
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The Teaching Of Women’s Studies
Number of words: 925 - Number of pages: 4.... lead to a lack of teaching resources. Without the availability of these resources teachers are faced with barriers that are not so easily overturned. It seems to me that she is upset with the lack of commitment to such an important field of knowledge. As she states, “All that is needed is a commitment and a shared reading list.”(Pg. 478) The problem also seems to get away from itself due to the fact that this area does not belong in only one department. The history should be filtered throughout many different arenas, avenues, and paths. Each can come up with its own way of passing t .....
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Debt Free Prosperity
Number of words: 483 - Number of pages: 2.... well.
The third law, “Trimming” works with the first two, in order to help you set up for future plans. With trimming you set up a standard of living which is lower than your level of income rather than at the limit of credit worthiness. Once one starts living on less than they earn they pay themselves to accelerate debt payments and then to build wealth. If one takes out, at the beginning of the month, 5%, 10%, or even 15% identified as surplus to reduce debt that forces one to live on what is leftover.
The fourth and final law is “Training”. This law deals with investing .....
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There Is No Escape
Number of words: 723 - Number of pages: 3.... his son Peter. This is a great example of Jenkin's definition of Folk Culture. A very important item was passed down from generation to generation of O'Malleys, eventhough the item was quite massive. Throughout the years, however, the Dodgers were much a part of popular culture. Baseball was known as "America's Favorite Past-time," and still is. The tradition that the O'Malley family had with the Dodgers lasted until 1998, when a big corporation, the FOX group owned by Rupert Murdoch, took over the team. This was a time of change, but some could argue was for the best. Being owned by th .....
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Americas Fetish For Death
Number of words: 742 - Number of pages: 3.... while infecting the globe with the words of a pathogenic messiah. If in the process it was necessary to "swat a few flies" then so be it in the name of Christ. Nevertheless, their unforgettable actions can never compare to the atrocities of America. In the tradition of the great mother country, America continued its importation of Africans. Eventually America underwent a massive battle due to its traditions, which led to the deaths of many soldiers both innocent and tainted. As the dust of the Civil War settled, African-American gained equality gradually, though never the respect and .....
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Filipino Food For Thought
Number of words: 1397 - Number of pages: 6.... improvements in the culinary arts. Women still had to slave over hot stoves, go to the market each morning to buy fresh ingredients and transform it to the sumptuous meals we all enjoy. Hard as it was to prepare food, this was the daily chores women did together that has bound them into one close-knit family. Yes, modern equipment have made lives so much easier, but some things in life that can't be replaced by machines. In addition, some very important things are completely lost thanks to the modernization.
Just imagine this quaint little scene in the lives of our grandmothers in the prov .....
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