Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Editorial Essay
Number of words: 356 - Number of pages: 2.... from smoking you could go to jail. When your
parents find out that you smoke they won't be very happy, they will probably ground you
to your room for the rest of your life. You get a record that is kept on file on the police
station, so when you get older and you want to get a job they will look at that and they
might not give you the job, they might give it to a guy who has nothing on his record.
That was our paper about smoking, I hope you thoght it over about smoking. Just
don't smoke or you could be a victim of all of those bad things that we talked about.
Everything that I .....
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Intelligence 2
Number of words: 677 - Number of pages: 3.... the main points in which an intelligent being should have. This said there may result some confusion as to what certain words imply, because of this the next few sentences shall be devoted to clearing such confusion. The first word is surroundings; Surroundings are the habitat or environment in which that being can be found. Logic is the second word; it calls for the being to work on more then an impulse level and think in terms of cause and effect. Stimuli are the main forces of nature such as: heat, cold, hunger, thirst, sex impulse, etc.. To improve the conditions of that beings exis .....
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American Dream 2
Number of words: 1564 - Number of pages: 6.... to sustain life. Advertising=s main goal is to persuade. They want us to see the American way through their eyes. They tell us what to eat, drink, wear, drive, and think. Advertisers start this form of brainwashing on us at a very early age. They lay the groundwork of ideals early on because it is easy to persuade a child. Now, with the two income family, children are left to interpret not only advertisements but television programming as well without supervision. Children are forced to make their own evaluations and most of the time they go along with the views of what they see. How many tim .....
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Cats As Pets
Number of words: 553 - Number of pages: 3.... family. Unlike dogs, cats do not make any loud noises that can be disturbing to others. They really don’t meow very often either, unless they are hungry or want some attention. They are generally happy just to lead a quiet and content life. They don’t usually have “accidents” in the house either. ?They can be trained very quickly on how to use the litter box, and when they know where it is and why it is used, they will always seem to use it. Since cats do have claws, and have a tendency to use them in places they shouldn’t, there should be a scratching post or something of that na .....
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Simpsons 4
Number of words: 4166 - Number of pages: 16.... Bart (rebellious son), Lisa (unappreciated genius daughter), and Maggie (silent baby). The show also revolves around a number of other of the townsfolk, such as Mr Burns (Homer's miserly boss), Smithers (Burns's loving assistant), Apu (Indian shop owner), Principal Skinner and Moe (owner of the local bar). There are a number of reasons why we cannot simply view The Simpsons as a cartoon like any other. The rules and conventions that it follows are far more those of television or cinema than those of animation. The humour within The Simpsons exists on many different levels rangi .....
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Sophistic Movement
Number of words: 544 - Number of pages: 2.... who has read some of Plato’s writing can tell you that what he had to say about Protagoras, Gorgias, Prodicus and the other sophists was by no means benevolent, and according to G.B. Kerferd, nor was it a completely factual description of them. Unfortunately, since these innacurate depictions are all we have left, the generations that were to come accepted Plato’s hostile opinion of the sophists and it is for this reason that the word sophist is now found to be synonomous with the words bigot and know-it-all. Modern scholars have recently been trying to dispell the myths about .....
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Functionalism According To Fod
Number of words: 1313 - Number of pages: 5.... state. The theory works in a way similar to Berkeley’s representation of objects. Both mental states and objects are a certain collection of perceptions that together identify the particular state or object.
Fodor develops the idea of functionalism by combining certain parts of logical behaviorism and the central-state identity theory. From logical behaviorism, Fodor incorporates the idea that mental processes can be represented by physical if-then statements. As such, behavior and mental causation are no longer distinct and unable to interact. Also, logical behaviori .....
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Infant Swimming
Number of words: 1376 - Number of pages: 6.... Tens of thousands of children have learned the skills to save themselves in a panic situation. The drownproofing programs in the United States have made safety their number one priority and can help a child not panic when they have an aquatic accident. For simplicity sake I will use the masculine pronoun “he” to refer to all infants and toddlers. I expect the reader to substitute the pronoun “she” mentally if necessary.
Many parents are afraid to teach their infants to swim, but there are good reasons why both the parent and the child can benefit from swimming lessons. Your c .....
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Censorship In Mass Media
Number of words: 1020 - Number of pages: 4.... do as they please, conesorship in the media is like the modern day "double speak" of the
book 1984, limiting the thoughts of the people who are forced to conform with their society.
4Who is to deem what should and should not be viewed by the "free" citizens of the united
states? Each day in every aspect of life, censors suppress and restrain the thoughts of the
people. All people born in the united states have the "natural right" to speak as they choose
as well as to watch whatever they want. The forefathers of this country granted us many rights
that are documented within the US Con .....
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Wrestling; Poetry In Motion
Number of words: 437 - Number of pages: 2.... It
is one of the greatest natural rushes one could possibly imagine, short of
sticking a needle in ones own arm.
The ideas behind wrestling are more then the thick headed thoughts of-
"Throw em to the ground and put all your weight on em!"- but rather, use each
move with precision, not force. When a move is executed, there are at least ten
counter moves for it. Therefore; one must wrestle with his mind - backing each
attack with the plan for another one. This form of two or even three-way
thinking, is crucial to the success of a struggling player.
To be a good wrestler, one must also be .....
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