Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Number of words: 733 - Number of pages: 3.... as vague as the public interest. If you're not a commodity, you don't exist!
Of course there are many elements of our lives that exist outside the economy. There's a lot going on in our lives that's not-for-profit and that can't be denominated in dollars. "The best things in life are free," the old saying goes. Nice old saying. Gets a little older-sounding every day. Sounds about as old and mossy as the wedding vow "for richer for poorer," which in a modern environment is pretty likely to be for-richer-or poorer following our prenuptial agreement. Commercialization, a favorite buzzwor .....
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Aristotle Defination Of Friendship
Number of words: 615 - Number of pages: 3.... utility. This is a friendship in which both parties become involved with each other for their own personal benefit. An example would be a working relationship with an individual. These are people who do not spend much time together, possibly because they do not like each other, and therefore feel no need to associate with one another unless they are mutually useful. They take pleasure from each other’s company just for their own sake. Aristotle uses the elderly and foreigners as examples of friendships based on utility.
The second type of friendship is a friendship based on pleasure. .....
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Interpersonal Communication In
Number of words: 2182 - Number of pages: 8.... has not used the correct communication patterns needed to sustain their relationship. In some way, each of them has notevaluated their partner carefully enough to ensure that this chosen individual is, in fact, truly their life long partner. By no means, is this the sole reason for divorce, but it certainly plays an enormous role. In fact, no one could ever pinpoint the exaact cause of divorce since each situation is unighu and is usually quite complicated. However, it would be unreasonable not to believe that interpersonal communication does not play an integral part in marital satisfa .....
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Who Benefits From Higher Education?
Number of words: 1417 - Number of pages: 6.... that might show further inequalities in higher education such as: Single Parent, Nuclear Families verses Traditional Tight Nit Families. The author mentions class and socioeconomic factors, but I would strongly disagree. Demographics play a larger role resulting in inequality in post secondary schools. Finally, the authors failed to mention the youth psychology and attitude towards education, which is the root of the problem why we see such an unequal distribution of ethnic representation, gender, and various economic backgrounds in University or Colleges. After extensive research .....
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Modern Americans Vs. Puritans
Number of words: 758 - Number of pages: 3.... today’s society is taught to lie. Lying is a big part of today’s society, and the Puritans would not have liked that very much. They would have been rather upset.
The Puritans believed that self-reliance was a key to a successful life. They believed that if everyone took care of themselves, there would be no problems. Relying on someone else is very risky. What if they do not pull through? What if they leave you high and dry? What are you going to do now? If they relied on themselves, their life would be in their own hands and they would be in control. In modern America, though .....
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Aggressive Behavior Equals Man
Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3.... of scrimmage aggressively, or he will be tackled in the backfield. Defensive players must be aggressive also, so that they can make tackles.
Basketball is another athletic event that rewards aggressive behavior. Although basketball seems harmless, it is a sport that requires a tremendous amount of aggressive behavior. When I was younger, before basketball game I would always get a pep talk from my dad. He would tell me to be aggressive and to take the ball inside. He always told me to play tough, work hard for rebound, play good defense, and when somebody came into the paint make them p .....
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Extra-Terrestrial Civilizations
Number of words: 1080 - Number of pages: 4.... (1792-1871), Herschel was interested in life on other
planets, so he went to South Africa with decent equipment. But what he saw
was not what he wrote, when he returned to New York he made up a story
about seeing men with flaps over there eyes to shield them form the
brightness which the Moon gave off. He told of rivers and lakes and green
everywhere, that story had made the Sun the best-selling newspaper for a
month, but was soon revoked when a famous astronomer noted no such thing as
life because of the "Airlessness" of the Moon.
After a few years, past the first man on the Moo .....
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The Absurd And Camus
Number of words: 346 - Number of pages: 2.... into this world and the outcome is death, pure and simple. There is only life before and nothing beyond. And yet, this absence of explanation is not, in itself, the idea of the Absurd.
"What is absurd is the confrontation between the sense of the irrational and the overwhelming desire for clarity which resounds in the depths of man."
The Absurd is thus a pointless quest for meaning in a universe devoid of purpose. It is a totally human foible and, once again, only defines the begining of the questioning of existence. Coming to terms with the Absurd is what essentially concerns Camus, b .....
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Otto Van Bismarck And State So
Number of words: 528 - Number of pages: 2.... and the dual alliance. Because Germany was in the center of Europe, it had powerful neighbors along its borders. Germany did not want to fight against Russia and France at the same time, and fights two battlefronts could lead to the destruction of Germany. France alone had no immediate threat, but if, by chance, it formed an alliance, Germany would be in grave danger. To prevent this, Bismarck sought out two other countries ~ Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary, to make the three emperor’s league. As well, the dual alliance made in 1879 proved to be another point where Bisma .....
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Number of words: 1891 - Number of pages: 7.... of censorship. Laws prohibiting obscenity and indecency have been successfully incorporated and public sentiment has historically served to curtail the over-zealous journalist. However the moral fiber of society has degenerated from its once prim and proper past, and the press now vulgarly oversteps the boundaries of decency with little retribution. In the words of Chief Justice Warren Burger, “The First Amendment should not be interpreted to include the protection of frivolous gossip that “lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value” (Grolier Encyclopedia .....
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